The Women by Kristin Hannah

Never… NEVER hesitate to read a book by Kristin Hannah ~Sheila

It’s 1965 and it is a changing world. Frankie McGrath is well aware of the Vietnam War. Her brother is serving and her father is proud of his son and all the men fighting their country. But Frankie can not just sit idly by, and when she finds her chance -to do something to join the Army Nurse Corp, she does not hesitate to make the decision that changes her life – for both better and for worse, forever.

I stand by my statement – if you only have room for one book this summer… this is the book. I don’t know why I hesitate when it comes to books that center around war… but I do. While I love a Kristin Hannah book, admittedly this theme gave me pause. It was a little buzz from friends (when did I become such a follower lol) that assured me it so much more than about war – that I dug in.

So – it is all about the Vietnam War… and it isn’t. It’s also about life after the war, and its also (refreshingly so) about the unsung heroes of the war, our medical team that patched up the boys, talked them through surgeries, lost limbs, minor to major bruises, and held their hands as they died. Going a step further – many of these people serving in the makeshift hospitals were women.

I flew through this book on audio – listening every chance I had – while cooking, cleaning, mowing the lawn, driving… it’s beautifully written with just the right amount of history sprinkled through to remind us of those who served, those who suffered, what it was like to return to a world that once was yours but now is different, and how we adjust and survive and not always in the most elegant ways.

HIGHLY recommended. Five Shiny Stars.

Other books I have reviewed by Kristin Hannah:

The Four Winds

Distant Shores

Mystic Lake

Home Front

Winter Garden

Between Sisters

Firefly Lane

8 thoughts on “The Women by Kristin Hannah

  1. I really enjoyed this book too! I feel like I learned about a different aspect of the Vietnam conflict, what it was like to come home, and there was romance. All good for me!

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