It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hey there!  Welcome to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. Fair warning… this meme tends to add to your reading list!

What a week!  Back from the expo, worked in my new office, first Author event of the summer at the library, a movie, a blogiversary,  prepping for camp, and I leave tomorrow for camp for the week.

whew 3

This has been a whirlwind week on the blog as well… here is what I posted here:

Faces On Book Covers – Like or Dislike?

Brown Bag Author Event – Nathan Jorgenson

Blogger Con at the expo

FACE OFF – super cool multi author book where protagonists face off against one another!

Harper Collins at The Book expo

BEA Author Breakfasts

Delicious by Ruth Reichl – do not miss this one!

The 5 Year Blogiversary party!

The Fault In Our Stars Movie – SSQQQQUUUEEEE!!!

YA not For Adults?  Grrrrr….


Yeah… my week has been like that.  😀

This next week I will be putting a lot of focus on Audiobook month – I am excited about it and I have some narrators working with me to share with you the full audio experience.  Stay tune… giveaways too.

As for what I am planning for this week:


For my ears:



Summer, 1926. Ernest Hemingway and his wife, Hadley, take refuge from the blazing heat of Paris in a villa in the south of France. They swim and play bridge, and drink gin with abandon. But wherever they go they are accompanied by the glamorous and irrepressible Fife. Fife is Hadley’s best friend. She is also Ernest’s lover. Hadley is the first Mrs. Hemingway, but neither she nor Fife will be the last. Each Mrs. Hemingway thought their love would last forever; each one was wrong.

Narrated by Hemingway’s four wives – Hadley, Fife, Martha, and Mary – and peopled with members of the fabled “Lost Generation” – including Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and F. Scott Fitzgerald – Mrs. Hemingway paints a complex portrait of the man behind the legend and the women behind the man, a riveting tale of passion, love, and heartbreak.





Rachel Wiltshire has everything she’s ever wanted: a close group of friends, a handsome boyfriend, and acceptance to the journalism program at her top-choice college. But one fateful evening, tragedy tears her world apart.

Five years later, Rachel returns home for the first time to celebrate her best friend’s wedding. Still coping with her grief, she can’t stop thinking about the bright future she almost had, if only that one night had gone differently. But when a sudden fall lands her in the hospital, Rachel wakes to find that her life has completely changed. Now the people she loves most are not the way she remembers them. Unable to trust her own recollections, Rachel tries to piece together what really happened, and not even she can predict the astonishing truth.


For my Eyes:


Shadowhunters and demons square off for the final showdown in the spellbinding, seductive conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

Darkness has descended on the Shadowhunter world. Chaos and destruction overwhelm the Nephilim as Clary, Jace, Simon, and their friends band together to fight the greatest evil they have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell. Nothing in this world can defeat Sebastian—but if they journey to the realm of demons, they just might have a chance…

Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world will change. Who will survive the explosive sixth and final installment of the Mortal Instruments series?


I dont know how much I will get done being gone all week… but hopefully a little reading time 😀

How about you?  How was your reading this past week?  What is on deck for this week?  Please share your Monday What Are You Reading posts below where it says click here:

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32 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Wow – You really had a busy, busy week. Happy belated Blogoversary from me too. I guess I have one coming up soon too but my reminder lost its date.
    Have a great week!

  2. I will be interested to see what you think of Then and Always. Congratulations on a 5 year blogoversary and all that you have achieved in that time.

  3. I don’t do well with Audio books. Would like to do better. I did know about Audio month. I have a cd with African American poems on it. It came from the library. I might have a couple more….They’re great to hear in a car, but in a house, they put me to sleep. I have to hit replay again and again. I have an MP3. Have no idea what to do with it. Maybe it’s time to learn.(: Luv your books. I can’t imagine how you keep going. I’m guessing you love what you’re doing. Bye.

  4. SO curious how Mrs. Hemingway will be in audio. It’s one of my favorite books so far this year (the writing is just gorgeous) and I wonder if they’ll have different voices for the different wives.

  5. I picked up Mrs. Hemingway and Then and Always for myself this week. Don’t know when I’ll get to them though! And congrats on the blogoversary.

  6. You’ve had a busy blogging week! I missed checking out your review of DELICIOUS which I saw on several other blogs as well. I just realized this is audiobook month and I haven’t listened to any audios. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Wow! That was a busy week you had. Off to check some of your posts….

    Have a great week at camp!

  8. Lol…I love your thoughts about the Hemingways being a “hot mess.” You are probably spot on with that one…i always worry about all those cats in the Keys…oh my!

  9. Sheila, congrats on the 5 years! I finished We Were Liars… after my dinner party tonight I need to find your review. I have so much to say about this one (nothing bad, just a lot to say). If memory serves you loved it, I’m not sure how I feel but wish there was an epilogue.

  10. Wow, you have been busy. I have too, wrote my “What are you reading” post on Sunday night with the expectation of getting up early Monday to post it to you blog and ooops I was running late!. So better late, than not at all! Looking forward to your next 5 years. Happy Blogiversary.

Hmmmm... what do you think?