None Of This Is true by Lisa Jewell

An adventure of twists and turns and rights and lefts… never knowing what is going to happen next – but in a good way. A very good way. ~ Sheila

Popular Podcaster, Alix Summers meets Josie Fair while out celebrating her birthday. Turns out, it is Josie’s birthday too. A few days later, the two women find each other again and Alix in intrigued by this mysterious woman who showed up with a matching birthday. Josie, who has been listening to Alix’s podcasts feels she would be a great subject to be interviewed as she has an interesting life story. Intrigues, Alix agrees – calling the podcast, “Birthday Twins” and sharing with her fans the story of how she and Josie met.

As the two women dig into the podcasts, Alix finds that not only is Josie’s retelling of her life story interesting – it is down right shocking. Married to a much older man when Josie was only 16, Alix finds herself thinking of words like – pedophile, groomer, and rapist – and truly begins to worry about Josie.

As the two women create some sort of friendship, the unthinkable happens to Josie and the only place she feels she can turn is to Alix… and Alix, dealing with her own troubles in her marriage, feels that she has no choice…. not knowing – this would be the beginning of the end and her podcast was about to be introduced to a new and darker theme. Darker than anyone seen coming.

My gosh it has been a long time since I have read Lisa Jewell and after reading (well listening to) this, I wonder what has taken me so long to return to this incredible author. The story line held me, and while at first the breaks in the narration by the podcast felt odd… the style of reading grew on me and actually ended with me thinking if was pretty brilliant to put the audio version together this way.

I actually really enjoyed this dark read and feel those who enjoy a good twisted story would find this one interesting. I use the word dark in my description as topics of child rape/neglect, as well as abuse are themed throughout the book.

Starter Villain by John Scalzi

If a book could be saved by narration, Will Wheaton would be the one to do. Sadly, not even Will could save this book for me. ~Sheila

Charlie was stuck. A divorced, substitute teacher, living in a house that belonged to his recently deceased dad because he can not afford other options, with a cat that honestly – followed him home one day, and in Charlie’s opinion – the cat just decided this was home.

When a rich and eccentric uncle passes away that Charlie barely knows – he is surprised to find that this uncle has a plan for him that includes an interesting inheritance. But all inheritances… are not awesome and Charlie finds himself in a strange world he never knew existed in a leadership role he could have never made up in his wildest dreams.

Full disclosure – I chose this book because I noticed that Will Wheaton was the narrator. And to continue with this line of honesty, I was intrigued in the beginning as it had the essence of Ready Player One (also narrated by Will Wheaton). It started with a guy down on his luck and about as low as one could go… and then… a crazy guy dies who has more money than he knew what to do with and said loser… er, protagonist, has the opportunity to change his life, and of course the amazing Will Wheaton narrating in the way that has made me a mega fan of his work.

Sadly – the similarities end there. The book gets weird. There are smart-talking cats and mega Villains, and as mentioned – reading other reviews, I am clearly one of the few who didn’t laugh out loud or feel this was brilliant.
That’s ok – they can not all be winners. If you have read this one I would love to hear other opinions. I only finished this because of the narrator.

Beneath the Surface by Kaira Rouda

-Had a bit of trouble putting this one down… way to go Kaira! ~Sheila

An invite to be aboard a grand yacht.

A weekend like no other.

Dress code: Yacht Fabulous

What could possibly go wrong?

Richard Kingsley is about to make some big decisions. Life has been good, he has made his fortune through his company, has had 5 wives, and now , with Serena his 5th wife, has purchased an incredible yacht with all the bells and whistles (far bigger than his brothers) and has invited his adult children and spouses aboard to talk about the future.

The thing is, none of the siblings know the others are coming. With no love lost between the two brothers, John and Ted, are both hoping the person to take the helm of the company will be them. They both need this for separate reasons… when half sister Sibley shows up in extraordinary fashion, Richard is delighted to see the sparks fly between his children… after all, he does enjoy competion.

Of course, there is always something lurking beneath the surface….

Honestly – WOW. I love a book that grabs you right from the start and Beneath The Surface did just that. I loved the invite in the front of the book inviting us all aboard the Splendid Seas for the weekend. I really felt as though I had joined this family as secrets rolled around the waves, jealousy, competition and truths surface. I enjoyed the chapters named after who was thinking and plotting – honestly I hated to step away from the book and could not wait to see what would happen and how we would get there.

Kaira Rouda has never disappointed me, every book I have read of hers has been a WOW and its always exciting to see what she will do next. It was fun to finish this book on a ferry to Key West… surrounded by water, turning page after page and leaving me with an audible “Whoa”.

Also reviewed:

Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda

The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda

What Happened To The Bennetts by Lisa Scottoline

“Imagine when the absolute worst things happens…. and the its topped with the unthinkable all in one swift blink of the eye.” ~ Its like that. ~Sheila

The unthinkable happens when Jason Bennett and his family are driving home after his daughter’s lacrosse game. On a dark road, a car begins to tailgate them and eventually force them to pull over. They want the Bennett’s car and even though the family cooperates with the demand, things go terribly wrong when shots are fired. 
While the family is still reeling – later that same night the FBI arrives at their door giving them the news that the carjackers were members of a serious drug trafficking organization and due to what had happened they were no longer safe in their home and must leave immediately and be a part of the witness protection program.

This program however was designed to protect criminal informants, not law-abiding families in good standing in their community. As what happened is covered up, the neighbors, co-workers and the kid’s friends are all wondering – what happened to the Bennetts?

I have not read Lisa Scottoline in quite some time and this book caught my attention with a topic I do not believe I have ever read about.  I enjoyed this book immensely and it certainly took me through a gamut of emotions. Well paced, and well thought out – recommended for those who like a good mystery.

I listened to this one mostly while working on puzzles (tis the season). I do love a good cold weather puzzle cozied up in the house listening to a good book.

Face The Fire by Nora Roberts

“as this trilogy comes to a conclusion, I once again find myself wishing there was a Three Sisters Island and wondering where they would all be today….” ~Sheila

Mia Devlin has been satisfied with the life she has made for herself on Three Sisters Island. With the addition of Nel completing the circle, and Ripley slowly coming around although their friendship is still a bit out of sorts, Mia can honestly say she would be fine to live out her days running her book store, stopping in and visiting her friends and their now husbands and calling it a good life.
Then, as though through a twist of fate, Sam Logan returns to Three Sisters to tend to his fathers (now his) hotel, and make amends with the woman who’s heart he broke all those years ago.

Mia will not be so easily swayed again – and with darkness coming, she and her sisters need to be focused on preparations that will very well decide the fate of not only the Island but the sisters themselves – and what possible help could Sam Logan be other than a distraction?

The final book of this beloved trilogy is complete. I am glad I did it. It was a wonderful revisit to characters I love checking all the boxes of things I enjoy in a good read:

Strong female characters
A well flowing story line

A bit of a magical element

If you have not read this trilogy, I recommend you do. Note that these are older books and may not carry all the bells and whistles of more modern reads – however for a good slight romance/mystery/women’s lit – I hope you give them a try.

Heaven and Earth by Nora Roberts

“The Second Book in the Trilogy, while not my favorite of the three, you definitely need this story to get from the beginning – to the end… ~Sheila

Ripley loves to keep her life simple. She has her morning run, coffee stop, and job as a Deputy of Three Sisters Island. With a glass of wine at night (or two…) life was all bundled up neatly and that was the way you like it.

Toss in that a geeky – yet hot – guy is staying on the island looking for the magical history and secrets that the island holds… Ripley is putting her off her lunch. 

Yet fight as she may, some facts are just that and they cannot be changed. While Ripley is strongly against all the magical hoopty-do (my word) and her so-called part in – she will never turn her back on family – or a friend… and in there, lies the rub.

Out of the three books in this trilogy, Heaven and Earth is my least favorite. While Nel, book one, comes in to the story all destroyed from life and looking for a quiet existence, and I enjoy reading of her rebound and strength as she finds who she really is and where she is meant to be; Mia (book three) is all strong and assure of who she is and what she wants (honestly one of my all time favorite non fictions characters), Ripley falls somewhere in the middle. For me, I think it is the EXTRA romance in this particular book – I have never been a romance reader. Its also a bit more technical when Mac enters the series, looking to discover the magic of the island with his gadgets and reading and spreadsheets. 

While I may grumble….. you still very much need this book as it links the sisters in ways that they need to for what is to come. As the three sisters learn how their posers work – and more importantly how they work together.

For a January re-read, this series is a comfort reading. The characters are like old friends and if Three Sisters did exist – with that book store and upstairs cafe with a magical twist…in another life I may have very well called such a place…. home.

Dance Upon The Air by Nora Roberts

Yes, this is a re-read. No… I don’t care. I adore this trilogy of magical strong female protagonists. Revisiting this book is like visiting with old friends. ~Sheila

After an abusive marriage leaves her with nothing to lose, drastic measures are taken and Nel finds herself starting over with a new name and hopefully a new change in life on Three Sisters Island. Falling in love with the quaint town, easygoing residents, and a job that is custom fit for her, Nel begins to relax and feels she can finally say she has found her home.

Yet a darkness is coming, Mia, the beautiful Book Store and Cafe owner with magical skills feels it, and Ripley, the Sheriff’s sister with her own magic abilities (even if she denies it) feels something is coming as well. 
What steps will need to be taken to keep Nel safe, and what magical forces that surround not only the island, but the three women as well. 

Probably my third time through this series. Possibly four. I do not typically re-read books unless something magical happened in them … and to me by reading them. Honestly the re-read shelf is small…
Harry Potter Series – yes, falls into that category (although it has been YEARS since I have read this whole series)
Summerhouse by Jude Deveroux is another one…. (looking at the archives here looks liek I have read that one 4 times as well)

Interestingly enough… all of these books have a couple things in common: Strong Characters, and some sort of magic. Hmmm….. I have a type…

For those of you new to the book/trilogy… I am not a fan of many of Nora Roberts’s books but this trilogy – HIGHLY recommended. If you like strong female protagonists, a little romance, a little magic/ suspended belief – I encourage you to give this a try. 
Reading it again, it was still just as good as the first time. 

The Mostly True Story Of Tanner and Louise by Colleen Oakley

“A road trip of discovery and friendship building, a mild, enjoyable ride”. ~ Sheila

When 21 year old Tanner Quimbley suffers an injury that ends her dream, she turns into a recluse, living in her parents home, holed up in her room playing video games. At about the time that Tanner’s mother has had enough of her “Failure to Launch” daughter; 83 year old Louise Wilt slips on the rug in her home and her daughter insists she has someone stay with her. 

What starts out is a win-win for all involved…. Tanner moves out of her parents and takes a room in Louise’s home, still playing her videos games and only showing her face when she drives Loise to an appointment or the store, and Louise still loving her independence and enjoying her crossword puzzles and self appointed happy hour. 

Yet in a short time, Louise’s occasionally strange behavior has Tanners attention, and when a news report flashes an artists rendition of what the mastermind behind a jewelry heist from years ago looks strangely like the woman she is carrying for…

Tanner is about to realize that her ward has a little more to her than what meets the eye, and for that matter…. so does Tanner.

I listened to this book on audio while painting the front room to my home… for the record, it is Sherwin Williams, Peppercorn (I love paint names!)

This book was selected by the Bookies Book Club for our January read. I personally found the book to be enjoyable, but light. It’s a good smooth story that is both heartwarming and interesting, but there is no big wild happening, and I questioned what our book club would discuss. In a word… it was fun and on a scale of 1 – 5 I gave it a 3, an average read.

While my rating for the book was a 3, the Bookies discussion was a 5. We had a great discussion around friendships and shared some stories of first impressions (and being wrong ;P ), as well as friendships that survive the test of time – and where age does not matter. 

The Bookies, for the most part gave the book a higher rating than I did, giving it an above average rating over all.

Would I recommend this book? Yes. If you are looking for something easy to get into and enjoyable all around – pick up The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise.

Presenting The First Books of 2024

Thank you to everyone who sent in a picture for First Book! For such a tipsy turny event this year, I am thrilled to see all the First Books! Below the Photos you will find the book list. While perusing through these great ready – be on the look out for authors – Heather Gudenkauf, Randy Sue Meyers, Lorna Landvik, Cary Griffith, Jill Hannah Anderson, and Fiona Davis who shared the book they are starting the New Year as well.
If you find me… you will see I went old school. There is something about the New year that makes me want to re-read an old favorite that brings back the warm fuzzies I had when I first read it. Books… make memories…
I hope your year is filled with great reads and amazing adventures.

Happy 2024.