The Guncle by Steven Rowley

A sweet read about love, loss and courage

Patrick and Sara met in College and became close friends, almost inseparable. Sara was the first person to tell Patrick her would be famous some day…. She called Patrick out and while his attraction to her was in a sisterly way… he loved her all the same.

As years went on and Patrick did indeed become famous, and Sara fell in love and married Patrick’s brother, the two friends while still close… drifted with Patrick’s crazy schedule and Sara raising her two children. When Sara became sick, Patrick felt he had time to go and see her and vowed to do so….
and then it was too late.

When Patrick goes to the funeral he is asked a big favor from his brother, to watch his niece Maisie (9), and his nephew Grant (6) for a while as things are sorted out.

Thus begins an interesting summer, Patrick know to the kids as Guncle (Gay Uncle) has no idea how to entertain two children, especially two children that has just lost their mother – and his lifestyle is not exactly set up for young houseguests….

But a summer of togetherness may be just what is needed on both sides as the three go through changes, heartbreak, and rebuilding together.

I first heard about The Guncle on line when social media scrolling (don’t pretend you don’t do that…. ;P)
After coming off two heavy reads I was looking for something fun and lite and immediately secured myself a copy of The Guncle.
It checked the boxed I needed checked.
Lite, funny and heartwarming is the best way I can describe this book. You can see the relationship that Patrick and Sara had built the foundation of all those years ago come forth in what could be a very true situation.
Author, Steven Rowley does a wonderful job of capturing the essence of the children’s resilience and questions during a hard time. Don’t over think it, if you are looking for a sweet read – pick up The Guncle.

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