The First Book Of The Year 2017


Yes.  YES!   We are totally doing this again.  This is the fourth year that I am thrilled to host the First Book Of The Year.  As always, I hope you will join in this fun event. I absolutely LOVE seeing the pictures from all over the world of all of you with your first books.

So what is First Book of the year?

The First Book is a book that maybe you have been wanting to read for a while but have not had time for, a coveted book, an old favorite re-read – whatever you want.  The point is that this is the book that will kick off the year for you.  What will it be?

Our posts of what we are reading will go live on January 1st.  You do not need to be done with the book on January 1st, just reading it on January 1st and yes, you can start on the 31st and be reading into the New Year.  I would like to link up all your posts here on the 1st as well so others can visit you and cheer you on!  If you are interested, please fill out the short form below.

Here are the pictures sent in from last years First Book:









Here is all you need to sign up and to know what to do.  Please help me to spread the word…. lets fill January 1st with the great First Books!

Good to be back all…. good to be back.

41 thoughts on “The First Book Of The Year 2017

  1. Hi Shelia. SO glad you’re hosting this again. I tried submitting the Google Form but it’s not working for me. It keeps telling me I need to type in my first name and it’s there but it acts like it’s blank.

  2. Pingback: First Book of 2017
  3. Sheila, I’m glad you’re hosting this as it is super fun. Thank you! I haven’t been posting much, but I did it one year and really enjoyed it. The photo collage is terrific. 🙂

  4. I’m so glad to see you’re doing this again…I love participating in this with you each year!!! I’ll be sending my picture early as I’m heading out of the country Friday for a week and don’t want to hold up your collage in case my return flight gets delayed…now I just have to decide on my book…yikes – so much pressure!!! So glad you are back…you have been missed! Xo

  5. Happy New Year, Sheila! I am a little late in coming to the party this year, but wouldn’t miss participating for the world! I love First Book of the Year! I submitted what I’m reading with the link, but no photo this year, because I was so late in deciding. Thanks for hosting! I love seeing everyone with their books, and love seeing what everyone is reading!

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