Morning Meanderings… Elizabeth from Silver Reviews


Hi all!  Elizabeth here from Silver’s Reviews.  Sheila and I met at the BEA in 2013 entirely by a wonderful accident.  Yes…accidents can be wonderful at times.  🙂

We were discussing via e-mail before the BEA that we hopefully would run into each other but highly unlikely so we weren’t counting on it, but lo and behold we did meet.

Sheila and I were in line for the Book Bloggers Conference along with hundreds of other bloggers, and we just happened to be next to each other as we made our way into the line.  We started chatting and introducing ourselves and laughed when we found out who each of us was.  I loved it and so did Sheila.
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Sheila has a wonderful blog that makes you want to read EVERY book she has read, but there is no way I can do that nor can I keep up with her activities.  Sheila has so many activities and does so much she makes me tired.  🙂  Sheila has a fantastic personality and smile that is very inviting.

I want to live in Minnesota so I can be in her book club.  🙂  That is one lucky book club to have Sheila in it.  The Brainerd Library also is one lucky library to have Sheila involved.

Sheila has a review archive that I can’t even come close to.  I did read a few of the books Sheila has read and that we both enjoyed.
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
The Husband’s Secret
I’d Know You Anywhere

I could look around Sheila’s blog ALL day and still not be tired of looking around.  Sheila has posts that pull you in and make you want to come back.  The sign of a great blogger.

I know Sheila loves HUGE mugs of coffee so I thought I would join in with a photo of my favorite mug and mug shot.  🙂

Happy New Year to all and Happy Reading in 2015.



32 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Elizabeth from Silver Reviews

  1. What a fun post, Elizabeth, and I like how you two met…sometimes the best friendships start in a line while waiting for something. That’s how I met my best friend in college, who would be my friend for many, many years.

    I have read The Husband’s Secret and I’d Know You Anywhere…and have Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet on my list.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks, Laurel. I enjoyed writing the post.

      I agree….accidental meetings are the best, and you never know how they will turn out.

      You will LOVE his book: The Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter and Sweet. I actually didn’t enjoy his second book as much. The title escapes for now.

      Thanks for stopping by, Laurel.

  2. Elizabeth, high praise for Sheila and her blog and SO, SO, SO well-deserved, to say the least! 😀 Love your mug shot and REALLY love yours and Sheila’s “meet cute” 😀 How great when stuff like that happens! It’s happened to me before, too, but not sure if it was out of hundreds of people! lol Great post 🙂

  3. What a coincidence to run into Sheila like that at the conference. If you had tried to meet up it probably would have hit all kinds of problems. I loved The Husband’s Secret. I haven’t tried anything my L Lippman but I have a suspicion she writes books that aren’t for me!

    1. I agree…if we had planned to meet, it never would have worked out and wouldn’t have been as fun. 🙂

      The Husband’s Secret was really good.

      Give Laura Lippman a try if you like mysteries.

      Thanks for stopping, thebookdate.

  4. Popping in! Just woke up from the hotel in Australia. Meeting up with the group soon but love seeing the scheduled posts pop as I can. Not sure I will be able to do this daily when on the cruise, but will see 🙂 It was a funny meet up with Elizabeth, an like Laura said, said the next year I bumped into her as well. 🙂

  5. This post makes me want to sit down in a comfy chair and read — EVERYTHING. I really enjoyed The Husband’s Secret and would like to read more by the author. I’ve enjoyed a number of Laura Lippman’s books – thanks for reminding me that I should get her newest.

    1. Yes…all is good. It was a redirect link someone put on my site. Nothing malicious, just a pain.

      My son found it and deleted it.

      Yes…we really enjoyed it. It was a million in one chance. Must have been what was to happen. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by, Katherine.

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