Morning Meanderings… Lori From Escape With Dollycas Hashes Out Gone Girl


Good morning!  It’s me, Lori From Escape With Dollycas.  I “met” Sheila a few years ago when she took over the It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? meme. I absolutely love her blog and she is a fantastic person. She is always busy doing something for the local library or running a race or biking somewhere. She is like the energizer bunny. I am amazed she even finds time to read a book let alone review them. But she does! And she does it so well!

Now that she and her hubby are off on a well-deserved vacation she has asked several bloggers to fill in for her Morning Meanderings. I am thrilled to be one of those asked.

Click here for Sheila’s review


I decided to talk about the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. This book came out on June 5, 2012. Sheila reviewed it July 27, 2012. I saw everyone was reading it and after Sheila’s review I ordered it. When it arrived I put it on the top of my TO-BE-READ stack where my oldest daughter saw and took it home with her. She kept it for a few months, failing to tell me it had made the rounds with her co-workers. She then passed it along to her sister who shared it with a couple of her friends too. It really didn’t faze me that the book was missing because I have a huge supply of books to read. Then one day I saw the movie trailer and realized I still had not read the book. I asked the girls where it was and my youngest daughter said, “It’s on my keeper shelf.” I told her since it was my book that maybe I should be able to read it before it took up residence on her shelf. She then brought me the book.

Thankfully the hard cover book was still in very good condition after all its travels. So I finally was able to read and review this book last September. You can read my review here but I had the same feelings Sheila did only she wrote it much better:

“That can’t be, ri… oh. It is.”
“That’s crazy!”
“That’s brilliant!”
“Oh no he didn’t!”
“OH NO, she didnt!”

Then at the end I wanted to throw this book at the wall.

I needed to talk this through with someone so I called up my daughters and we had quite a discussion. This is not a book where you get to the end and feel the mystery is all tied up in a neat little bow. It is a book that left me feeling ‘WHAT” or as the younger generation says “WTF”! When the movie came out both daughters wanted to go and maybe they did and haven’t told me. I was too upset to go see it. I am sure the actors are wonderful but I probably would have been yelling at the screen. Very bad etiquette for a person my age 😛 I do see the movie comes out on DVD January 13. I may have to purchase it so I can yell at the screen in the privacy of my own home. Maybe I can call my daughters and we can have a movie night together. Watch out there will probably be popcorn flying. I will be sure to share it on my own blog if it happens!


Thank you Sheila for letting me blog sit today! I hope you are having a fabulous time.




18 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Lori From Escape With Dollycas Hashes Out Gone Girl

  1. My mystery group read it. Hmmm…we had a very vigorous discussion and, no, unlike so much of the rest of the world, we did not have many good things to say. I’ll stop there, but…I did not love it. My reaction at the end was the same as yours. I have not seen the movie yet. Still trying to decide if I will. I know my husband would hate it because he does like resolution in his mysteries. 😉

    Thanks for standing in for Sheila, Lori!

  2. Mary is not alone, I still haven’t read the book or seen the movie. For whatever reason, it’s never grabbed my attention all that much. I thought about seeing the movie, but since the previews pretty much tell you everything that happens, or at least hints at it, I’ve never felt the need to do so.

  3. The hype is all around us! But I am in the group that has not read the book nor seen the movie. I found an inexpensive copy at a bookstore recently and bought it. It is still on shelf and it may stay there for awhile. Although I like Ben Affeck I probably won’t see the movie. We rarely go out to the movies.

  4. What a fun read–and I meant this blog, not the book. haha
    I became OBSESSED with Gone Girl while reading it a few summers ago.
    Felt very similar to this:

    “That can’t be, ri… oh. It is.”
    “NO WAY!”
    “That’s crazy!”
    “That’s brilliant!”
    “Oh no he didn’t!”
    “OH NO, she didn’t!”

    And, after finishing, I believe I actually shook the book as if some other ending would come out instead.
    Saw the movie–just as disturbing as the book, of course.
    But I was misled (by publicity, those tricky devils) into believe that Gillian Flynn had rewritten the end for the movie. NOT!

    And who wants to see poor Doogie Howser in THAT SCENE? (You know what I mean…)
    But it was intense, and I love NIN (Trent Reznor)–the musician behind the creepy soundtrack.

    Thanks for this fun to read blog.

  5. I am probably in the minority here, it seems, LOL, but I enjoyed the book and the movie. But mostly the movie. But now that it’s on DVD, I will see it again…and will probably toss a few expletives as well. So I didn’t love the characters, but they are the kind I love to hate. Definitely.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Lori.

  6. No Mary, you’re not the only one who hasn’t read the book. I didn’t either. Not sure if I will although I am dying of curiosity of course. Lori, your post had me cracking up. I can just picture you screaming at the screen. 🙂

  7. Lori, this totally cracked me up! I’ve heard so much about this book, but since I know I’ll never catch up on the books I still need to read, I am SO reluctant to add more (though I do). The rounds the book made, then with your daughter deciding it was hers to keep, was just too funny. I’m sure, after nearly throwing it at the wall, you willingly gave it back to her for “keeps.” lol Great post!

  8. Lori,
    I enjoyed your animated post today. Thank you for filling in for Sheila! As for me, I haven’t read the book, or seen the movie, but I will probably see the movie soon(ish).

  9. Loved your story about the book that went on its own little book journey. I haven’t read this book and don’t really feel called to, but I know its one of those books many have read.

  10. I read GONE GIRL and felt exactly the same. Now it’s in our Netflix queue. It would be nice if the movie ties up the ending better.

  11. This post is perfect timing as today on the ship we will be watching…. Gone Girl. 🙂 The three girls I am with have not seen it – this will be my fourth. I did enjoy both book and movie and have read other Gillian Flynn because of this one. 🙂 I laughed when Lori put up art of y review, I forgot I had said that. 🙂 We are at sea the next two days and now off to breakfast. 🙂

  12. Until I read all the comments here I thought I was the only one who had not read this…guess I am wrong!
    Enjoyed this post! Love the idea of the “keepers” shelf.

  13. I’ve not done the book, but have the movie. I loved the movie until the last moments, I so wanted that girl to be smacked around the head and sent packing!

Hmmmm... what do you think?