Morning Meanderings… Judith from Leswammes’ Blog – The Books Worth Looking At Again


Hello!  Judith from Leswammes’ Blog here, sitting in at Book Journey. Well, let’s have a look…snoop…snoop… Sheila’s got SO many posts on her blog; how many books has she read? And it’s not just about books; she seems to live the life of two people, always so busy!

Although I’ve never met her, through her posts I’ve got the feeling I know Sheila a bit. And I’m happy to look after her books blog, while she is away (did you know she has a room full of books, a personal library? Wow indeed!).

Ah here, look: The Summerhouse by Jude Deveraux. This is one of Sheila’s favorite books and her post about it made me want to read it, too.  It’s a great book about what-ifs: what if you could change your past? What would your current life be like? I loved the stories of the three friends who all go back to their pasts. A great idea for a story. Here is my review.


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Oh, and look at this: The Passage by Justin Cronin. I loved that book (my review), and so did Sheila. Yes, I’m not really one for vampires, but this was such a great, epic read! We both didn’t love the sequel, The Twelve, quite so much (in fact, I didn’t even finish it while Sheila still enjoyed it).
Yeah, Sheila’s got good taste! We ‘met’ through her “It’s Monday” meme, more than four years ago (closer to five!!). Through this meme, I got to know a large part of the blogging universe. It’s a great meme for a starting blogger to meet up with new bloggers, but also for established bloggers to see what their blogging friends are up to.

But I really lve Book Journey because of the Morning Meanderings. I’m amazed how Sheila can find time to post about her life almost every morning (and have a life interesting enough to write about every day!).

Could you fill a blog post every day about your life? I could, but only if I copied the same post on most days.  What about you: Are your days groundhog days or Sheila days?




25 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Judith from Leswammes’ Blog – The Books Worth Looking At Again

  1. Very nice post. Mine won’t be as creative!!

    I have groundhog days!! 🙂 Nothing exciting here.

    ENJOY your day, Judith. It snowed here last night and is 14 degrees. BRRRRRR.

    USA Book Giveaway going on at my blog if anyone wants to stop. It is for The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect.

    I am leaving my blog link since the post link goes to my inactive WordPress Blog.

    Have a great day!!

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Blog

  2. Thanks for filling in for Sheila while she’s away on that fabulous trip, Judith. Sometimes she makes me tired just hearing about all her activities – amazing! I’m a fan of THE SUMMERHOUSE too. Read it years ago and thought it was quite an interesting concept. And me, definitely an unexciting little groundhog.

  3. I always find great books to read every time I visit Sheila’s blog! You’re right that she seems to live the life of two people. She gets so much done. But I think her secret is that she is a well-rounded person. She gets out and exercises, gets involved in her community, makes great connections and reads books. Way to go Sheila!

    Thanks Judith for your interesting post!

  4. OK, that was a fun post to read 🙂 I haven’t read those books though. I’m more of a kidlit person. And, you know, I often wonder how Sheila fits so much in. Obviously she’s got a strong body and a lot of energy. She’s blessed 🙂 My life used to be more hectic in the physical/running my butt off way. Now I’m busier indoor and honestly—burnt out.

    I love reading about Sheila’s adventures though, as we all do! 🙂

    And I see you live in the Netherlands, Judith! I’m outside NYC. Here we’ve got about 21 degrees at the moment. We expect about 18 tonight, then 5 tomorrow night. This is the coldest it’s been so far, and fortunately the snow was powdery. Wonder what’s comin’ though!

    Great post, Judith! Thank you 🙂

  5. Landed in Sydney and currently in hotel. Se are all taking a break before we head out again…. 15 hour flights.. YUCK. Anyhoo, love this post! I chuckled when you asked abut Sheila Days and Groundhog days… I have both. There are many days I just want to stay home with a book and maybe a movie and do nothing else 😉 I like to believe there is both in all of us 😀 Thanks everyone for popping in and reading Judith’s awesome post… more to come 😉

  6. Definitely mostly groundhog days! Okay you both have interested me in The Summerhouse, so I am off to track it down.

  7. I loved The Passage, and finally got around to reading The Twelve last week. The review for it, just went up today actually. I know she loves The Summerhouse. She did a guest post for my Favorite Fictional Character feature, and that was the character she picked.

  8. I believe my days are more like groundhog days, but that’s okay with me. I like doing the same thing over and over again. Glad to have people like Sheila though, to keep the world going round! Great guest post!

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