Morning Meanderings… Sunday Salon

Good morning and Happy Sunday!  😀

It is back to dreary rainy weather here which… is getting old and I hope it clears up this week as I have a pretty much “no commitment week”

I know right??? 

That never happens for me.  I usually have a study group on Mondays, and we are not meeting this week.  Tuesdays are usually something I have to do, but not this time, Wednesdays I work with students and they are going to a Rally this week and my services will not be needed, Thursday free, Friday free, Saturday is the Dewey Read a Thon..

Whoa… what?

Yes.  The 24 hour Dewey Read A Thon is Saturday April 21st and  I plan to participate and it is not to late for you to sign up as well.  Seriously… get on that.  😀  I love this read-a-thon, it’s about the only one I do, and I read for charity, which I will share more about later this week.  Oh and there are always fun mini challenges where you can win books or bookish items like gift certificates.  I will be hosting one here you will not want to miss out on – it is going to be on so fun! 😛

At some point this next week I also need to road trip to go pick up my books for World Book Night.  Are you participating in World Book Night?  If so what books are you handing out on April 23rd?  I will have 20 copies of The Hunger Games at my finger tips!  AND at some point soon I have an idea to go along with this that I must also get posted this week. 😀

Hmmmm…. what else?  I received one book this week in the mail:

The second book to Wolf Hall.  Which admittedly, I have yet to read.  NOW I really need to get on it as this one sounds good!

And finally, today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, a topic that always touches me.  I have some artifacts in my home surrounding the Titanic that I am pulling our for a post later.  And today I will spend some time reading Titanic related reads, in memory of the day. 

Have a great day, I am off to church and then back home here to write-up a couple posts and get some reading done this afternoon.  I may go to the Titanic movie today if I find someone to go with.  Pretty sure my hubby will not sit through that 3 hour movie again.  😀  Oh, and one more thing – I added a giveaway to my post that went up yesterday for 2108 Eyes Open.

34 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Sunday Salon

  1. I can’t believe that the readathon is next weekend! I doubt I will really be able to participate, which is a bummer. We’ll see! Have a great week and enjoy your free time!

  2. A no-commitment week sounds great! I’m participating in World Book Night too., Did you get an email about pick-up yet? I haven’t. Have a great week.

  3. I hope you enjoy your Sunday and your no-commitment week! I probably won’t be able to participate in the Read-a-thon this time – too much going on at church this weekend. I’ll try to get some good, uninterrupted reading time in, anyway.

  4. Happy Sunday! I will be participating in the Read-A-Thon for the first time and looking forward to it. I just hope my eyes cooperate and stay opened lol.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. I had the read-a-thon in the back of my mind since before Bloggiesta, but now it snuck up on me! Signing up!

  6. I haven’t read Wolf Hall, either. Actually, I haven’t finished it. It’s been sitting half read on the shelf for a long time. When I do read it, I’m going to have to start back at the beginning…and that’s what keeps me from picking it back up!

  7. I’ve never participated in Dewey’s Read-a-thon, but I’ve heard alot about it. I’m not sure I can do it, but it’s interesting to thinking about. Have a great week!

    My Sunday Salon is here.

  8. Thanks for the reminder about the read-a-thon. That missed getting on my calendar. For me it’s a listen-a-thon for part of the day. This is prime gardening season so unless it rains, I’ll be outside digging.

    I’m picking my WBN books up at my local independent bookstore Thursday night and we’re having a little kick-off party.

  9. I didn’t realize that the Dewey Readathon was this next weekend. I figured I had missed it. I think last year it was at the beginning of the month. Thanks for the reminder! I signed up as soon as I read your post 🙂

    It is sad to think about the Titanic. I can’t believe it has been 100 years since the tragedy. I am not going to see the movie in theaters again but I might actually pick up a copy of the DVD when it is rereleased this fall. I have some Titanic-related books that I need to read soon (The Dressmaker and The House of Velvet and Glass).

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    1. Oh good! I was hoping a few more would sign up once they seen the post 😀

      Yes, Titanic makes me very sad. What a tragedy. I did not make it to the theater today but I really am hoping to see it before it is gone. I heard they did a wonderful job.

  10. You have a no commitment week? Is the world ending? I’m giving away The Poisonwood Bible on World Book Night. Fiction Addiction is having a reception for givers tomorrow night.

    1. Its like a break in the time and space continuum. Its a little spooky! 😯

      That is so cool that different places are having receptions! I am bummed, my pick up is at Barnes and Noble and they have said nothing about party plans. 😀

  11. I agree, it’s good to remember the Titanic on this 100th anniversary. It’s hard not to reflect on it with all TV specials and books and everything. I’ve been taking in quite a few. Check out my Titanic book review at Cheers!

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