Happy New Year! 1st Book Of The Year!


Happy New Year everyone!  2014!!!  AWESOME!!!

This is the first book of the year post and I have to say how excited I was to see that over 80 other book lovers signed on to either write a post about their first book of the year, send a picture of the first book they will be reading, or both!  As pictures came in from all over the world I loved seeing the first book choices!  The enthusiasm of readers in contagious!

The following are the pictures sent in from bloggers and book lovers you may very well know.  Later when I get home from that first run of the year (WOO WOO!) I will add the blog names below, unfortunately I just ran out of time this morning after hanging out with friends last night and getting home after midnight.  😉

In the meantime, check their posts out by seeing who linked up their First Book Of The Year post – and if it was you who wrote one, please add yours to the linky below the pics where it says click here.  When I get home I will be happy to check out your posts!

*Please note, if I missed your picture let me know – the collages auto fill and I hope everyone was captured.  I know I had one picture sent to me I could not open so if a few more trickle in today I will add then later. 😀




Thanks everyone for participating and LOVE the book choices.  You can now (if you can find me in the collage 😉 ) see that I am starting the year with V C Andrews, Flowers In The Attic.  I read this as probably a “tween”.  It was a great read then, and now it has been re-released with a sweet new cover.  Right now, I am leaving to do my first 5K of the year, The Polar Dash in St Paul Minnesota.  Late this afternoon though, I will be curled up with this book. 🙂

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!  Share what your first book of the year is going to be either by creating a post and linking it here or by telling me in the comments 🙂

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113 thoughts on “Happy New Year! 1st Book Of The Year!

  1. Happy New Year Sheila!!! I’m so glad to be part of this and the collage came out great!!! It’s so fun to see what everyone is reading for their first pick and the reasons why they picked it!

    Hope you have a great first run!!!

  2. Rebekah is reading a work of fiction based on the life of Buffalo Calf Road Woman a woman warrior who was present at the Battles of the Rosebud and Greasy Grass Rivers. Cheyenne lore has her as the one who made the kill shot on Custer. This book won the 2005 Western Heritage Award for Outstanding Western Novel and was coauthored by Rosmary and Joseph Agonito. Joe taught the Plains Indians course R. took at Onondaga Community College this autumn.

  3. This is so cool! I didn’t know about this project before reading a few posts last night and this morning, I feel like I’ve missed a lot of posts these past few weeks! I love the collage and seeing all those smiling faces with their books!

  4. What a great idea. My first book of the year is Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. I just finished rereading The Giver (an oldie, but goodie) and decided to read the rest of the series!
    Happy New Years to all!

  5. I love being a part of this! I am joining in with Markus Zusak’s novel The Book Thief which I have been looking forward to reading for two years now! I finally have a week before I must get back in the rhythm of reading for reviews so your meme gives me the perfect opportunity to read this novel! I’m so excited for the movie. The trailer is gripping!

  6. Fantastic idea, have you started a new tradiition? I have not read V C Andrews books I did try the first one years ago, but just wasn’t me.
    Thanks for all the work, you did awesome.

  7. How fun is this?! 🙂 Happy New Year to you all, especially you Sheila. I read my first VC Andrews book when I was in Junior High–if my parents had been paying more attention to my reading choices they may have been a bit shocked! 😉 Enjoy your books everyone!

  8. Thanks Sheila this is such a fun idea! I never really thought much about the “first” book, but I definitely will from now on. I picked out my “official” first book today (posted it on Chick with Books) and linked up. My first read is going to be The Unwelcomed Child by VC Andrews. I LOVED Flowers in the Attic and this is her newest book coming out the end of the month! Happy New Year!

  9. I read Flowers in the Attic for the first time a year or so ago and I think it left me with psychological scars, lol. Did you know they’re doing a TV adaption this year? It was compulsive reading – I had to find out what happened in the other books by consulting wikipedia. 🙂 Sorry I didn’t take part in this meme in the end, just too busy!

    It’s amazing how many people are reading physical books at the moment – it gives me hope that 75% of the market will always be paper books (which I love, I know they’re bad for trees… But…).

  10. I love this idea! It’s great to see what people are starting out the new year with. I’m currently in the midst of a few books so I don’t really count those…whatever book I START this year will be the official first book of the year. I’m not sure what that will be yet though.

    Lauren from http://www.shootingstarsmag.blogspot.com

  11. I’d just like to say thanks for hosting this Sheila. Not only did I get to blog about my first read of 2014 but I have found some wonderful blogs that I’d not seen before and have been inspired by the choices everyone has made!

  12. I love the collage! Great idea! I did get a little reading in yesterday, but not as much as I would have liked. I have a sick husband, and like most, he turns into a whiny baby who can’t do anything for himself. Got to love them, though, I will be glad when he is feeling better. I hope to get more read today. 🙂

  13. I didn’t get a chance to join in since I was on vacation without a computer, but I love this idea! I started The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd on the 31st. I’ve only managed to read a few chapters so far, but it’s good! Happy New Year!

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