World Book Night April 23rd: Pictures and Post Links wanted

This is a sticky post for those participating in The World Book Night events either by sighting or handing out books on Monday April 23rd.  Please read my post here, and if you are participating, please link your World Book Night Posts here so we can see the books being given out around the world!  😀

PS… if you are a World Book Night Giver, please in the comments let me know where in the world you are giving out books.

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36 thoughts on “World Book Night April 23rd: Pictures and Post Links wanted

  1. I am giving A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving.
    My mother is giving Q is for Quarry by Sue Grafton
    and my 17 yr old daughter is giving The Kite Runner.

    So excited to have 3 generations sharing our passion for reading!!

  2. I can only imagine how confused a bunch of Taiwanese people would be if I stood outside handing them free books in English. Just thinking about it makes me want to do it (I would if it weren’t for the fact that it would be a waste of good books).

  3. I’ve been giving The Book Thief in Bournemouth in the UK. It’s been horrible weather recently and I wanted to hand some out down the beach but no one’s there. Handed most of them out at work today and was lovely to see people cluthing copies of it as they left. There’s a pic of my books on this post: but I’ll probably do a wrap up later in the week when they’ve all gone.

  4. Had so much fun handing out I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in Dahlonega, Georgia! Can’t wait for next year’s event but in meantime, plan on hand-gifting to strangers from my own library each week. It was that much fun…and also a bit sad that so many ADULTS have not read in years!

  5. I had a lot of fun handing out free copies of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks last night at the Roosevelt Field Mall in Garden City, New York. Some people looked at me very skeptically, but most people were very appreciative. I am reading Henrietta Lacks now and enjoying it. I chose it because my favorite category of books is non-fiction, especially medical history, and popularized science. I especially tried to hand it out to people who did not look “bookish.” (Would that be considered profiling?
    Any way, I don’t normally do things like this, and I found it to be very rewarding.

  6. I had a great time handing out Maya Angelou’s memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings at the YMCA for World Book Night America. I felt connected to book-givers everywhere! April 23 happens to be my birthday, as well as William Shakespeare’s, so I brought along dozens of cookies and helium balloons. I loved telling everyone that Maya Angelou overcame a difficult childhood and went on to win the Pulitzer prize. I’m the author of the memoir “Moonlight on Linoleum,” so I’m a tad partial to memoirs.

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