The Longest Ride Movie and SWEET Giveaway Package

The Longest Ride, Nicholas SParks, Book Journey, Give away

About the Film

Based on the bestselling novel by master storyteller Nicholas Sparks, THE LONGEST RIDE centers on the star-crossed love affair between Luke, a former champion bull rider looking to make a comeback, and Sophia, a college student who is about to embark upon her dream job in New York City’s art world.  As conflicting paths and ideals test their relationship, Sophia and Luke make an unexpected connection with Ira, whose memories of his own decades-long romance with his beloved wife deeply inspire the young couple.  Spanning generations and two intertwining love stories, THE LONGEST RIDE explores the challenges and infinite rewards of enduring love.

Starring: Britt Robertson, Scott Eastwood, Jack Huston, Oona Chaplin, and Alan Alda

Directed by: George Tillman, Jr.

Anyone else getting excited about this movie?  I sure am!  I have always enjoyed movies that originate from books!  Here is the trailer:

Thanks to Twentieth Century Fox I am able to give away one sweet package:

The Longesth Ride, Book Journey, Nicholas Sparks, Giveaway Package

One (1) winner receives:

  • $25 Visa gift card to see the film in theaters
  • Tote Bag
  • Copy of the book (movie tie-in book cover)


(I am LOVING that cool tote bag!)


You can enter this giveaway by:

1 entry:  Leave a comment letting me know what your favorite Nicholas Sparks book (or movie!) is and why.

2nd entry:  Tweet about this giveaway by copying and pasting the following into Twitter:

Enter to Win The Longest Ride movie gift card and gift package! @bookjourney #LongestRide


Winner will be chosen using and announced here on Friday April 3rd.


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117 thoughts on “The Longest Ride Movie and SWEET Giveaway Package

  1. I have only read his stuff sporadicaly…and i must be the only person on the planet who found the notebook..both movie and book…soppy. i did like the longest ride..couldnt figure out how the 2 stories would tie together..and who doesnt love a hot cowboy?:-)

  2. A Walk to Remember is my favorite! Every time it comes on TV I have to watch it, even though it leaves me sobbing at the end. Such a great movie!!

  3. I loved The Notebook, but Message in a Bottle ( the movie) was wonderful. My all time fav Spark’s book is Nights in Rodanthe

  4. I’m listening to The Longest Ride right now, and I’ve watched the movietrailer probably twenty times. The movie comes to Norway next month and I’m so looking forward to it. Of Nicholas Sparks’ other movies I love The Lucky One. I love it because they both had kind of a tough life, and ending up together was lucky for both of them 🙂

  5. I haven’t read any of the books yet but I’ve seen a couple of the movies. I think my favorites for The Notebook and Dear John. 🙂

  6. My favorite book by Nicholas Sparks will have to be, Message in a bottle because well it was an easy going book. Plus, she fell in love with a guy who wrote very loving letters, who wouldn’t fall in love with that? I read that book less than 3 days, it was that interesting And I couldn’t put that book down. I loved every single character And their roles. Not one disappointed me. The ending was beautiful And he saved people lives than his own, it was just beautiful. If I could read the book again, I absolutely would!

  7. My favorite book and movie of his are both A Walk to Remember. I remember watching the movie when I was in high school and just loving it and then I read the book in college and even though it was vastly different than the movie, I enjoyed it too!

  8. The only NS book I’ve read is called True Believer. It was really good, but not epic. My favorite movie is probably A Walk to Remember, though I loved the Notebook too (of course). I really hope this movie is good, but I’m not always impressed with what Hollywood does with Sparks’ stories, so let’s hope they handle this one well! 😀

  9. I have enjoyed all of the many Nicholas Sparks books and movies I have read and watched. Hard to pick a favorite when they all have been unique; well other than that they are all love stories. I am looking forward to the movie for The Longest Ride, the book was intriguing, as it keeps you wondering why and how the two stories intertwine.

  10. I have not read any of the books but I have watched all the movies and my favorite is Message in a Bottle, I loved the story and If I remember correctly this was the first romantic movie I watched that didn’t have a traditional “and they lived happily every after” ending

  11. My favorite Nicholas Sparks book is A Walk to Remember. I just loved the story and I liked the film version too. I usually prefer his books with happy endings (like Safe Haven) but this one just worked for me. I really liked the character of Jamie and how sweet she was and the way she changed Landon’s life.

    My favorite movie version of his books is The Last Song. That was in the days before Miley went crazy and I liked her acting as well as that of Greg Kinnear as her dad.

  12. I LOVED The Notebook b/c it was one of the most romantic and touching books I ever read. Movie-wise, I enjoyed Nights in Rodanthe.

    On another note, I was shocked to hear about Sparks’ separation from his wife. Somehow, one expects that an author who writes such romantic, touching novels would have a fairy tale marriage.

  13. My favorite book is nights of rodanthe I liked the simple story of it all. My favorite movie is the Notebook, great chemistry between the two actors.

  14. my favorite Nicholas Sparks movie is a Walk to Remember because it is such a cute story with a great message.

  15. The Notebook…it’s the greatest love story told dealing with a disease that affects so many people. It goes to show how deeply someone can love and be loved…in sickness and in health.

  16. Seriously this is my favorite book of his so far! I just finished reading “The Longest Ride” about 2 weeks ago. LOVED it!!

  17. Okay, I’m in! My favorite Nicholas Sparks book is— the Notebook. Why? It’s the story of a lasting love. My parents both passed away last year and I like to think of this story as their’s. Or a story just like it.

  18. I watched The Notebook with my mom during her last week on this earth and it had her in sweet, happy tears.

    Now that’s a good memory.

  19. The Notebook for sure. It makes me feel all the feels every single time I read or watch it (which is often!). It is so sweet and tender.

  20. I am going to be honest I loooove everything Nicholas Sparks I read as many of his books as I can as well as watch all of the movies I love the note book but then I love all the others two. Theres just so much love in them.

  21. My favorite Sparks book and movie will always be The Notebook because of the connection my two daughters and I have to it. We have all read it, and watched the movie multiple times. I will say the movie Safe Haven was another favorite.
    possible spoiler alert below… for folks who haven’t read The Notebook, stop reading now>>

    We first were attracted by the swoony scenes in the movie, but also my dad developed senile dementia before passing and we can relate to the final scenes in the movie on a gut level.

  22. My favourite book is Three Weeks With My Brother a memoir by Nicholas Sparks about a trip he takes with his brother Micah around the world. They go to very out-of-the-way exotic places that I would never travel to so it was a very fascinating read. I also learned a lot about him personally, for example, his struggles raising an autistic son. I loved how candid and open he is in this book., before the trip begins he has doubts about being gone so long and wants to cancel the trip but I’m so glad he didn’t! I highly recommend this book!

  23. I love Nicolas Sparks’ books and think that I’ve seen every movie made from them. That being said, I’m embarrassed to say I haven’t read The Longest Ride! The movie sounds good though! Hope you had a grand time at the Q&A!

  24. Do I have to choose? I have read many of his romance novels. The Notebook is very romantic and touching, and I also loved A Walk to Remember. I’ve enjoyed both very much, in book and movie form. Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway, Sheila! 🙂

  25. My favorite is a Walk To remember. Both book and movie. I think it was the first sparks’ book I read, so probably why it’s my favorite.

  26. I’m not a big romance viewer but The Notebook was very memorable. I want to see this one because of Scott Eastwood. I watched an interview about him that said he used a fake name for his first couple of auditions so his dad’s name wouldn’t influence their decision. I admire that plus WOW, he is very good looking.

  27. The Notebook. It’s special to me because it is about NC and I am born and raised there. Nick Sparks is my sisters next door neighbor, so I see him often out and about. He is very handsome.

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