Saturday Snapshot… A Look Into Minnesota Libraries


I am still surprised how time gets away from me.  I thought for sure I would have posts up this week but the book sale ended and a board retreat began and meetings this week and canning and a friend having surgery and company and delivering apples to neighbors and…

well you get the picture.

Along with all of that was the annual Minnesota Library Association Conference which is always a good time.  I believe this is my fourth year attending.  They have one day that is focused on Friends of the Libraries – ie.  workshops, brainstorming sessions and awards.  The second day while more oriented to libraries I also find interesting as there are sessions that share what other libraries are doing and the speakers are exceptional.

So today, for Saturday Snapshot I thought I would give you a little peek into the MLA….


I am on the Board for the Minnesota Library Association of Friends.  This group is a plethora of information!  A retired judge, financial adviser, and a past State Librarian who I love to talk to.  We had a booth that I sat at when there was no session I was interested in attending.


Here is the group I attended with.  These women are so much fun!  L:  Diane (Brainerd check out desk), Laurel (Reference desk), Julia (past Brainerd Librarian and now Mankato), Darcy (Children’s Librarian) and Jolene (our Lead Librarian for Brainerd).



They also have a small silent auction both days of the conference that assists in raising money for the Minnesota Library Foundation.  I took pictures of some of the fun and interesting ones…. I love that Night Circus is paired with Freakshow wine!


Of course… I love a good silent auction and when it all ended I had won a few goodies…


The books were all one auction… I had my eye on The Child Garden.  LOVE the cover!  The audio book was not getting bids, and the package of homemade cards I LOVE as I try to send out cards every week.  I love cards and messages 🙂


I left with a good deal of ideas!  I came home yesterday afternoon and today is audio and catching up on laundry, mowing the lawn and apples waiting to be processed.  A lazy Sunday (or as lazy as it gets for me) is just what I am glad to be a part of.  I love being a part of this but the larger group stuff takes its tole on my through my grief and alone time… or time with just Al and I is what I long for to recharge 🙂



6 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot… A Look Into Minnesota Libraries

  1. Wow, you certainly had a busy week! I was able to read/review The Child Garden – I loved the cover but that was about it. :/ Unfortunately it just didn’t keep my attention. Maybe one of these days I’ll try it again! LOL

  2. Every week is busy in its own way isn’t it? This looks so fun-everything bookish. The silent auctions look fun- people are always so clever with such things.

Hmmmm... what do you think?