It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hey there!  Welcome to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. Fair warning… this meme tends to add to your reading list! 😉

So I am still in a hotel room in Florida.  It has been a long time of hard work, long hours, and swelting sun.  Of course my hubby, who I just talked to back in Minnesota says it is 3 degrees there today so he is sure within a day of my return I will be whining to come back to Florida.  I have assured him that he is wrong.  I will hold my head up and deal with the snow and freezing temps just to be home with my hubby, my dogs, reliable internet and oh my gosh – my own bed!!!  I may not get up for days… 😉  I am on schedule to go back to Minnesota on Thursday.

So as far as reading goes, it is still light.  I am usually too tired to read, however I have managed some audio this past week as t works great to have the ear bids in while working in the bee yard.  Here is what I posted:


No Man’s Land by Aasif Mandi


Hop Skip Jump – its ready to order!


Bedbugs by Ben Winters (yup… Bedbugs)


The Silent Sister by Diane Chamberlain – oh wow!  How have I missed this author?


He’s Gone by Deb Caletti


The first of the readalong posts is up with giveaway:  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Not too bad for working 10 – 14 hour days.  🙂


So this week will be much of the same.  A little audio, and maybe a book on the way home on the plane… but by the weekend… I hope to be curled up in my Minnesota home with great books and delicious coffee and my puppies!  🙂


 For My Ears



Dear Anna, What I have to tell you is difficult to write, but I know it will be far more difficult for you to hear, and I’m so sorry.

The unfinished letter is the only clue Tara and Emerson have to the reason behind their close friend Noelle’s suicide. Everything they knew about Noelle – her calling as a midwife, her passion for causes, her love for her friends and family – described a woman who embraced life. Yet there was so much they didn’t know.

With the discovery of the letter and its heartbreaking secret, Noelle’s friends begin to uncover the truth about this complex woman who touched each of their lives – and the life of a desperate stranger – with love and betrayal, compassion and deceit.





“I believe there is another man inside every man, a stranger…” writes Wilfred Leland James in the early pages of the riveting confession that makes up “1922”, the first in this pitch-black quartet of mesmerizing tales from Stephen King. For James, that stranger is awakened when his wife Arlette proposes selling off the family homestead and moving to Omaha, setting in motion a gruesome train of murder and madness.

In “Big Driver”, soon to be a major Lifetime movie starring Maria Bello, a cozy-mystery writer named Tess encounters the stranger is along a back road in Massachusetts when she takes a shortcut home after a book club engagement. Violated and left for dead, Tess plots a revenge that will bring her face to face with another stranger: the one inside herself.

“Fair Extension”, the shortest of these tales, is perhaps the nastiest and certainly the funniest. Making a deal with the devil not only saves Harry Streeter from a fatal cancer but provides rich recompense for a lifetime of resentment.





In April 1992, a young man named Chris McCandless walked into the Alaskan wilderness, where he survived for more than 100 days before perishing in an abandoned bus. For over 20 years his story has captivated millions, and yet only one person knew the truth behind his remarkable journey – until now.

Through a tumultuous childhood, the McCandless siblings clung to each other amidst a chaotic home life, forming a lifelong bond and an unbreakable trust. So when Chris abandoned nearly all of his possessions, cut off all family ties, and forged an anonymous existence on the road, Carine understood what drew Chris away from all he had known. Having to face her own truth and surmount some crushing obstacles in the absence of her beloved brother, Carine drew strength from his constant presence while forging ahead on her own unique journey.

A powerful and deeply personal story, The Wild Truth is both a revelatory glimpse into the life of Chris McCandless and the inspirational tale of one woman’s resilience in the wake of unspeakable tragedy.



For My Eyes



The year is AE3, 3 years after the Event. Within the walls of Meritropolis, 50,000 inhabitants live in fear, ruled by the brutal System that assigns each citizen a merit score that dictates whether they live or die. Those with the highest scores thrive, while those with the lowest are subject to the most unforgiving punishment–to be thrust outside the city gates, thrown to the terrifying hybrid creatures that exist beyond.

But for one High Score, conforming to the System just isn’t an option. Seventeen-year-old Charley has a brother to avenge. And nothing–not even a totalitarian military or dangerous science–is going to stop him.

Where humankind has pushed nature and morals to the extreme, Charley is amongst the chosen few tasked with exploring the boundaries, forcing him to look deep into his very being to discern right from wrong. But as he and his friends learn more about the frightening forces that threaten destruction both without and within the gates, Meritropolis reveals complexities they couldn’t possibly have bargained for…


That’s the plan. Have you read any of these?   What are you planning?  Please add your link to your own Its Monday What Are You Reading below where it says click here:


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For those of you who read mainly children and middle grade books, please also feel free to add your link here:


50 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Love that you’ve picked up another Diana Chamberlain – really must get her latest! Can’t believe you’re still in Florida. I can’t even imagine how exhausted you must be!

  2. I am reading Murder at the Brightwell by Ashley Weaver which I am finding delightful. I just finished Florence Gordon by Brian Morton which I am still musing over.

  3. I have come to love Diane Chamberlain’s writing too this year. Haven’t read this one though, in fact still have most of them in store. Enjoy going home to all those well loved, people, animals and bed!

  4. I know it will be a shock to go from Florida back to the snow and cold (we just did that last night), but it sure will be nice to sleep your own bed again!

    The Wild Truth sounds like a fascinating book. I’ve also added Diane Chamberlain to my wish list.

  5. Maybe your hubby and dogs can come to you where it’s nice and warm…. We came home from vacation in Hawaii to an early (for us) snow! Talk about a shock to the senses! We just wanted to hop back on the plane and go back! Enjoy your week, and safe travels!

  6. I’ve been into listening to audio alot lately and you are giving me some great ideas of what to get. I used to love Diane Chamberlain’s books, so that’s a good idea to listen to.

    Have a great week!

    1. I have to have some “me” time Laura or I go crazy so I have been setting my alarm for 4:30 am. I shower the night before so I have time to write my reviews. It makes me feel normal as when I get up at home I have my coffee and write my posts 😀

  7. Hi Sheila
    The first link I posted was back to your blog! Oops!
    If you can, please delete. I’ve now left the correct link afterwards 🙂

  8. I just recently finished Diane Chamberlain’s new book, The Silent Sister, too and loved it as well! I’ve only read a few of hers and definitely need to read more of her books – they really are good! Hope you have a safe trip home later this week!

  9. I completely understand how you are feeling. I used to travel constantly for work, and after a while, you just want to be in your own home!

    I’ve been intrigued by The Wild Truth. I haven’t read Into the Wild but thought the movie was just amazing – moving and powerful. I really need to read the book one of these days.

    Hope you have an easy trip home and enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

  10. Reading the greatest book: Belle Cora by Phillip Margulies. It’s close to 700 pages, but I’m halfway through it in two days. Also on the shelf are Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm and I’m starting The Pickwick Papers are part of the Dikens’ Read a Long

  11. Whew those are some long work days! You probably don’t even get to enjoy the sunny weather all that much. 😦 It’s always nice to be home after a trip away.

    I really want to read The Wild Truth. I read Into the Wild and thought it was so sad. It will be interesting to read his sister’s version.

  12. I am a huge Diane Chamberlain fan. I think Midwife’s Confession is still my favorite though i loved the Silent Sister too (and saw her speak about it on release day). Happy reading and wish I was in the Florida sun too!

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