Morning Meanderings…. Training To Be A Hooker


Saturday!  Have I mentioned before it is my favorite day of the week?  Here this morning with COFFEE CUP on the front end of the weekend.  So much I like about that.

For this weeks Saturday Snapshot I thought I would share with you my experience this week of taking the steps to be a hooker.  Leather knee boots optional.


Oh wait – no no no. Not that kind of hooker.

This kind:


I have girls in my book club that are amazing crocheters, or hookers, as I am learning they are called.  Some of the items they have worn to book club (scarves, hats…) things they have made for Wine and Words or for our Christmas exchange (gorgeous blankets, throws…)  This hat is what I received at our last Christmas party:

Sheila DeChantal


Anyway…. I sooooo wanted to know how to crochet.  Last fall, I won a crochet starter kit at the Wine and Words auction.  I joked that I would not open that package unless I had a chance to learn, otherwise the gift basket was going back to be auctioned at this year’s event.  It was nice that on Thursday of this week I was able to open that basket.

PicMonkey CollageIn the basket was a wonderful assortment of yarn in beautiful colors.  There was also a book called My First Crochet Book, scissors, a set of crochet hooks with a holder, and some tags to put on my masterpieces (those I will save for later.  WAY later).

We gathered at Sharon’s house from our book club and she and Lori taught me the basics.  I was the only one in the group this time that was squeaky new to this.  I thought for sure I would have Mickey Mouse hands and not be able to do a think but I actually did ok when I made my first chain of 100 stitches.  (Note the concentration)


Our trial session was two hours long.  The goal was to make a cozy for a coffee cup as my first project but we (I) did not get that far.  By the time I left I had this:


A work in progress? Yes.  Or…. a completes yarn mustache which I believe are all the rage in Europe.  😉

The verdict:  I am willing to keep going. I hope I will learn to at least make scarves, maybe baby blankets.  On the bright side… it was a bucket list item I can scratch off – I am doing it.


How about that?

My Great Grandmother would be proud.

Linking this up to Saturday Snapshot where we share what is happening in our lives.  Check it out – it is kind of cool to see what everyone around the world is taking pictures of this week.


21 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…. Training To Be A Hooker

  1. My mother tried to teach me how to crochet and knit when I was little. I was so bad at it that she almost forgot how to do it by trying to teach me. lol Glad it is going better for you!

  2. That title certainly got my attention…lol. But I had a hint of what it was about from your previous post.

    I used to crochet, when I was young…mostly edging things. But my hands don’t cooperate with even the smallest sewing tasks these days; I’m not sure how that happened!

    Enjoy…and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Yah! Another into the fold. I hope you get hooked. Think about joining Ravelry, a free online community for those who hook, knit, dye yarn, weave yarn, and spin yarn. There are over a million members from all over the world. It’s like a FB for us fiber crafters. Twinkle Chan is a fun designer of all things crochet.

  4. You know, I’d say it’s probably close to 40 years since I last crocheted! I enjoyed it when I did it, but have no time/desire to do it now, or much of anything else “crafty” for that matter *sigh* Just don’t have the time and I don’t think my hands would appreciate it. I have to save them for artwork.

    I have some gorgeous stuff here from relatives that did beautiful work and love having their stuff around (they’ve passed), plus I have amazing tatting work from my great-grandmother! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

  5. You seem to be making it as a hooker, Sheila! 😉 I have a goal of learning two things this year: how to knit (I think crocheting would be beyond my skills) and how to hem a pair of pants. All the things I should have learned in Home Ec, but was too busy reading to learn to sew or cook. 😉

  6. I am laughing because you know I live in NV—where Hooking is actually legal. BUT, we have a hookers group here too, (the crocheting and knitting kind-lol) and I go because I take my daughter in law, who is very shy, but she LOVES IT. I know all the ladies and they try so hard to make me a hooker too! It’s not going so well.

  7. What a fun post! I think your work-in-progress looks like a bookmark? Keep going until you get the hang of it. I find “needle-arts” very relaxing. I knit. I think you’ll find, once you get going, a nice rhythm to hooking. It can be a good form for meditation. Enjoy.

  8. I love this post. And your pictures are lovely. Congratulations on scratching off one more item from your bucket-list. The ‘mustache’ looks cute. I look forward to seeing more pictures of things you are going to make. 🙂

  9. Sheila, it looks like you’ve already gotten the hang of it! The hat is darling.

    Naida from the bookworm is a wonderful crocheter. She has made the most adorable sweaters for my little dog, Daisy.

    Have a terrific weekend!

  10. Good for you, Sheila! I used to crochet and knit but I’ve gotten away from it and now I’m not sure I remember how. It is very relaxing, as I have found almost any needlework to be. Good luck. Don’t forget to show us your finished product.

  11. Hey! I’m in training too! I started right before Christmas and have worked a few projects now. I’m in the process of making my first scarf, and a weather-related blanket. I’m excited to learn more and do more and such. I never expected my excitement to last this long, haha!

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