It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hey there!  Welcome to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. Fair warning… this meme tends to add to your reading list!

Hey all 🙂  Today is my birthday and I have had a wonderful weekend with both my sons and hubby.  I went out to eat a couple times, bought a book, played WII, went to a movie, and learned to levitate…. 

No kidding – my son helped me create this:


I know right?  Is that not fun?  We also did one for him:


Fun! Seriously! 

Here is what I posted this past week:

Labor Day By Joyce Maynard

Bookies – Pre Labor Day Movie Get Together pics!

Labor Day Movie Review

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris (oh ha ha… don’t miss this!)

The Literary Blog Hop is going on now and I have a fun giveaway and a BONUS birthday giveaway as well 😀

And for what I am listening to/reading this week:

I do not think I will have new audio this week from the two I listed last week 🙂



Tracing the historic arc of Lincoln’s life from his picaresque days as a gangly young lawyer in Sangamon County, Illinois, through his improbable marriage to Kentucky belle Mary Todd, to his 1865 visit to war-shattered Richmond only days before his assassination, I Am Abraham hews closely to the familiar Lincoln saga. Charyn seamlessly braids historical figures such as Mrs. Keckley—the former slave, who became the First Lady’s dressmaker and confidante—and the swaggering and almost treasonous General McClellan with a parade of fictional extras: wise-cracking knaves, conniving hangers-on, speculators, scheming Senators, and even patriotic whores.

We encounter the renegade Rebel soldiers who flanked the District in tattered uniforms and cardboard shoes, living in a no-man’s-land between North and South; as well as the Northern deserters, young men all, with sunken, hollowed faces, sitting in the punishing sun, waiting for their rendezvous with the firing squad; and the black recruits, whom Lincoln’s own generals wanted to discard, but who play a pivotal role in winning the Civil War. At the center of this grand pageant is always Lincoln himself, clad in a green shawl, pacing the White House halls in the darkest hours of America’s bloodiest war.

Gettin’ my Lincoln on.


Nobody really believes in a curse. Until you know the people who disappear. Too much coincidence, you look for reason. Too much death, you grasp for something to blame. Carson pulled Delaney out and he died on the side of the road with her mouth pressed to his. Her air in his body. Troy. She told the cops it was suicide. Didn’t matter. The lake released her and grabbed another. But when Decker’s father dies in a pool of spilled water on their kitchen floor, all Decker can feel is a slow burning rage. Because he knows that Delaney knew that his dad was going to die. She knew and backed out of his house and never said a word. Falcon Lake still has a hold on them both, and Decker can’t forgive Delaney until he knows why.

My birthday gift from Justin 😀

That’s my week!  How is yours looking?  Please add your link to Monday What Are You Reading below where it says click here.


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For those of you that read mainly middle grade and children’s books, be sure to also link to the younger version of It’s Monday by using the link below!


60 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Happy Birthday, glad you’ve had a fun time with your fam. Levitating … lol now that’s on my bucket list 😉
    Vengeance sounds a bit creepy. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

  2. Happy, happy, birthday Sheila! The photo’s are fun, aren’t they? Technology is moving so quickly that it’s hard to keep up with all these fun apps and techniques.

    I remember Labor Day being a book about a man on the run, a woman intrigued and sleeps alot?, and a young boy. I felt so uncomfortable reading the book, anticipating the worst… so I wonder why the movie is being sold as a romance. Am I off on my memory? I need to read your posts.

    Have a great week!

  3. Happy Birthday Sheila!!! Now, if you grew up in my home, you’d get your nose buttered and a butt tap for every year plus one….and your cake would have only 3 candles:past, present and future! Nowdays, my spouse gets 56 kisses and a day that she wants, usually out to dinner.

    I did finish both Cleo Coyles, Ghost Bride and won a book on Goodreads this morning (yes!). Am about 1/4 the way through The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert. The Wilder Rose and another Chautona Havig are waiting for me in my ebooks next.

    Keep on keepin’ on girl! Be good to yourself

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I totally get it – I like to celebrate everything, too – big or little!

    I love the levitating photos – how cool! I bet you guys had a lot of fun putting those together. I like how the shadows match up.

    I have never participated in a blog hop before – insanely busy here this week but maybe next time – sounds like fun!

    Enjoy your books this week –


    Book By Book

    Book by Book is now on Facebook!

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