Morning Meanderings… Spring and a new family member!

Good morning.  Yesterday was a dreary wet day, gloomy and overcast, cold and windy.  A perfect day to read and write.  Today…. looks to be a little different.

I was on the deck at 6:30 am this morning and the air was not unpleasant.  I am thinking it is going to be a gorgeous day which in my Saturday world means:  bike rides, fresh air, and probably a little more reading as weekends that are not over booked are rare and will get rarer as the weeks go on… bike rides, cabin weekends, and events will soon fill up my luxurious low-key Saturdays.

This morning for Saturday Snapshots (*waves at Alyce*) I thought I would show you some pictures of my world from the back deck this morning.

Let me set the scene…. this is Brainerd Minnesota.  Currently the temp is 42 degrees.  (Yesterday it didn’t even touch 42 degrees).

Taken from the back deck... the yard swing.


My reading swing on the deck. Still a little early in the year for me to be in it but once that sun warms up - I will be there!


The back yard.


The tree in the deck. When we expanded the deck in 1997, I told Al the tree had to stay. So... the deck was built around the tree.
And that little guy in the pic... that is Sam.


Earlier this week, I posted a pic of this "maybe ours" dog. A girl in my book club had found him about a week ago and brought him to Book Club on Tuesday. We decided on Thursday morning that he could stay. We are calling him Sam.


Stop over to Alyce’s At Home With Books to find more pictures posted for Saturday Snapshots.


Tonight we are going to dinner with friends.  That will be nice.  As for this morning and afternoon I am going to spend a little time writing a review, read a little and hopefully a bike ride. 

What are your weekend plans? 


50 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Spring and a new family member!

  1. Still 42, huh? And we’re in the 80’s all the time now. And bugs. Lots of bugs. Love the tree in the deck. Your new little friend looks cheerful!

  2. I had a very strong feeling that the dog would be taken into the fold! lol

    Love that you built the deck around the tree. I’m a tree lover and I think I bought my house in the foothills years ago because of the trees, the grounds, etc.

    Your backyard makes me miss it a little bit….

    Enjoy your weekend, and if you choose, here’s MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT

  3. What a fun new friend! He’s looking pretty happy to have found a sunny deck to sleep on and a new place to live! Bet you will have your toes warmed while you’re reading and lolling on that deck swing!

      1. We have not had any problems, my husband cut the circle around the tree bigger so there is about a two to three inch circle gap around the tree. The tree used to be a lot bigger but the top half split in 2001 when we were hit by a tornado – that tree splitting actually fell on our roof and saved our house, as the tree did not split from the truck and held. If we would have taken the tree out years ago for the deck the house would now be gone. Crazy huh?

        We had a lot of damage to the home, but did not lose it.

  4. Cute little Sam!! And I love the idea of building a deck around the tree! Do you have any problems with the tree “branching out” and splitting the wood on the deck?

    1. We have not had any problems, my husband cut the circle around the tree bigger so there is about a two to three inch circle gap around the tree. The tree used to be a lot bigger but the top half split in 2001 when we were hit by a tornado – that tree splitting actually fell on our roof and saved our house, as the tree did not split from the truck and held. If we would have taken the tree out years ago for the deck the house would now be gone. Crazy huh?

      We had a lot of damage to the home, but did not lose it.

  5. I thought you’d end up keeping Sam! I love that you kept the tree, and it’s got such a cute face! Is that a river I see in the background?

    1. We were not going to have any more dogs Crystal… at least for a while. Bailey our other dog is 13 and needs a lot of attention now. He has trouble hearing and AL and I both have busy lives and are not ones to hang around the house. However… yeah, this little guy called to me and when I seen how Bailey took to him (let alone us) the deal was sealed.

  6. Congratulations on your new family member! I am sure Sam will be very happy in his new home 🙂

    It was a wet and dreary day here in Ohio too. I had to work so it didn’t matter anyway. Tomorrow it will be 80 and I can’t wait. I hope the sun at least makes an appearance!

  7. I love your yard, how large! Compared to Dutch back gardens, at least. Great that you built the deck around the tree! I knew you were going to keep the dog – of course you were! Hope he brings you lots of fun.

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