Morning Meanderings… Florinda from the 3 R’s Blog brings the CHOCOLATE!

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Hi!  This is Florinda from The 3 R’s Blog enjoying a cup of coffee at Book Journey.  I’m glad Sheila invited me to be one of her blog-sitters  while she’s on a real-life journey of her own, although I’m more than a little envious she gets to go to Australia.

I’ve known Sheila and Book Journey for so long I can’t actually remember when we first “met” virtually, but I absolutely remember meeting her in person for the first time in New York City during the week of Book Expo 2011. That was my first time at BEA, but not my last, and hanging out with Sheila has been one of the highlights of every visit there–because if you know how much fun she is on her blog, you can just imagine what she’s like in person!


Knowing Sheila has influenced me in two major ways: as an audiobook reader, and as a reader/re-reader of Banned Books. The annual celebration of Banned Books Week is one of my favorite features at Book Journey, and I’ve joined in several times. In 2012, we both posted reviews of the often-challenged YA novel The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. It was a re-read for me, and I said:

“My recollection was that The Chocolate War was a pretty dark novel, and it certainly is, but its dystopian world is that of the contemporary high school–and at almost forty years old, it barely feels dated at all. In fact, its bullying theme may be, sadly, even more timely now. Cormier’s characterizations aren’t terribly complex, but his adolescent boys behave believably. The novel’s plotting is tight and the tension rarely lets up. There’s a good deal of violence here, both psychological and physical…The Chocolate War is chilling, unsettling, and very true to life, and I can see many reasons why it’s frequently challenged, It’s also a defining work of young-adult fiction that needs to be read and discussed for many years to come.”

Sheila listened to the audiobook, and she said:

“Can you say we have a winner? The Chocolate War is the portrayal of a dystopian type world where you just need to fall in line with what you are told to do… (think Pink Floyd, The Wall video). When Jerry comes on the scene and at first is bullied into not selling the chocolates like everyone else and then decided to not sell at all.. things get pretty crazy in this book.

“Bullying is a strong theme throughout the book, and not just the physical kind – and not just from the students…. really the book is powerful and sad but really made an impact on me. I am so glad I read it.”

(This is just one of the hundreds of reviews you’ll find in Book Journey’s review archives–go take a 13alook, and see what books you and Sheila have in common!)

Banned Books Week 2015 will take place the week of September 27-October 3. I’m sure Sheila will be observing it here at Book Journey, and I’m marking my calendar now so I have some reading planned for it–you might want to do the same! Till then, thanks for Meandering with me today!



17 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Florinda from the 3 R’s Blog brings the CHOCOLATE!

  1. Great heads-up about Banned Books and THE CHOCOLATE WAR, Florinda. But, where’s the chocolate?? Oh, you weren’t actually throwing out chocolate to us? LOL

    Nice to see you here. Bet Sheila is having a great time.

      1. Wait until you see my photo which will be up tomorrow. It was a selfie right after I came back from a walk. Pretty bad, but I needed my tea!! 🙂

        Nice post, Florinda.

        I haven’t read this book.

        ENJOY your day!!

  2. Thanks, Florinda, I love your coffee cup…and reading about your experiences at BEA. I love Banned Book Week, too, and how it brings up books that I hadn’t thought of in a long while.

    I liked how you shared your thoughts on The Chocolate Wars, and then shared Sheila’s.

  3. I haven’t read anything by Robert Cormier although I did have one of his books in my class library back when I was teaching- In The Middle of the Night but I hadn’t read it, some of the students liked it though.

  4. HI all! I love that Florinda mentions Banned Books Week. As soon as I seen her post I put the dated for 2015 in my agenda book. I have read many great reads that are banned. If you look at my archives I have marked banned books with a red spade. You may be surprised at some of the titles and pretty sure almost all of us have read a banned book without even knowing it was banned. 🙂

    Currently in a hotel in Australia. We are preparing to go out touring in about an hour… right now.. I need my COFFEE. It will be my first Australian cup!

  5. I like the selfie too — and the reminder of banned books week. I chickened out on the selfie and submitted a photo of my desk ….

  6. Fantastic photo Florinda and a great MM! So glad you reminded me about banned book week ~ I needed to get it on my calendar. I’ll have to add The Chocolate Wars to my list to read this year. It sounds great.

  7. I was expecting a package of chocolates! 🙂 Nice tie-in to the book. I should read The Chocolate Wars. Enjoy your time in Australia, Sheila. 🙂

  8. I’m loving all the coffee pics 🙂 It’s great how yours is white so she put the caption on it 🙂

    I enjoyed reading both your reviews on this book, which I’ve heard of, but knew nothing about ’til reading this post. Excellent guest post, and I hope I can attend the BEA someday. It drives me NUTS that I live only about 25 minutes from Javits and never get there! I’m sure you guys have a BLAST! 😀

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