It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hello!  Welcome to It’s Monday What Are You Reading?  The meme that we use to share what we read this past week and what our plans are for the upcoming week.  It’s a great way to see what others are reading and add to your own To Be Read list. 😀  You never know where that next great read may come from!

*whew*  It feels like I just wrote this post!  That was a fast week!  I had a few great meetings, finished some projects and managed to get in some reading too so I am feeling pretty balanced!  Here is what I posted this past week:


All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven – good stuff!


Meatless All Day by Taunton Press


Twisted Fate by Norah Olson – meh.


New Uses For Old Boyfriends by Beth Kendrick – fun read!


Pics of last weekends Polar Plungeyes me going in the icy water.


Descent by Tim Johnson (read this one for book club)


What Is You Reading Style?  ( a fun little chart to see where you land!)


Seemed like a good week and a mix of books and audio which is a nice change!  🙂  Here is what I am planning on this week:


For My Ears


Danger is hard to resist in this sexy thriller from Becca Fitzpatrick, the New York Times bestselling author of the Hush, Hush saga.

Brit Pheiffer has trained to backpack the Teton Range, but she isn’t prepared when her ex-boyfriend, who still haunts her every thought, wants to join her. Before Britt can explore her feelings for Calvin, an unexpected blizzard forces her to seek shelter in a remote cabin, accepting the hospitality of its two very handsome occupants—but these men are fugitives, and they take her hostage.

Britt is forced to guide the men off the mountain, and knows she must stay alive long enough for Calvin to find her. The task is made even more complicated when Britt finds chilling evidence of a series of murders that have taken place there…and in uncovering this, she may become the killer’s next target.

But nothing is as it seems, and everyone is keeping secrets, including Mason, one of her kidnappers. His kindness is confusing Britt. Is he an enemy? Or an ally?






Maddie Fynn is a shy high school junior, cursed with an eerie intuitive ability: she sees a series of unique digits hovering above the foreheads of each person she encounters. Her earliest memories are marked by these numbers, but it takes her father’s premature death for Maddie and her family to realize that these mysterious digits are actually death dates, and just like birthdays, everyone has one.

Forced by her alcoholic mother to use her ability to make extra money, Maddie identifies the quickly approaching death date of one client’s young son, but because her ability only allows her to see the when and not the how, she’s unable to offer any more insight. When the boy goes missing on that exact date, law enforcement turns to Maddie.

Soon, Maddie is entangled in a homicide investigation, and more young people disappear and are later found murdered. A suspect for the investigation, a target for the murderer, and attracting the attentions of a mysterious young admirer who may be connected to it all, Maddie’s whole existence is about to be turned upside down. Can she right things before it’s too late?



Did you know that your fast food fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach sprayed heavily with pesticides could be triggering your body to store fat? When we go to the supermarket, we trust that all our groceries are safe to eat. But much of what we’re putting into our bodies is either tainted with chemicals or processed in a way that makes us gain weight, feel sick, and age before our time.

Luckily, Vani Hari – aka the Food Babe – has got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it her life’s mission to educate the world about how to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel fabulous while doing it.



For My Eyes



In all her life, Eustacia “Taisy” Cleary has given her heart to only three men: her first love, Ben Ransom; her twin brother, Marcus; and Wilson Cleary—professor, inventor, philanderer, self-made millionaire, brilliant man, breathtaking jerk: her father.

Seventeen years ago, Wilson ditched his first family for Caroline, a beautiful young sculptor. In all that time, Taisy’s family has seen Wilson, Caroline, and their daughter, Willow, only once.

Why then, is Wilson calling Taisy now, inviting her for an extended visit, encouraging her to meet her pretty sister—a teenager who views her with jealousy, mistrust, and grudging admiration? Why, now, does Wilson want Taisy to help him write his memoir?




Alys’s whole world was comprised of the history project that was due, her upcoming violin audition, being held tightly in the arms of her boyfriend, Ben, and laughing with her best friend, Delilah. At least it was—until she found herself on the wrong end of a shotgun in the school library. Her suburban high school had become one of those places you hear about on the news—a place where some disaffected youth decided to end it all and take as many of his teachers and classmates with him as he could. Except, in this story, that youth was Alys’s own brother, Luke. He killed fifteen others and himself, but spared her—though she’ll never know why.


Think that’s the plan.  How about you?  What have you read this past week?  What about this coming week?  Add your link to It’s Monday What Are You reading below where it says click here.

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For those who read mainly children and middle grade books please add your link here as well:


49 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I’ve read the Food Babe’s blog for a while. She’s interesting, knowledgeable but sometimes sensationalizes things a little too much. I’m interested in your review on that one.

  2. I agree – these Mondays come around increasingly quickly!!!

    I love the cover of ‘The Precious One’. Keen to hear more about it.


  3. I agree, the week flew!! Silent Alarm sounds intense, looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Have a wonderful week and happy reading Sheila 🙂

  4. Was one of the first to read Ritter Ames’newest book released this week: Marked Masters. Bright, smart and funny cosy mystery. I know they aren’t your cuppa Sheila, but I like ’em

    Read some very serious books as well: If I Fall, If I Die, by Michael Christie, a new Canadian author. Its a book on growing up, agoriphobia, childhood trauma and dealing with the Inside and the Outside. And then, Reconstructing Amelia about trying to understand what presents as a suicide, but shakes out multi-generational jealousy and bullying. And, today, I’ve read three of Leslie Leigh’s new short cozy series “The Herbalist”. These were entertaining and required little brain power.

    Jan Moran’s Fatal Beauty, a reissued Jennifer L. Hart and Sue Perry’s Scar Jewelry in the queue next. I hope this Perry is as good as Frames 1: Nica was….

  5. Hi Sheila. I laughed out loud when I read the title “New Uses for Old Boyfriends.” It sounds like a fun read indeed.

    Loved the “What is your reading style” post. I would probably be a polygamist reader, although I keep a notebook to keep track of who’s who and what’s what. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Every week seems to go by so fast. Black Ice looks really interesting, hope you are enjoying it.

  7. Silent Alarm sounds like a dramatic story. You had a good week. I laughed when you said it was balanced. I’m striving for that on a continual basis and just when I get it together my kids are on Spring Break like this past week and my well-organized schedule went out the window. 🙂

  8. Happy to know The Food Babe is out there for us. I worry about the things we eat. A lot.

  9. I just read your review of Descent and “the boy” and “the girl” drove me crazy! I couldn’t follow the story at all…I ended up putting it down about 10% in. I heard I should give it another try, but I think I’ve moved on…

  10. I felt the same way about Twisted Fate. Silent Alarm sounds really good. I hope you enjoy it and all the other books on your stack for the week. Happy reading!

    1. Isn’t it funny that we as readers can take something so differently than what an author has planned for the story? When an author writes about a lot of drug use or things like that for no reason I have to wonder who their target audience is?

  11. I would be interested in the Food Babe book. We have been trying to cut out processed foods but she takes eating whole and healthy to a whole other level I am not sure I can do.

    Silent Alarm looks really good too
    I felt the same way, couldn’t believe it’s time for another weekly recap. Thanks for hosting!

  12. These all look good, especially Silent Alarm. Of course, how could I resist a book by Becca Fitzpatrick that sounds like this one?

  13. The lack of Food Babe’s understanding of actual science worries me a lot. I think it’s good to draw attention to what we eat but I think there are better, more informed people out there who are not so busy monetizing themselves. 😛

    I also have The Precious One here to read and am looking forward to it.

  14. Wow, what a productive week you had! Reading, blogging, and more – good for you!

    I didn’t realize Marisa de los Santos had a new novel out! She is a local writer here, so I always watch for her latest. I’ve enjoyed 2 of her novels in the past.

    Enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  15. One of the books that I hope to keep reading for a long time everyday: HANDBOOK TO PRAYER – Praying Scripture Back to God by Kenneth Boa. Refresehing!

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