It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Heather  She Is Reading

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Wow!  What an amazing week.  We are currently right in the beginning of Banned Books Week and I am having a lot of fun chatting it up with others about Banned Books….  here are the posts that landed here last week:

Book Bloggers Unite – a list of the top 100 banned books for the last two decades

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (my review and the Bookies – My Book Clubs review)

Seriously?  How do you lose the book you are currently reading?

Oh!  Oh!  Guess what I found?

Banned Books Eve and a little crazy poem

Review of ROOM by Emma Donoghue (I can not believe this book has sat in a box since May and I had not read it yet!)

Author Chat with Emma Donoghue (Author of ROOM)  (and she even answered a question for the spoiler page!)

Review of The Face On The Milk Carton for banned Books Week (uhhhh….. WHA?  I totally couldnt figure out what made this banned!)

I went to a Minnesota Author event on Saturday and uhhh…. errr…. came back with a few books.  😛

Review of Freedom Writer’s Diary for Banned Books Week (If you have not seen the movie I encourage you to do so!  Then read the book of the diary’s of these students….. powerful, powerful. stuff!

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (complete – need to post review this week!)

I Would Know You Anywhere by Laura Lippman – audio review completed, still need to post

So how is that for a smoking awesome week?  I had a lot of fun catching up with books lying around everywhere partially read thanks to Michelle’s Fall Catch Up Read-A-Thon. Granted, I could use more than one week to catch up… but I did make a dent.

This week I will continue reviewing Banned Books but I will also be reading a few other reads if all goes well.  Here are a couple I hope to get to this week:

I just purchased this book this weekend but listen to this synopsis:

Meet Laura Van Ryn and Whitney Cerak: one buried under the wrong name, one in a coma and being cared for by the wrong family.

This shocking case of mistaken identity stunned the country and made national news. Would it destroy a family? Shatter their faith? Push two families into bitterness, resentment, and guilt?

Read this unprecedented story of two traumatized families who describe their ordeal and explore the bond sustaining and uniting them as they deal with their bizarre reversal of life lost and life found.

And join Whitney Cerak, the sole surviving student, as she comes to terms with her new identity, forever altered, yet on the brink of new beginnings.

Mistaken Identity weaves a complex tale of honesty, vulnerability, loss, hope, faith, and love in the face of one of the strangest twists of circumstance imaginable.

I have to read this!

Doesn’t this look good?  I am in the mood for a little historical fiction!

I picked this one up from the library after reading about it on another blog.  I am really looking forward to this story!

So that’s the week!  I am so looking forward to stopping by and seeing what you are reading!  This is actually one of my favorite things to do each week.  Add your What Are You Reading post to the linky where it says CLICK HERE and we all can visit the posts!  😛

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**Update:  Linky server seems to be down so leave a comment below and I can connect to you that way.  Once up I will update the links for you.  🙂

91 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Shelia

    I saw the story of mistaken identity on tv and oh my!! I cannot even imagine being either one of those families!! I look forward to your review! You have a great week in reading for sure!

  2. I read a number of reviews of Rooms this week and they were all positive. My library is ordering multiple copies but I bet there will be a long waiting list!

    I’ve read That Certain Spark and I liked it although the first book was my favorite (Fancy Pants).

    I haven’t read the other books on your to-read list this week but I want to read Mistaken Identity.

  3. You did indeed have a fantastic week. I on the other hand had an incredibly slow week. Busy, busy I have been and my reading suffered as a result. I hope this upcoming week, things will settle down a bit and I will get more reading done. I did manage to squeeze in 5 hours of listening to Boneshaker today. I highly recommend that book in audio format.

  4. I want to read Mistaken Identity. I remember that story when it was in the news. I couldn’t begin to imagine what those two families went through. I saw them on Oprah a few years ago. It was amazing how gracious they were.

  5. Some time after Mistaken Identity came out a YA novel came out by the name All We Know of Heaven by Jacquelyn Mitchard. I read the flap and kept going, this sounds familiar. Turns out Mitchard based her book on that story.

  6. I read your review on Room. Now I will want to find time to read it but I have a pretty full schedule of PBs for review.
    Looks like you are having a fun time reading the banned books! Enjoy and have another good week.

    I’ve started the week well by visiting five sites already. 🙂

    1. Jan when I was in high school we had a study hall and my friend Barb and I were the only two girls in the class (they went by last names). So Barb and I would change words to songs all the time. Doing the poem brought back memories of changing words to Eye Of The Tiger, Another One Bites The Dust, Wake Me Up Before You Go…..

      (oops – did I just age myself?) 😛

  7. I know it’s very frustrating – but I frequently lose the book that I’m currently reading. I just did it with When Blood Calls. I found it this weekend, it’s been missing for a couple of weeks. They always turn back up. It’s a result of having lots of books to read… 🙂 That’s my excuse anyway!

    1. I think its funny Mardel that if a friend calls me and asks if I have a certain book and I do, even if I have not looked at that book in years I have a pretty good idea where it is on the shelf. Yet, I can lose the one I am actually reading…. GAH! 😛

  8. I usually forget to do this part – but, I visited 11 other Monday posts before I went to work today. You look like you had a great reading week. Meeting all those Minnesota authors must have been fun.

    1. It was Kathy, but its hard too because they are all crammed into long tables and while one book may be very interesting, the next may not be…. then I would feel bad passing on some of the books.

      I spent two hours just talking to them. 🙂

  9. Wow, you read a lot and posted so many reviews last week – way to go! I keep hearing good things about Room – I need to read it.

    I was still sick last week so wasn’t able to visit any blogs – I’ll have to go check out some of your reviews!


  10. When I was in prep school, we used to change the words to songs all the time. On a bus trip to St. Louis for an ice show or something we’d sing them all – no wonder the bus driver hit a parked car one evening! Some of our lyrics weren’t exactly family fare. 🙂

  11. You went throught a lot of books! I’ve added mine to the linky. So far, I’ve visited 6 other blogs…will be coming back for more later.

  12. Mistaken Identity sounds interesting, I don’t watch the news much so I totally missed that one, but I am intrigued. Off to read some of your review from the week. I really want to read Rooms and it is on my list, I keep hoping our library will get it.

  13. You really did have an awesome week!!! I need to plan better for Banned Books Week next year. Totally missed that this was it. That’s the kind of week it was last week, felt like I swimming uphill through a pile of quicksand. This week should be better, I hope!!


  14. Woo-hoo! I won; I’m so happy! I will email you a prize choice…but there are so many to chose from!

    I read Mistaken Identity and afterward watched the GMA interviews with the surviving family members. The book was amazing…unlike anything I’d ever read before. I think you will enjoy it! However, as you can expect, it’s very sad!!!!


  15. I’m super excited for banned book week, although I guess it’s more bittersweet as books shouldn’t be banned in the first place! That’s really odd that Face on the Milk Carton was banned at some point. It’s made me want to do some research and find out why. Enjoy! 🙂

  16. I just want to apologize to everyone, my life got in the way of my blog visiting today but will try to stop by and visit during the rest of the week!!


  17. I’ve really enjoyed your thoughts on Banned Books Week! I’m surprised at all the books that have actually been banned at one time or another. Also, Mistaken Identity looks very intesnse – I look forward to your thoughts!

  18. I wonder why Face on the Milk Carton is a banned book too. Looking forward to your thoughts on I’d Know You Anywhere as I have it on audio as well.

    1. I appreciate your comments on the blogs Jennifer – I love to visit the memes and see that some of us have also done so… I pick up more great reads that way!

      I have no idea what was up with Mr Linky but glad he is doing well now. 😀

  19. The heat is killing me today and I hardly got anything done. Although I did visit a few of the blogs. Thank you so much for hosting this, I really look forward to it each week!

    Your reads look rather serious this week, but I really like the looks of That Certain Spark! May have to pick it up for the reviews I do over at Chick Lit Reviews.

    Have a fabulous reading week and thanks so much for your comments and visits!

    1. heat? Oh I wish Danielle! I had the heat on yesterday in the house I was so cold. I love the warmth….. 😀

      I know my books are a little intense this week… I thought about that but I can not wait to read Mistaken Identity and Live To Tell is a library read that I have procrastinated on reading so want to before it has to go back 🙂

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