About Me

May 2017…. learning to Shine.

Update:  April of 2024:  As I begin to connect more on writing reviews again, I opened up this page to update, however reading through what I wrote all those years ago… honestly still remains true.
What has changed?
I am now an Event Coordinator (which is my love language!) and LOVE what I do – connecting with people, hearing their vision, as well as creating local events for fundraising efforts or – just for fun….
CLUE Event
Wine and Words
Stride and Seek
Murder In Wonderland
And stay tuned…. dreaming a little dream about a book related event for spring 2025

I now have two rescue dogs, a granddaughter (what?????) and work mostly from my home office.  Who would have thought….
So, anyhoo… on to the original information below.

Hi all!  My name is Sheila.  I am a book lover, a bike enthusiast, runner, hiker, and adventure seeker.

I live in Central Minnesota.  No I don’t say “ayyyyy” or “you betcha”…. unless I am being sarcastic.  Which NEVER happens.  Ok.. maybe sometimes. 😉

I believe in Living Life To The Fullest, laughing until my sides hurt, making time for family and friends, working hard and playing hard, team sports, stretching myself to the limit, saying yes whenever I can, books that make me think and books that make me feel, if you are going for the ice cream cone – GO BIG, bucket lists, doing something new each day, believing in your dreams, reading in the sunshine, playing in the rain, the magical powers of CHOCOLATE, finding the opportunities in everything, learning something new, and making memories every chance I can.

I am a lifetime bookaholic and proud of it.  I added audio to the mix about 6 years ago and have never looked back.  You will find in most cases I review more audio than books and I always have an audio book going on my phone and in my car.


39 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Girl! What a fun cooincidece that we sat at Table 7, then ran into each other at the Shipping department and you know my cousin! Can’t wait to catch up on your blog. Stay in touch!


  2. Hi, Sheila;

    I’m Laurie. I have a new book blog, and am wondering if the It’s Monday link list is by invitation, or if anyone can join it. My blog has been going less than a month, although I’ve been review books on Amazon, Good Reads and Library thing for several years now.


  3. Hi Sheila, I came across your blog from Shelleyrae over at Book’d Out as I wanted to check out the It’s Monday what are you reading meme which looks like fun! . I have a new book review blog if you get a chance to come over and take a look. http://daystarz.wordpress.com
    Cheers from Australia -Jennie

  4. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post ‘The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult’. You have an awesome blog here. I found your privacy policy interesting. I never thought to have one, since I have (to my knowledge) absolutely no control over what info is collected, where it is stored etc.

    1. Thanks! I couldnt find a place to comment on your post but I really enjoyed The Tenth Circle when I read it. I made the review policy after other book bloggers who were more established than me a few years back said it was important. Its always nice to fall back on when you are offered a book that is really out of your genre like, or if you are being pressured about when you are going to read a specific book 😀

  5. Hi Sheila! I just found your blog today and have enjoyed reading some of your posts. I love the idea of your Monday what are you reading posts – what a great way to discover new books! Tamara

  6. Hi Sheila, just found your blog today, and it appears you have been around for awhile with that many followers. this winter was the opportunity to read many books, here in central MN also, closer to St. cloud.

  7. I love reading your blog. Have you ever thought about featuring a multitouch iBook? I think multitouch ibooks are an important topic for discussion as they are still relatively new and their storytelling potential hasn’t been fully explored yet. You can check out the book trailer for my multitouch iBook athe Sword of Air now available on the iBooks store at. Sword of Air Book Trailer – YouTube
    Video for youtube sword of air► 1:54► 1:54
    I would love to hear your thoughts and hope you drop by my site http://www.swordofair.net soon. Take care. Rae.

  8. Sheila – When I didn’t see you on the blog for several days I was concerned. I went searching and found the tragic news on Facebook which I do not use that much. I am not a friend with you there so I can not express my deepest sympathies. I cannot imagine your pain. My heart and prayers are with you and your family. I wish I could share something that could ease the pain. Perhaps you can find some comfort from some of the quotes shared on this page: https://www.pinterest.com/thecomfortco/comforting-sympathy-and-grief-quotes/

Hmmmm... what do you think?