That’s Narrating! By Narrator Khristine Hvam

Audio month

Welcome again to another fun chat with a Narrator.  Today I would love to introduce the talented Khristine Hvam!




Well hello! I’m Khristine Hvam. Audibook narrator and voice over actress. I started narrating audiobooks in 2008.  To name a few of the books I have narrated:

Frog Music by Emma Donoghue,
Astray by Emma Donoghue
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series by Laini Taylor
The Jane Yellowrock Series by Faith Hunter
The Pure trilogy by Julianna Baggot
The Graveyard Queen series by Amanda Stevens
The Cast in Shadow series by Michelle Sagara
The Iron Daughter series by Julie Kagawa


How did you begin narrating?

I always say, I sort of tripped and fell and landed (perfectly) in narration. I started as a voice over actor. I was working on some dubbing work and the director thought I would be a good fit for audiobook narration. He set up an audition for me with Audible and the rest is history.

Narration and other voice over work are my full time job. However, being mommy to an eleven month old is my latest full time job. Both are dreams come true.


That first narration….

My first book was a steamy sexy romance novel. WOW was that awkward! Not only had I never recorded a book before (the recording of a book takes place over several hours a day for several days) but the name of the steamy sexy male character was the same name as the engineer recording for me. That was kind of humiliating. “Oh Rick, OH RICK!!” … I was several shades of red. “Rick” of course, wasn’t bothered at all.

In the few years I’ve been doing this amazing work things have changed a bit within the inner workings and politics of the business. More and more home studio recording requests come my way and I’m fortunate that I have a home studio and can accommodate. However, it’s challenging to record at home alone and it can be isolating at times. I have to play the role of narrator, engineer, and director, and I think that can sometimes have a negative effect on the narration. I miss the comradery of working with a producer/director and engineer. But the work is still the same. My approach to the work hasn’t changed. I still go into every new project excited and ready for the adventure.

More and more home studio recording requests come my way and I’m fortunate that I have a home studio and can accommodate. However, it’s challenging to record at home alone and it can be isolating at times.

I’ve grown up quite a bit in these last six years. I have more confidence in my choices as a narrator now. I think that translates into being able to branch out into new genres of work. And I’m really looking forward to that!

Favorite Narrations…..


I think all narrators have a favorite and I have several. My latest is “Frog Music” by Emma Donoghue because it kicked my butt. It was the HARDEST book I’ve ever worked on. And because of how much it pushed me to grow as a narrator IT is one of my favorites. The “Daughter of Smoke and Bone” series by Laini Taylor was just a blast to record. Its filled with incredible characters, it’s written well, and it gave me an opportunity to explore new “voices”… I basically showed up and played all day while recording it. And that’s why I got into this biz in the first place!


Please watch this site for June audio book related posts like this one.  For every post you comment on in June that has this audio book symbol:

Audio month, Book Journey, Sheila DeChantalI will put you into a drawing for a $25 book certificate for each comment (Barnes and Noble or Amazon – your choice).  Winner will be drawn in July.


24 thoughts on “That’s Narrating! By Narrator Khristine Hvam

  1. My ‘To Be Listened To’ list has grown by leaps and bounds this month. I’ve especially enjoyed discovering the narrator’s favorite narrations.

  2. Narrating a steamy book would be difficult I think. It would be challenging to record at home.

  3. I’m so interested in home studios. That must be a huge obstacle for anyone wanting to get into the business. How expensive! And what a way to cut costs.

  4. What an informative and fun series about audio, narrators, and behind- the- scenes look we’ve been treated to this month. Thanks so much to you, Sheila, and to all the narrators who told their stories.This has certainly inspired me to listen to more audio going forward!

  5. thinking it’s a great exploration for alter egos.. liking to hear of Khristine’s personal growth in fulfillment of a new career vs stifled by sameness and the challenges of home studio recording. it’s not all fun and games obviously =)

Hmmmm... what do you think?