It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hey there!  Welcome to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. Fair warning… this meme tends to add to your reading list!

Wow… 2nd week of January already put to bed!  It was a fast week and a full one and I am happy to be home from North Dakota as of late today after going to see PINK in concert.  *sigh*  I will never look at concerts the same way again.

As busy as this past week was I did manage to put some posts up:

Flowers In The Attic by V C Andrews (a re-read of a book I read about 30 years ago….. eep!)

Longbourn by Jo Baker (not the Downton Abbey read I was looking for…)

Looking for the 2014 Authors For Wine and Words (Please pass this post on if you have connections 🙂  )

Book Club People… How Do You Choose Your Books?  ( its fun to see the different ways book clubs pick the books they read!)

I need your help with a BLIND DATE!  (join in the fun – there is a gift card going to one lucky commenter)

Reconstructing Amelia by Kim McCreight (our book club pick for January – my thoughts befre the group review 😉

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion ( a great audio listen!)

What Book Are You Afraid of?  Freshly posted… I am looking for your thoughts 😉

So pretty fair week I think!  😀  Here is what I am sinking my eyes and ears into this week!



The secrets, struggles, and self-redemption of a Depression-era coal miner’s wife and three daughters play out against a turbulent historical backdrop of Ku Klux Klan intimidation and the 1933 Pennsylvania Mine War. Their intertwined lives eerily mirror the 7th century legend of St. Barbara, patroness of miners, reenacted annually in the town pageant. Tested by scandal, heartbreak, and tragedy, each woman will write her own courageous ending to St. Barbara’s story.

Wow right?  Reading this one for a tour 🙂


With death only a heartbeat away, Gene and the remaining humans must find a way to survive long enough to escape the hungry predators chasing them through the night.  But they’re not the only things following Gene.  He’s haunted by Ashley June who he left behind, and his burgeoning feelings for Sissy, the human girl at his side.

Their escape takes them to a refuge of humans living high in the mountains.  Gene and his friends think they’re finally safe, but not everything here is as it seems.  And before long, Gene must ask himself if the new world they’ve entered is just as evil as the one they left behind.  As their enemies close in on them and push Gene and Sissy closer, one thing becomes painfully clear: all they have is each other…if they can stay alive.

I have put off reading this one for too long!



Mom loved adages, quotes, slogans. There were always little reminders pasted on the kitchen wall. For example, the word THINK. I found THINK thumbtacked on a bulletin board in her darkroom. I saw it Scotch-taped on a pencil box she’d collaged. I even found a pamphlet titled THINK on her bedside table. Mom liked to THINK.
So begins Diane Keaton’s unforgettable memoir about her mother and herself. In it you will meet the woman known to tens of millions as Annie Hall, but you will also meet, and fall in love with, her mother, the loving, complicated, always-thinking Dorothy Hall. To write about herself, Diane realized she had to write about her mother, too, and how their bond came to define both their lives. In a remarkable act of creation, Diane not only reveals herself to us, she also lets us meet in intimate detail her mother. Over the course of her life, Dorothy kept eighty-five journals—literally thousands of pages—in which she wrote about her marriage, her children, and, most probingly, herself. Dorothy also recorded memorable stories about Diane’s grandparents. Diane has sorted through these pages to paint an unflinching portrait of her mother—a woman restless with intellectual and creative energy, struggling to find an outlet for her talents—as well as her entire family, recounting a story that spans four generations and nearly a hundred years.

I enjoy Diane as an actress and I heard (Florinda!) that this was a good one. 


On a cold and snowy night in 1910, Ursula Todd is born, the third child of a wealthy English banker and his wife. She dies before she can draw her first breath. On that same cold and snowy night, Ursula Todd is born, lets out a lusty wail, and embarks upon a life that will be, to say the least, unusual. For as she grows, she also dies, repeatedly, in any number of ways. Ursula’s world is in turmoil, facing the unspeakable evil of the two greatest wars in history. What power and force can one woman exert over the fate of civilization — if only she has the chance?

Well.. that sounds interesting!

Thats the plan.. How about you – what did you read this last week?  What do you plan to read this week?  Add your What Are You Reading Post to the link below and check out the other links as well 🙂

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For those of you that read mainly middle grade and children’s books, be sure to also link to the younger version of It’s Monday by using the link below!


69 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I am about 3 pages away from finishing Bellman & Black. Then I will move onto The Gallery of Vanished Husbands and then round out the week with The Anvil of God. The Atkinson book is one I’ve been wanting to read (didn’t Sharon H read that and like it?) I’ll see ya Tuesday!

  2. Hi there Sheila. I remember Flowers in the Attic quite distinctly. I read it around 30 years back as well and found it very disturbing. So much so that I read the entire series! 🙂

  3. January seems like it’s flying by, at least for me. Almost mid month already. Anyway glad you had a good trip and enjoyed the concert- sounds like fun. Have a great week!!

  4. We saw Pink in concert for the first time last year … there is just nothing like it 🙂
    You had such a productive week, thanks for the reminder I wanted to start on The Hunt and it keeps slipping my mind. Happy reading!!

  5. I have The Rosie Project on audio to listen to at some stage so great to know that version is good. I have never read a Kate Atkinson book but at some time I must. I love Diane Keaton as an actress.

  6. Life after Life sounds great. I read The Rosie Project last year and I loved it! Found myself laughing out loud frequently. As for Pink – I saw her twice (!) when she was in Australia last year – love her – total girl crush!! Have linked up for Monday for the first time in a long time…off to find out what everyone else is reading!

  7. I am deep into the “Read your freebies” challenge. I am 1/4 through Loving Frank by Nancy Horan: historical fiction based on the true tale of Frank Lloyd Wright and Martha Delancy, his paramour. Then, we have The Gostynin Shul by Kris Langman, Annie’s Truth by Beth Shriver, and N. L. Wilson’s Case of theFlashing Fashion Queen….and I’ve moved 12 more off the “library shelves” and onto the “floor” There are still just over 1400 books on the “shelf”, most of them freebies

  8. Flowers in the Attic!! I remember reading that one weekend when my mom was babysitting my little cousins. My aunt had the book on a shelf in the basement, so I of course found it and read it. It left quite an impression! It was crazy!

  9. I will be curious to hear what Life After Life is like on audio. It was one of my favourite books last year and I would be tempted to reread it through audio at some point. 🙂 On audio I started Anne of Green Gables for my project to read all of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s novels this year. I think the mini-series has ruined me for what it is supposed to sound like, but it is still good.

  10. My last book was Mrs. Mike and my next book is Mrs. Griffin Sends Her Love (by Miss Read) see any pattern? I’m a new follower!

    1. Mrs Mike….. is that an old one? I ask because I remember that title in a mansion we toured many years ago. I recall it because my friends who was with me, her husband is named Mike so we took a picture of her with the book. We are awesome like that 😀

  11. I keep seeing Life after Life in people’s physical hands (at my son’s basketball game yesterday, a woman was reading it in the stands during game breaks) – I can’t wait to see what you think of it! Off to read some of your other posts!

  12. This is my first week participating in the It’s Monday posts. Hopefully it will keep me on track with my reading!! The Diane Keaton book looks great. I hope you enjoy all of your books 🙂

  13. You are doing AUDIO of Life After Life? LOVED THAT ONE SO MUCH!!! But more than a few of my friends disliked it intensely. I wonder how it would be to listen to it…
    I very much enjoyed the Diane Keaton book.
    Wish I could have gotten to Flowers in the Attic with everyone. I remember that one really disturbing when I read it 40 years ago or 30? – anyway, I was young.

  14. I have had Longbourne on my list for a while because it’ supposed to be similar to Downton Abbey. Is it still worth reading even though it isn’t what you expected?

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