Morning Meanderings… Meeting Bloggers and Announcing a Winner


Good morning!  It is Friday!  To me that means the end of the week, coffee meet up, project clean up, letters to write, meetings to plan, a work out or two and considering what Easter will be like this year and what should I make….

Yesterday I had the privilege of being part of a round table discussion with the two main actors in the movie The Longest Ride, Scott Eastwood and Britt Robertson.  I am going to write about that interview tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk a bit about the other people who were at the round table with me.

Going into this “adventure”, I was not really sure who would be in the room.  Once I was there I seen it was a group of bloggers.  A good group of them were really young bloggers, some even in high school.  A couple (thankfully!) were closer to my age.

We went in the room with the actors and we were each allowed to ask one question – I will share with you tomorrow what I asked as I think it was a great question and an even better answer…  but that is…

another story.

After the interview time, I was speaking to the lady sitting next to me whose name is Ruth and she runs the blog flixchatter. We hit it off chatting about how thankful we were to see each other in a group of young(er) bloggers.  We exchanged cards and walked out of the Minneapolis hotel together chatting like old friends (you know how we bloggers are!)

Flixchatter. See what she is writing about. Tell her your friend Sheila sent you 🙂

Then… in the elevator on the way down there were a few of us from the interview and I asked them if they were bloggers.  (We really did not have a chance to say who we were , where we were from, or what we did).  They said yes, and Donna from handed me her card.  I did not really get a chance to chat with her as we were all on our way out, but I did check out her cool website this morning.  Her site is all books and movies, crafts and recipes, travel and giveaways.  It’s a site you can spend some serious time checking out.

And… my final mention of the morning is I have a winner for the giveaway package I had going for The Longest Ride.  Using the magic of this morning my winner is:

Christina T from Reading Extensively

3Congratulations to Christina!  She won the $25 Visa gift card, the coveted by me tote, and the book, The Longest Ride!  Email me your shipping information at and I will pass on your information to have that sent to you.  YAY!!!

My contest may be over but you can still enter this giveaway at Bermuda Onion and Booking Mama .

Have a super start to your weekend.  I am thrilled to have the morning to do some catching up as my morning commitment was postponed until next week.  It has been a while since I had a free morning and I am taking full advantage. 🙂

31 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Meeting Bloggers and Announcing a Winner

      1. I bet! I haven’t gotten to meet too many celebrities, but I did get to meet Julie Andrews once. It was like meeting the Queen. When it was over, I burst into tears. It was great lol.

  1. I’m really annoyed my phone won’t let me go back to add a period to that sentence, so let’s pretend I did, okay?

    1. Right…. its like we were blogging Jill before blogging was cool! LOL, although I think you have been blogging longer than me so you probably seen a time when there were even fewer bloggers. I started in June 2009. 😀

  2. I think it’s great that there are a lot of bloggers! I hope it means lots more people are reading.

  3. Hello Sheila!! Awwww how lovely of you to link to my blog, thank you so much!! I just connected w/ you on Twitter. I’ve always enjoyed meeting new bloggers, so hope we can meet up again in the future. Take care and have a blessed Easter weekend!

  4. Congrats to your lucky winner, Christina! I just entered Kathy’s giveaway for the prize package. I’m a big fan of Clint Eastwood ,and would probably enjoy Scott’s acting as well. Have a wonderful weekend, Sheila.

  5. I love going to things where I meet other bloggers but it’s been a while now. I’m cash-strapped at the moment but if that changes I must make an effort to get to something….

  6. The roundtable sounds like it was a lot of fun and a great experience! So jealous. I just recently met some bloggers face to face and it was so awesome! Kicking myself for not doing it sooner!

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