It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Welcome to It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.


Last weeks winner: Lori From Escape With Dollycas!!!!

Congratulations!  Please choose a book or bookish item from the Reading Cafe!

Email me your choice at


I had a glorious productive weekend at home.  Key words “at home”.  It seems like I never have weekends without commitments and I just had one!  I was able to read a book, listen to audio, work on blog posts, go out to dinner with friends, and today I cleaned out our storage room, filled a dumpster, shampooed our carpets, swept and mopped all floors, cleaned up my kitchen, fixed a plugged drain, and gave all three dogs a bath.

Yup.  I am a rock star.



Ok, enough about my tired head… here is what went down here this week:

Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith

Late, Late, At Night by Rick Springfield (ummmm… yeah.)

Charlotte Street by Danny Wallace

Movie Review:  The Raven (OOH!  Loved this!!!)

As for this week, its a busy week but here is what is currently true:  (click on covers to go to more info)

Leave it to me to find an audio really interesting only to find out it is tenth (yup tenth!) in a series!

I am on part two of this three part audio and really enjoying it.  I am learning  a lot!

This is a short 3 cd audio but very interesting!

That’s all audio.  As far as books I have a few to clean up so I am going to work on that this week. 😀  I am looking forward to seeing what you are reading!  Ass your what are you reading link below where it says click here!   And if you chat about this meme on Twitter be sure to use the hastag #IMWAYR

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and those of you who read mainly children’s through YA reads – please also link your post here:






50 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. All that cleaning! I could only handle one room!

    Happy Reading! And thanks for motivating me to really get into audios. I’ve found I love them, and that really started once I got back into this meme.

      1. An audiobook helps make the mundane tasks go by faster but you already know that. 🙂 Like yesterday when I had to get all my plants inside and the yard ready for 50mph gusts and possible …ugh… snow last night. Something I didn’t want to do because it’s nicer to pretend snow is never coming back!

    1. I was late posting Laurel – I got done cleaning about 4 pm but then was working on dinner and updating the challenges (still not done) and became quite obsessed with that. Then… I watched Amazing Race and The Good Wife with my hubby 😀

  2. With the holidays fast approaching I’m finding even less time to read 😦 It doesn’t help there are a bunch of book/blogging events taking up my time. I list a few in today’s post if other bloggers are interested in participating in them.
    Girl Who Reads

  3. I’ve given my mother-in-law some of that quilting mystery series — I think she liked them!

    Have a good week!

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend! It is a good feeling to be able to accomplish your goals too.

    I wonder if those quilter books can be read out of order. I think some of them are contemporary and some are historical. I haven’t tried that series but I know they are extremely popular.

    1. HI Christina, I had no idea that this audio was int he middle of a series – it stood alone just fine for me… now I am curious if these characters were also used in previous books or if each one is about an entirely different story.

  5. Jennifer Chiaverini has a blog – – with a section Frequently Asked Questions. I was looking at it the other day since she has a new book. I read some of the books a few years ago – I looked at my list – it was in feb 2009. But she said that she wrote the books so you can read the books in the order that she wrote them, or they can be stand alone books. The books feature Sylvia and Sarah, the Elm Creek Quilters, or Sylvia’s ancestors if it is a historical book. I don’t have a blog, but enjoy reading yours and others.
    And could you believe that the Amazing Race was to be continued. . . will the guys find their passports? who will be eliminted??? I guess we will find out next week!!!

  6. Wow! You are one busy bee. You wanna pass some of that energy my way?

    I really want to read Steve Jobs. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

  7. Rock star!!! I am tired just reading all you got done!!! 🙂
    Visited 10 blogs so far and have to tell you that I only have 3 states to go in my Where Are You Reading Challenge with books to read for them right here on the shelf. It is going to feel so good to complete that challenge! I may never do it again. lol

  8. It’s my first time actually making one of these Monday posts this week. It was a lot my effort than I expected, only just managed to get it in during Monday!

  9. I have Bruce Feiler’s other books, Walking the Bible and Where God Was Born,,,haven’t read them yet, of course…I need to get Abraham as well. Look forward to your thoughts on it. Hope you have a great week, Sheila. 🙂

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