Morning Meanderings… HOME from Honduras

Good morning.



A very tired group of people landed in Minneapolis last night around 10:30 pm… worked our way through baggage claim, shuttled back to our hotel by 11:30 and started the drive home… arriving in Brainerd around 1:30 am….

I was one of them.

In typical me fashion, I should be sleeping, but no… woke up at 8 am and now I am UP, showered, laundry started and sitting in my chair with a cup of Honduras coffee at my side.

Its good to be home.

I doubt if I will do much today… I may do a little reading to relax my mind, I may take a nap… I more than likely will have Chinese for lunch as there is something odd that happens every year… I return home craving Chinese food.

I thought I would post a few pics this morning of some of the beauty that is Honduras as this is Saturday and Alyce is busy over At Home With Books with her Saturday Snapshots.

My favorite tree in the world
Closer view of the tree
Valle De Angelas in Honduras

A shot over the valley
A little shop alongside of the road

I of course, also brought back a bag of Honduras Coffee for one lucky commenter today.  Leave a comment here and you will be added automatically into the giveaway.

80 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… HOME from Honduras

    1. Thanks Trish…. one year I was reading out there and was stung by a bee. My ear swelled up and the rest of the group with me jokingly teased that I had “bee ear” and would need an extra seat for my ear on the way home….
      such nice people I hang with…. 😛

  1. Welcome Back! That tree is gorgeous. You should print it out, frame it and hang it in your home. Not only is it a great depiction of the wonders of nature, it will serve as a memoir of your trip.

  2. Now I was all focused on commenting on your gorgeous photos and then you said you were giving away coffee and all my brain can come up with is: Coffee…Yummmmm!!! 🙂

    I’m glad you made it home safely!

  3. The close-up of the large tree is pretty neat. What kind of tree is it?

    Do people often hang flowers on the edge of their roofs (picture 4) or is a tree planted that close to the house that it makes it look like they’re growing there?

  4. Love the photos.. Makes me a bit home-sick for India though.. Is the tree a banyan tree (on second glance,maybe not)? And the photo of the cream-red vehicle (we call them auto-rickshaws in India – they are yellow and black there) is precious!
    And coffee!!!!!can smell it already..
    Can understand why you go to Honduras after seeing these photos.
    Am following you now as well. Thanks for your comments and visit.

  5. Glad you made it home safely!! I know how tired you must feel, I’m always tired when returning home from a few days away!

    That tree is now my favorite tree too!! It’s absolutely amazing!!

    We had Chinese today too! Yum!!

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