The Inmate by Freida McFadden

McFadden has a way with creating a twist time and again that you think you know what’s going to happen…. but you really have no idea. ~Sheila

Brooke Sullivan is still wondering if taking the job as Nurse Practitioner at the Men’s Maximum Security Prison was the right decision. Sure, it was going to pay the bills, and it is going to help to build a better life for herself and her 10 year old son….
But old memories resurface when she runs into an old friend from school. Not only do they share a past, but they also share the night that Brooke was almost killed by her boyfriend, who just so happens to be in the very prison that Brooke is now working.

Yes… I have been on a McFadden kick. This is the 3rd one this month and this one, only because I realized I had already downloaded it and you know… why not? This one may be my least favorite of the three. Brooke’s decision to work where the man who attempted to kill her as well as be in situations where they are in a room together doesn’t fit for me. Too many things we have to suspend disbelief
1) This Maximum Security Prison did not do a back ground check on Brooke’s past? Wouldn’t knowing an inmate personally and in this way be a deal breaker?
2) Brooke’s consistent naivety in trusting and making poor decisions
3) Shane was put in prison when Brooke could not even identify him – she claims several times she never saw her attacker

Throughout this whole book I felt that the author was being too predictable…. I was sure I had the answer and was just waiting to hear how it would all come together… and then…

I was McFaddened.
The way this book came together was a WHOA….. wait… WHAT???? The ending was actually pretty crazy and I had no idea.
While an impressive ending, even right up to the end Brooke was making crazy half assumptions and I just… could not.

I will most likely read this author again. At Book Club last night several of the girls had read others by her and we overall found her books to be engaging, entertaining, and average reads.

The Co Worker by Frieda McFadden

Enjoyably twisted…. just the way I like them. ~Sheila

Dawn Schiff is high level functioning autistic (IMO). She does her job well. She is beyond punctual. She has a love of turtles. She notices things others wish she wouldn’t. She struggles with friendships of any kind.

When the day comes that Dawn does not arrive at work with no phone call stating she is ill… co worker Natalie Farrell is quick to notice and find it odd. As clues begin to fall into place – a startling realization does as well… Dawn has met with foul play – and there are more than a few clues that point right at Natalie and its up to Natalie to clear her name – if she can.

This is my second book I have read by McFadden. Honestly, I read it right after my first book by her (The Teacher) which I read for book club and wanted a more well rounded idea of who McFadden is as an author, rather than basing my opinion on one book.

I believe, while the writing style is similar and I get a real sense of her style of twists and turns, I like this one a bit more than the previous one. Perhaps the subject matter was a little more user-friendly… and of course, my personal opinion. The Co-Worker was a good read with plenty of happenings and twists to keep me guessing until the end. Definitely a lighter mystery, it never felt dark or made me think too hard or struggle to keep track of the main characters.

Enjoyable? yes
Size? About perfect – on audio I like a good 7 to 11-hour commitment unless I know I am in for a real treat and then I am happy to go longer. Book size – standard.

Recommended? McFadden feels like an author everyone should give a try. I have seen a lot of positive thoughts on her books from fellow readers.

None Of This Is true by Lisa Jewell

An adventure of twists and turns and rights and lefts… never knowing what is going to happen next – but in a good way. A very good way. ~ Sheila

Popular Podcaster, Alix Summers meets Josie Fair while out celebrating her birthday. Turns out, it is Josie’s birthday too. A few days later, the two women find each other again and Alix in intrigued by this mysterious woman who showed up with a matching birthday. Josie, who has been listening to Alix’s podcasts feels she would be a great subject to be interviewed as she has an interesting life story. Intrigues, Alix agrees – calling the podcast, “Birthday Twins” and sharing with her fans the story of how she and Josie met.

As the two women dig into the podcasts, Alix finds that not only is Josie’s retelling of her life story interesting – it is down right shocking. Married to a much older man when Josie was only 16, Alix finds herself thinking of words like – pedophile, groomer, and rapist – and truly begins to worry about Josie.

As the two women create some sort of friendship, the unthinkable happens to Josie and the only place she feels she can turn is to Alix… and Alix, dealing with her own troubles in her marriage, feels that she has no choice…. not knowing – this would be the beginning of the end and her podcast was about to be introduced to a new and darker theme. Darker than anyone seen coming.

My gosh it has been a long time since I have read Lisa Jewell and after reading (well listening to) this, I wonder what has taken me so long to return to this incredible author. The story line held me, and while at first the breaks in the narration by the podcast felt odd… the style of reading grew on me and actually ended with me thinking if was pretty brilliant to put the audio version together this way.

I actually really enjoyed this dark read and feel those who enjoy a good twisted story would find this one interesting. I use the word dark in my description as topics of child rape/neglect, as well as abuse are themed throughout the book.

Beneath the Surface by Kaira Rouda

-Had a bit of trouble putting this one down… way to go Kaira! ~Sheila

An invite to be aboard a grand yacht.

A weekend like no other.

Dress code: Yacht Fabulous

What could possibly go wrong?

Richard Kingsley is about to make some big decisions. Life has been good, he has made his fortune through his company, has had 5 wives, and now , with Serena his 5th wife, has purchased an incredible yacht with all the bells and whistles (far bigger than his brothers) and has invited his adult children and spouses aboard to talk about the future.

The thing is, none of the siblings know the others are coming. With no love lost between the two brothers, John and Ted, are both hoping the person to take the helm of the company will be them. They both need this for separate reasons… when half sister Sibley shows up in extraordinary fashion, Richard is delighted to see the sparks fly between his children… after all, he does enjoy competion.

Of course, there is always something lurking beneath the surface….

Honestly – WOW. I love a book that grabs you right from the start and Beneath The Surface did just that. I loved the invite in the front of the book inviting us all aboard the Splendid Seas for the weekend. I really felt as though I had joined this family as secrets rolled around the waves, jealousy, competition and truths surface. I enjoyed the chapters named after who was thinking and plotting – honestly I hated to step away from the book and could not wait to see what would happen and how we would get there.

Kaira Rouda has never disappointed me, every book I have read of hers has been a WOW and its always exciting to see what she will do next. It was fun to finish this book on a ferry to Key West… surrounded by water, turning page after page and leaving me with an audible “Whoa”.

Also reviewed:

Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda

The Next Wife by Kaira Rouda