It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hello!  Welcome to It’s Monday What Are You Reading?  The meme that we use to share what we read this past week and what our plans are for the upcoming week.  It’s a great way to see what others are reading and add to your own To Be Read list. 😀  You never know where that next great read may come from!

Happy end of the year!  I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, and now we are on our way to the end of the year… I have to say I am looking forward to it, 2014 was not an awesome year and I am hopeful that 2015 will have a better flow to it. 🙂

Here is what I posted this past week:


Maze Runner Movie Thoughts


The Kindness Of Strangers by Mike McIntyre


Love Letters by Debbie Macomber


Still time to join in FIRST BOOK OF THE YEAR!


I wish I would have posted more this week, I have reviews I wanted to wrap up on by year end and I dont think I can fit them all in now 🙂



Here is what I have planned for this week:


For My Ears:


Darcy Patel has put college on hold to publish her teen novel, Afterworlds. With a contract in hand, she arrives in New York City with no apartment, no friends, and all the wrong clothes. But lucky for Darcy, she’s taken under the wings of other seasoned and fledgling writers who help her navigate the city and the world of writing and publishing. Over the course of a year, Darcy finishes her book, faces critique, and falls in love.

Woven into Darcy’s personal story is her novel, Afterworlds, a suspenseful thriller about a teen who slips into the “Afterworld” to survive a terrorist attack. The Afterworld is a place between the living and the dead, and where many unsolved – and terrifying – stories need to be reconciled. Like Darcy, Lizzie, too, falls in love – until a new threat resurfaces, and her special gifts may not be enough to protect those she cares about most.




Sarah Nickerson is like any other career-driven supermom in Welmont, the affluent Boston suburb where she leads a hectic but charmed life with her husband Bob, faithful nanny, and three children—Lucy, Charlie, and nine-month-old Linus.

Between recruiting the best and brightest minds as the vice president of human resources at Berkley Consulting; shuttling the kids to soccer, day care, and piano lessons; convincing her son’s teacher that he may not, in fact, have ADD; and making it home in time for dinner, it’s a wonder this over-scheduled, over-achieving Harvard graduate has time to breathe.

A self-confessed balloon about to burst, Sarah miraculously manages every minute of her life like an air traffic controller. Until one fateful day, while driving to work and trying to make a phone call, she looks away from the road for one second too long. In the blink of an eye, all the rapidly moving parts of her jam-packed life come to a screeching halt.

A traumatic brain injury completely erases the left side of her world, and for once, Sarah relinquishes control to those around her, including her formerly absent mother. Without the ability to even floss her own teeth, she struggles to find answers about her past and her uncertain future.

Now, as she wills herself to regain her independence and heal, Sarah must learn that her real destiny—her new, true life—may in fact lie far from the world of conference calls and spreadsheets. And that a happiness and peace greater than all the success in the world is close within reach, if only she slows down long enough to notice.


For My Eyes:


Hazel Rose never dreamed that the murder mystery book group she and her friend Carlene started would stage a real murder.

Nevertheless, the normally composed Carlene is unusually angry and rattled one night during a book group discussion and dies after drinking cyanide-spiked tea. Despite a suicide note, Hazel is skeptical; Carlene never seemed suicidal—she was busy making plans for her future. Incidentally, Carlene was married to Hazel’s ex-husband, and Hazel has always suspected there might be something more to her past than she let on.

How much does anyone really know about Carlene Arness? And did she die by her own hand or someone else’s? Hazel begins a search for the truth that produces no shortage of motives, as she unearths the past that Carlene took great pains to hide. And most of those motives belong to the members of her very own book group…




When Penny Farthing nearly dies, brilliant surgeon Calvin Warwick manages to implant a brass “Ticker” in her chest, transforming her into the first of the Augmented. But soon it’s discovered that Warwick killed dozens of people as he strove to perfect another improved Ticker for Penny, and he’s put on trial for mass murder.

On the last day of Warwick’s trial, the Farthings’ factory is bombed, Penny’s parents disappear, and Penny and her brother, Nic, receive a ransom note demanding all of their Augmentation research if they want to see their parents again. Is someone trying to destroy the Farthings…or is the motive more sinister?

Desperate to reunite their family and rescue their research, Penny and her brother recruit fiery baker Violet Nesselrode, gentleman-about-town Sebastian Stirling, and Marcus Kingsley, a young army general who has his own reasons for wanting to lift the veil between this world and the next. Wagers are placed, friends are lost, romance stages an ambush, and time is running out for the girl with the clockwork heart.

Cleaning up a few reads before the end of the year and then next week.. well, I have some news I will share soon 🙂

What are you reading/listening to this week?  Is this a good reading week for you with the holidays or is it a hard week to read with everything going on?  I will have a mix of quiet days and crazy days… but all should work out to a good week to read 🙂

Please add your What Are You Reading link below where it says click here:

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For those who read mainly children and middle grade books please add your link here as well:


46 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Sounds like a good week ahead with time for relaxing in the midst of holiday commitments. I’ve been enjoying the same. And now with cold temps returning, happy to be indoors with books !
    Really liking the look of your club’s pick – Walking the BIble – look forward to hearing more…
    EnJoy 🙂
    and HapPiest New Year, Sheila …


  2. The last several books I read were so incredibly good that I haven’t been able to find anything to hold my interest at this time. I am taking a mini break from reading until the first of the year.

  3. Angry Woman Suite is sitting in my lonely que as the last book of the year….I think. Just finished Armed and Fabulous which was fun. Spent the weekend reading Sara Barton mystery quickies and I have another to read. Going to the Library today to see what other mischeif we can get into

  4. Well, I will have ti add Left Neglected to my list, because I love the cover. And I will add, Mystery at the Book Group too. I am participating in a Cozy Mystery Challenge in 2015. Yea, for the suggestions! I won’t be able to get them at the Library, but I will get something else. Not like I don’t have a list to choose from!! 🙂

  5. You’ve got some interesting reading going on. I finished my last novel of the year last Friday and I’ve committed to reading the stack of graphic novels and comic collections I currently have out from the library for the rest of this week.

  6. Great variety of books! I loved Afterworlds. I would like to read Ticker and Murder at the Book Group but am determined not to add more to the TBR mountain unless I have a plan for when I’ll be able to read it. Have a great week and a great 2015!

  7. I want to read Murder at the Book Group, sounds good. Left Behind wasn’t my favorite by Lisa Genova, but I do love her books. Jan 16 is when her movie Still Alice releases. I can’t wait.
    Have a good week!!

Hmmmm... what do you think?