YOU Choose The Next Book I Read and Then You Win That Book!



Hey everyone!  Happy Sunday!  If you have been around here lately you know that:

  1.  There has not been a lot of action (I don’t like that)

  2. Our friends of the library just had their Fall booksale!  (I LOVE that!)


What I have done in past years is I post my book sale haul….  (do not judge me… I am a book-a-holic who justifies book purchases by believing there are worse things I can do with my time and money…. like being a crack dealer or a hit man)  See?  That said, book buying…. not so bad AND….

our book sales books are 50 cents each.

I know right????

Ok, so I am about to post my haul and you tell me in the comments which book you would love to read.  I will choose a winner by submitting comments into  If you win and it is a book I already read, I will send it to you right away.  If it is a book I have not read, I will read it next opportunity I have and then send it to you.  This is a fun way to have a giveaway and at the same time give me a gentle push to read the books I have purchased.

Please note the following pictures are my entire book sale haul.  Below each pic I will list titles (if any) that are not included in the giveaway, ones I wish to keep for my own collection.  I will choose a winner this coming Thursday morning and post in the Morning Meandering.  Please check back to see if you are a winner (I will also email the winner).


Fun Fact – both of the Elizabeth Gilbert books are signed by Elizabeth to her grandmother


Keeping: Scarlett and the Angels and Demons copy (which is a cool large book with illustrations)


Keeping: Wizard of Oz and 100 Banned Books




PicMonkey Collage

There they are!  Have fun choosing 🙂  To enter please leave in the comments the title of the book you would love to win and why.


You Choose My Next Read and You Win the Book!


Fall book sale is over so it is that time again!  Here I will show you the books that I picked up at the sale.  In the comments – tell me which of these books you would love to read.  On Friday I will choose a winner using and that is the book I will read this weekend and mail it out next week to the winner.

It’s fun… and two of us get to read something good!  🙂

Click to see a larger picture and the titles of the first few on the left


Click to see a larger picture

*Note the only ones not up for grab is the one standing to the left of the top pic, hat is a copy of Little Women and I wish to keep that one and The Great Gatsby book to be added to my classic collection.


Morning Meanderings.. The Making of A Library Book Sale


Happy Wednesday!  I have not had much blogesphere time this past couple of weeks as life has once again taken a turn to the busy… good busy so I am not complaining…. I just really wish I could do it all. 😀 

My work life is busy at this time… a lot of exciting things happening that is keeping me moving (more on that some day soon) and it seems that now we sort of had a taste of warmer weather, my energy level has risen as well and I am doing more home projects as well, oh and yes… the running has started for the year – I had a 7K last weekend and a 5K coming up this Saturday evening, a night run… my first and it should be fun.

The majority of my time this week though, is going to our spring Library sale.  I have been working hard on the brochure for Wine and Words this year, the tickets, and a brochure and logo for our Friends Of The Library group as well… all to reveal at the Spring Library sale where all bookish people gather.  The sale starts tomorrow (Thursday) morning.

The gathering of the books is a year-long process.  People are welcome and encouraged to bring in their gently used books for the sale as well as the library donated books that have been withdrawn from the library.  Twice a year, the Friends bring these books upstairs into the large conference room and sell them to raise money for our group which supports the libraries needs that the city budget does not cover.  We purchase additional copies of best sellers, provide snacks for two library books clubs, a family one and an adult one, we pay the movie license for the library, new books for the kids area, and recently we helped pay for tall wooden barista style chairs and tall tables to line up along the back window for additional seating. 

Just a small sample of what the basement looks like, and this is after about 50% of the books were brought up for the spring sale. The basement becomes wall to wall donated books, all separated by genre. Thank goodness for the amazing co-chairs of this event who work hard all year to keep this organized.

But… back to the sale.  The set up started on Monday morning when the books are brought to the room by local volunteers.  They have been sorted downstairs by genre, hard cover/soft cover, and premium (hot sellers and/or books that have been released within the last 3 years).  Kids books are a quarter, regular soft cover and hard cover are .50, and Premium are usually between $1 – $4. 

I went into the library on Monday to help with the set up and worked with the premium books.  I separated these books into piles according to year and another lady who is a co-chair of this sale prices them.  Occasionally you will get a box of pretty sweet books donated and this year it was a box of gamer books – hard cover rule books for games like Dungeons and Dragons, etc… that were marked with the store labels of selling anywhere from $35 to $104 each.  To the right person, these will be a real find. 

This is the beginning of the set up.. The back wall is all children’s books. The center picture is the premium table.

Today, I took most of the day off of work to go and help with the sale.  This is the final set up day and I will stay as long as it takes to be ready.  Tomorrow morning, I will be out waiting in the crowds to come in and shop the sale.  As part of the set up team I can shop it early, but I don’t want to.  I love the community of hanging outside with the rest of the book lovers and talking with them. It is a tradition and they know me by name because of it. 🙂

Does your local library have book sales?  I would love to hear about them!  How much are the books?  How do they set it up….