Morning Meanderings… Stacy from The Novel Life, Coffee AND Books


Stacy here from The Novel Life!  Hello!!!  Ahhh, morning meanderings reminds me of a confiding stroll through Central Park on a warm Spring day. An outside brunch with my best girlfriend. Meeting for drinks in a quaint coffee-house or even better, a quaint coffee-house filled with books! For as long 1aas I’ve known Sheila the Morning Meanderings has been a brief look into the life of a dedicated wife, reader and friend. Now, as she is touring Australia, I get an opportunity to try to fill her shoes {not that that feat is possible, but it’s fun to try nonetheless}.

In this unique and crazy world of book blogging it’s fascinating how we connect with others to the point we’d call them a close friend. I “met” Sheila several years ago when we were both newish blogs. We would comment on each other’s posts and in general became good acquaintances. Then we met at BEA ‘2010, and I can attest to the fact that Sheila is just as friendly in-real-life as she is on Book Journey! I interviewed Sheila for my blog’s feature “Sunday Serenade” in 2010 and then Sheila became one of my go-to experts in 2014 for “Ask the Bloggers.”  Her advice is always spot-on! I know I can count on Sheila for encouragement, advice, and a good laugh or two!

1aIn poking around Book Journey I’m reminded of the books we’ve both agreed were fabulous and touched us in meaningful ways ~ like Sheila, I listened to the audio {all 30+ hours!} of 11-22-63. In my mind the narrator Craig Wasson will forever be the voice of Jake Epping. That book was my introduction to Stephen King, and man, was I blown away. {see my review here}.

One book that we differed on was Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. My book1aclub read it {my review here} and enjoyed the controversial plot discussion, but I felt this particular Moyes novel was more along the lines of a Nicholas Sparks kind-of read. Sheila loved it, giving it 5 stars although she does not even give star ratings! Funny how that works, right?

Having friends like Sheila is what truly makes book blogging the love that it has become. I feel with Sheila that there is such a sense of camaraderie and true friendship. I’m so thankful to have met Sheila, both in-real-life and through our book blogs. Thank you Sheila for inviting me to poke around Book Journey and to do a bit of meandering myself! Now hurry up and get back from that ah-ah-ah-mazing journey you are on and tell us all about it! Missing you dear friend!


30 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Stacy from The Novel Life, Coffee AND Books

  1. Hi Stacy, nice post. I haven’t read Nicholas Sparks but I loved Me Before You. I agree about Sheila, she’s a warm and generous blogger who makes me wish I could meet in person for a morning cup of coffee and some book talk.

    1. Would you believe it was Jojo Moyes last book that really got under my skin ~ One Plus One. Have you read that one? The characters just felt more real to me and anything with children in it gets my heart turned all upside down.

  2. Hi, Stacy! I also loved Me Before You, my first Jojo Moyes book. I’ve read quite a few books by Nicholas Sparks as well. Thanks for blog sitting–I enjoyed your enthusiastic post today! Sheila was smart to set this up in her absence. 🙂

    1. I agree! She’s pretty smart like that 😉 It was tons of fun hanging out here and going through Sheila’s EXTENSIVE review list! We’ll just have to start calling her Sheila Goodreads 😉

  3. The blogging community is awesome, and I have enjoyed connecting with everyone. Sheila was one of my first “meets” in the community. Her helpful guidance made the journey through Word Press possible (I now have 10 blogs on WP, and one remaining on Blogger).

    I enjoyed Me Before You, and went on to become a fan of the author.

  4. Oh, I like your coffee cup – adverb. So, are we thinking that Sheila is back over the US now or maybe even home. All the time changes must be difficult to adjust to. Thanks for sitting and sharing with us, Stacy. I need to come over and visit your blog.

    1. Thanks so much Kay! Yeah, I’m kind of partial to my adverb coffee cup too. I found it at a bookstore in Phoenix Arizona and just had to have it. I believe there’s a whole series including adjective, verb, noun and a few more.

  5. Stacy it was so interesting to learn how you connected with Sheila. I have to agree with you on 11-22-63 by Stephen King, Craig Wasson did a fabulous job narrating. It reminds me of how I see The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect – Dan O’Grady is Don for me.

    1. I feel so out of the Rosie loop! Would you believe I have not read nor listened to either of those yet?!? Which would you recommend for those two books ~ audio or paperback?

  6. One thing I’ve always enjoyed about blogging is the relationships we build with each other. We never have to meet in real life for someone to be considered a friend.

    1. That’s so very true. Once I meet someone in real life that I’ve been friends with in the blogosphere it is so cool how hanging out feels so natural. When I met Sheila that was especially true ~ but she’s so friendly it’s no surprise there. 🙂

    1. Awww, thanks so much Rita! I”m so with you on anxious to see Sheila’s photos! It’s always been a dream of mine to visit Australia and New Zealand so I’m hoping to live vicariously through Sheila’s photos!

    1. Betty I was just visiting your site and saw your wedding photo ~ what a knockout you are 🙂 It sounds like you are an animal whisperer too; not just a dog whisperer as you’ve also got a cat leash trained! I’m so impressed! My dog has a couple of bad habits I could sure use your talents on fixing 😉

      1. Thanks for the compliments. I don’t really consider my self a ” dog whisper”. One thing in animal training you must think like it from the animal point of view. They don’t like we do. Also remember that they can smell much better than we cannot. My cat is busy letting the caregivers know the bed is his or he wants to play with them. Have heard of clicker training there are a lot of YouTube videos on this subject. Look at them. It might help with you mischievous dogs.

  7. It’s been so nice hearing about the ways bloggers meet each other and develop friendships. And it’s especially special when you get to meet in person 🙂

    You made me curious about 11-22-63, especially since it’s Stephen King. Oh, how I wish audio books appealed to me. I wasn’t happy with the one I listened to recently : / Nice post, Stacy 🙂

    1. I go in spurts with audio books and if the book doesn’t have a phenomenal narrator I’m hard-pressed to finish. I’d recommend just listening to the sample of 11-22-63 and see if Wasson’s narration doesn’t pull you in. Another one that you might enjoy since you like kid lit so much is Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly narrated by Emma Bering and Emily Card ~ it’s one that will leave you breathless!

  8. Back! I just arrived home in the last hour after a 24 hour plus travel day. I will give out details in the morning when I write my own Morning Meandering. 🙂 Thank you Stacy for putting a beautiful finish on my time away posts. I really did love 11-22-63. I learned a lot about the event and was impressed that it was a King book. I recommend it to others all the time 😉

    1. So happy you’ve returned safely Sheila! Thank you for entrusting your blog to us for the past few days ~ it’s been so much fun reading how we’ve all “met” you and seeing the different books that have resonated with each blogger. Thank you for such an enjoyable experience! Hugs!

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