It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Joy from Joy’s Book Blog

***  Joy is also a brand new participant in Monday What Are Your Reading!

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!


I did not finish  a lot of books during this last week but I did actually get a lot of others things done that will lead to great reading this year.  Here is what I accomplished this past week:


  • I finally sat down and planned out what Challenges I wanted to be a part of this year.  This was fun and I think I can be successful in all of them.

  • The 2011 WHERE are you reading Map is up and now has three (woo hoo 3!!!) pegs on it coming out of the first week of January so I thrilled about that.  You still have time to join in!  😀  You can see my current map at the bottom of all my current book reviews in 2011.

  • Also – new in the house from my super fun road trip with my friend Wendy this weekend to St. Cloud and of course Barnes and Noble:

Yup!  I could not turn down the chance to pick up th LOST encyclopedia at 50% off!!!  AND Matched has been on my wish list for awhile and Wendy recommended Night by Elie Wiesel.



That was pretty much my week, but considering that I had work all week and a meeting every evening :  Monday – Thursday, I feel pretty good about what I accomplished.


For this week here is what I currently have going on as well as what I hope to accomplish:


I have not read Evanovich in years but while looking for something to listen to in my kitchen CD player at the library this one caught my eye.  I had heard that the audio’s were good and thought I would give this a try…. I am currently on disc 2 and enjoying the read!



Fresh from my library, Some Girls Are was on my wish list for 2010 and I just never got to it.  So – here it is, on my kitchen table and in the plans for this week!


I am listening to We Are All Welcome Here in my car.   Currently on disc 3 I am in awe of this one so far.  Key words of interest:  Polio, Iron Lung, Paralyzed





Currently on the IPod…… Nothing….. nada. After finishing Peace, Locomotion yesterday I have not looked to figure out what I want to download next to listen to on my IPOD.  I am open to suggestions – what would you recommend on audio?


Kitchen Boy that I am currently reading from last week has been put on hold for me to finish in the next 36 hours:  The Forgotten Garden which is my book club read for this Tuesday.


There you have it.  I am anxious to see what you are reading these cool January days and nights.  I will popping in as I can to check that out!  LINK up with the Linky below and I highly encourage each of us to take time to check out some of the other participants blogs.  It’s fun and appreciated and you never know where you may find that next great book recommendation – or blog you wish to follow.


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118 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I liked Matched and hope you do too. I recently read my first book by Courtney Summers and thought it was amazing. I think my media center has Some Girls Are. If I could only get a little ahead, I would like to read it. Have a great reading week!

  2. I loved Matched and I read Night in high school. It was a really powerful story.

    Good luck with your book club book! I hope you enjoy the books you are planning to read this week. I haven’t read Elizabeth Berg yet. I have a feeling I’d like her books. Have a great week!

  3. The Kitchen House is wonderful on audio. I’ve been listening to it while I clean and such around the house. Very moving and I like the reader a lot!

    Night is a wonderful book – extremely powerful. I hope you have a great reading week!!

  4. I have Some Girls Are on my tbr pile, hope to get to it soon and I’m intrigued now with the Elizabeth Berg book, I’ve only read one of hers and i am keen to read another, or listen 🙂
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  5. I now have plenty of new selections on my TBR list! I visited and commented and sometimes followed 21 of the blogs. It’s after midnight and my eyes are getting very fuzzy, but I wanted to do as many as I could tonight. Thanks for hosting this meme.

    I’m going to bed! Have a great week!

  6. I loved NIGHT by Elie Wiesel, its such an amazing book! I studied it in high school and still have the same copy, although its a bit worn out now. : ) Hope you enjoy all your other books too!

  7. Thank you so much for posting that about Anna Marie! I had no idea and she often stopped by my site. It’s so sad, she’s so young. I thought you did a wonderful job with your post about her.

    You are going to have a wonderful time reading Some Girls Are. LOVE Courtney Summers writing. So good!

    Enjoy and have a fantastic reading week!

  8. Sounds like you will have another busy week. I like the Janet E books but not a steady row of them. Then again, there seem to be only a few series I read in steady row. 🙂
    Have a great week.

  9. All the books look interesting to me but sadly none of them are available at my bookstore. I am taking your advice and donating a pile of my thrillers to the library down the road which caters to poor kids.It was not easy at first but , the act of giving is doing me some good and my mother thinks that judgement day is near (because it is the first time ‘I’ am donating ‘MY’ books).
    Enjoy your day !

  10. I just finished Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly on audio and loved it. They voices are done by two women one with a French accent and it was such a great story I highly recommend it. Also am currently listening to Soulless by Gail Carringer and am tickled pink with the book. If you have read any steampunk and like it I highly recommend it. If you haven’t then it is a treat too.

  11. Evanovich is always a fun read. I’ve been reading her new Diesel book – Wicked Appetites, which I forgot to list on my post, of course. 🙂

  12. I’m just now starting the Stephanie Plum series…I’m so behind! I’m listening to One for the Money on audiobook. Hope you enjoy Finger Lickin’ Fifteen!

  13. Matched landed my #1 YA spot for 2010. I loved it. I hope you do too.

    Night is a book that will change you, and never ever leave you. Plan on something very light afterwards…

    I hope you have a great week, Sheila!


    PS. Did you register for BEA/BBC??

    1. I am glad to hear about matched Alison – I read a couple not so favorable reviews on it today and I was stunned – up until today I had only read positive… I am anxious to see what I think of it.

      And yes, I am registered, flight and hotel ready for BEA!!! AND BBC 😀

  14. I just listened to The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri on audio and I thought it was great. Also The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson is one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever listened to.

  15. I loved Matched! 😀 I got a copy for Christmas, I hope you like it too. Night is really good too, but in totally different ways obviously.
    Happy Reading Sheila 🙂

  16. I tried to limit the number of 2011 challenges I signed up for, but I still got over 20, 😉 which is far less than last year 😀 I’ve heard that Some Girls Are is good & it’s on my wishlist, so I hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂 Happy reading & have a great week!

  17. No post from me today as I’m currently inbetween books and need to choose one to start tonight! I finally finished Belinda Bauer’s Darkside yesterday and reviewed it last night (Brilliant book, highly recommended!).

    50% off any book is good! 🙂

  18. I am in the middle of The Crimson Cipher by Susan Page Davis. Very hard to put down, It is historical fiction about the time before WWI, very well researched and I am learnig a lot.


  19. The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich is hilarious. Has me cracking up every time I read it. Glad to hear you are enjoying it. 🙂

    And I have Matched on my TBR pile. I keep hearing mixed reviews on it so I want to see what it’s all about.

    Is there a place that we link our blogs for the It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? meme. I just posted about it on my blog so wasn’t sure.

    Great site. 🙂

  20. I have Finger Lickin’ Fifteen on my TBR pile. I have all of the series but the first 5 so I’m waiting to get them before starting. I’m having a hard time finding them in hardcover.

  21. I’ve been hearing good things about Matched.

    I bet Stephanie Plum is hilarious on audio! Sounds like fun. And I’ve really enjoyed a few Elizabeth Berg novels but hadn’t heard of this one yet.

    Sounds like a good reading week ahead for you!


  22. I NEED that LOST encyclopedia! Yikes! Why didn’t I ever see that till now? I have Night on my shelf and have to read it too – am looking for motivation lol! It’s a short read but something tells me that it’s not going to be easy. Enjoy your week!

  23. It sounds a loaded week but hopefully you will get through it easily. The Forgotton Garden would be nice and Kitchen Boy is something I would like to read a review about.

  24. I’ve been hearing lots of stuff about “Matched.” It seems like the “it” book of the moment.

    And I’m so sorry to hear about a fellow book blogger passing away.

  25. YAy, you got Matched. Various review about this book. I am looking forward to read yours 🙂

    I visited more than 40 blog for this week. As usual I found many books with great cover. my TBR list are getting longer on and on. XD

    Have you read/heard The Help? It might good for your ipod. 🙂

    Have a great week, Sheila

  26. Night by EW is very good tho disturbing.
    The cover of Berg’s looked so inviting, as always, I headed to the library catalog and sent for the audio and while there noticed that there are way more Berg books I haven’t read than I thought. It’s like she pops them out like a cat pops out litters. 🙂

    I recommend The Help for your next ipod audio tho I seem to remember you mention you had listened already or were about to or some on that line. That audio book has turned me on to audio books. But also set me up to be dissappointed by most I imagine as it was soooo good. The reader’s being as much actresses as readers it was like listening to a stage play.

    Anyway, I’ve been away since October as for the first time in my memory I went weeks without reading much at all that wasn’t on my netbook screen. I’m feeling a harsh deprivation and as I contemplated what to do about it your IMWRYR post showed up in my email and I said to myself it was time to start participating again and to go looking for a few reading challenges to sign up for no matter how embarrassed I am to have crashed and burned on the ones I signed up for last year. I’ll probably sign up for your Where Are You Reading challenge later this week.

  27. Just realized I posted yesterday but never came by to link up. Done now.
    I picked up an ARC of Matched at BEA last year but still haven’t read it. Terrible, isn’t it? There are simply too many tempting books and never enough time.

  28. I received Matched for Christmas and can’t wait to read it! I would also recommend Night. I read it years ago and loved it. I actually got to hear Wiesel speak last winter . . . one of the best events I’ve been to!

  29. Very sorry to hear about the passing of a blogger. Thank you for sharing that information. Hmmmm, I love Janet Evanovic and Elizabeth Berg. These are two wonderful authors in my book.

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