It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello and welcome to another fun addition of It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?

This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Kristin from Always With A Book!

WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

I don’t know why I thought this past week was going to be a lighter one as I was so so WRONG.  Last Monday I had a busy day working and cleaning, Tuesday was book club Wednesday was a long long day as I stayed late at work to get finished up with projects and went right from work to a volunteer position with students and arrived home around 8:30 pm  EXHAUSTED. Thursday got up at 5 am – packed, fueled car, bought groceries, went to the post office, the re-store, the library and left town at 10″30 am for the cabin arriving back home from a crafting girls weekend at 9 pm on Saturday, Sunday morning church, prepped for a baby shower, helped with the shower, ran to pick up hoggie buns for dinner at our small groups home, went to the group and came back home at 8:00 pm to watch Amazing Race and write this post.

That said – here is what I managed for this past week:

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (audio review)

Click on the pic for the Bookies Book Club Classic Month dress up and Pride and Prejudice review
Click on the pic to see what we did girls weekend

That is it.  That was my week.  Just this afternoon I finished Night Circus and will review in the next day, and I can not seem to find my copy of Monsters Of Men… so frustrating!  😯

I plan to work on this week:

Rather than a devastatingly beautiful femme fatale, Cleopatra, according to Schiff, was a shrewd power broker who knew how to use her manifold gifts—wealth, power, and intelligence—to negotiate advantageous political deals and military alliances. Though long on facts and short on myth, this stellar biography is still a page-turner; in fact, because this portrait is grounded so thoroughly in historical context, it is even more extraordinary than the more fanciful legend. Cleopatra emerges as a groundbreaking female leader, relying on her wits, determination, and political acumen rather than sex appeal to astutely wield her power in order to get the job done.

*My book club chose this book for our November read.  I will be in Honduras during our next review so I want to get a head start on this one so I can leave my thoughts with them.  😀

The witches of Bethel, New Hampshire are decidedly of the sinister variety—albeit more likely to sell real estate and wear stylish leather skirts than fly around on brooms and don pointy hats. Beneath the town’s charming rural surface of gingerbread Victorians, maple sugar houses, and fiery foliage lurks a conspiracy of evil reminiscent of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown.” How evil? Suffice it to say that when somebody drops by to welcome newcomers to the neighborhood with a plate of vegan brownies, they should think twice before taking the first bite.

*I am in the mood for a spooky read and this one entered today!

Lily at 80 reflects on her life, beginning with her daughter days in 19th-century rural China. Foot-binding was practiced by all but the poorest families, and the graphic descriptions of it are not for the fainthearted. Yet women had nu shu, their own secret language. At the instigation of a matchmaker, Lily and Snow Flower, a girl from a larger town and supposedly from a well-connected, wealthy family, become laotong, bound together for life. Even after Lily learns that Snow Flower is not from a better family, even when Lily marries above her and Snow Flower beneath her, they remain close, exchanging nu shu written on a fan. When war comes, Lily is separated from her husband and children. She survives the winter helped by Snow Flower’s husband, a lowly butcher, until she is reunited with her family. As the years pass, the women’s relationship changes; Lily grows more powerful in her community, bitter, and harder, until at last she breaks her bond with Snow Flower. They are not reunited until Lily tries to make the dying Snow Flower’s last days comfortable.

*I have never read See’s writing but have heard great things… I was excited to find this one on sale on Amazon!

In the spring of 1865, the bloody saga of America’s Civil War finally comes to an end after a series of increasingly harrowing battles. President Abraham Lincoln’s generous terms for Robert E. Lee’s surrender are devised to fulfill Lincoln’s dream of healing a divided nation, with the former Confederates allowed to reintegrate into American society. But one man and his band of murderous accomplices, perhaps reaching into the highest ranks of the U.S. government, are not appeased.In the midst of the patriotic celebrations in Washington D.C., John Wilkes Booth—charismatic ladies’ man and impenitent racist—murders Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. A furious manhunt ensues and Booth immediately becomes the country’s most wanted fugitive. Lafayette C. Baker, a smart but shifty New York detective and former Union spy, unravels the string of clues leading to Booth, while federal forces track his accomplices. The thrilling chase ends in a fiery shootout and a series of court-ordered executions—including that of the first woman ever executed by the U.S. government, Mary Surratt.

*I have always been fascinated with Abraham Lincoln, but have not really read a lot about him.  I am excited to try this audio.

And of course if I could only find Monsters Of Men….

That’s my week…. all three of my audio should be turning over this week that’s why I have the line up for new audio.  I am now excited to see what you are reading!  Please add your What Are You Reading Link to the linky below where it says click here:

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103 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Looks like you had a fantastic weekend and the tiles I saw in the previous post were great! I’ve gotten a bit of reading done last weekend on flights and waiting at airports while on a mini vacation to see my son grad from navy boot camp. Wish I had gotten more done during the week but work and life interfered lol.

      1. Ya it was a definite experience but I loved seeing my son. Life’s much better now that he’s safely at A school and has a phone so we can talk lol.

        Going somewhere fun on your upcoming trip?

  2. I haven’t read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. It’s sounds really good though. You have great books your reading this week. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Sounds like a very busy reading week! I’ll be waiting for your review of Killing Lincoln. I have been eyeing this one up!

  4. As others have said, Snow Flower is a great book. And I was lucky enough to see the movie in the theatres last week (it will probably be out on DVD soon!) and it was beautiful! I was worried it wouldn’t be a good adaptation but it was GREAT! Different from the book but just so good. So, look for it on DVD! 🙂 Enjoy your week!

  5. Sheila, Good to me back at my favorite meme
    You had a busy week!!!!

    I am here with my all new blog and hope to visit as many of the participants as I can today to tell them Google couldn’t keep me down and I am back. Still learning WordPress but m loving up so far!!!! I missed you all!


  6. Love the tiles – they look great! I’m a digital scrapper but I admire the traditional type.
    I hope you get a chance to relax this week and enjoy your reading.

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    PS I commented on 20 blogs today!

  7. No Monsters of Men?! Oh my goodness! Hopefully you’ll find it soon. 🙂

    You had a crazy busy week, but your craft activity turned out so so cute! I love it!

    Hope you have a fabulous reading week and get in some relaxing somewhere. 🙂

  8. Woo Hoo – so excited that I won…can’t wait to pick out a book!!!

    I read Snow Flower with my book club and absolutely loved it!!! I have a few of Lisa See’s other books on my bookshelf, two of which I will be reading as part of the Fall into Reading challenge.

    My book club also read Cleopatra – I didn’t get a chance to finish reading it, and I am hoping to get back to it soon as I was really enjoying it. It’s a slower read, but very interesting nonetheless.

    My mom did a trip to Honduras with Habit for Hummanity and loved it…she just got back from two years in the Peace Corps this summer and I have a feeling she will be doing some more trips again soon.

    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Kristin and congratulations 😀

      We have recommended Snow Flower a couple of times at Book Club but it has never won the vote so I am branching out on this one alone 😀

      Thanks for the heads up about Cleopatra!

      The Peace Corps would be amazing!

  9. What a great way to get organised! I’d like to join in, have posted my plans, and am looking forward to seeing what everyone else is reading this week too 🙂

  10. You have some great reads! Looking forward to your review of ‘Snow Flower and the Secret Fan’.

    I am reading ‘The Language of Flowers’ and “The Diva Haunts the House”. The last one is getting me into the Halloween mood.


  11. Cleopatra sounds really good! I hope you enjoy it!

    I’ve been a busy bee, buzzing all around the blogosphere this morning! I’ve visited 50 (OMG!) awesome blogs and commented on their reading stack for this week!

    Happy Reading everyone! 🙂

    1. I felt like I read nothing last week – but this is one of those weeks where the three audios I have been listening to are all finishing up. I may not finish them in the next week, but I am starting them 🙂

  12. I approached this more from a what I would be reading, were research deadlines not looming angle, and actually posted about that this morning: ( All of my favorite spooky books that I don’t have time for this year.

    I’m reading Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, as my “fun” reading, and lots of articles about the Victorian conception of the supernatural world for my “real” reading.

    I’ve had Cleopatra queued up on my Kindle for ages, but have yet to dip into it. Maybe your review will give me the kick I need.

  13. Good to be catching up on your news. Its interesting that you mention Snow Flower And The Secret Fan as this is one of the books we plan to read at one of my reading groups.

  14. Lincoln’s assassination/the Civil War is a huge interest of mine (& part of the reason I selected one of my majors!). If you’re looking for a really fantastic audiobook, listen to Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson. An ex-boyfriend & I had listened to it on our way to Gettysburg and were so engrossed in it we didn’t say a word unless we were talking about something that just happened in the book.

  15. Night Circus is on my list, and the Lincoln book looks good too. You’ve had a wonderfully busy week, what did you make at craft weekend? I’d love to see. I’ve just come off a very busy six weeks and haven’t opened a book in all that time, but today’s the day. Thanks for your very generous giveaway.

  16. My husband just started reading KILLING LINCOLN. We heard Bill O’Reilly give a few “interesting facts” and we were both fascinated. He loves it when books magically appear on his nightstand. I have a feeling he’s going to love it, I hope you do too!

  17. HI! This is my 1st Monday participating. Cant wait to hop around and see what’s on everyone else’s blogs 🙂

    I have CLEOPATRA in my tablet & have not read it yet. I read a few chapters & it was pretty awesum, to be honest I am fascinated by her I cant wait to finish it.

    I am an arts & crafts gal too. I wish I had a group of crafting gurls like you have to do crafts with. Maybe I can go on craigslist & see what i can find.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Peace, Love & Books


  18. Cleopatra, as far as I’ve read the book is definitely a good read. I like the author’s approach.

    Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is one of my favourites. Hope you enjoy the read too.

  19. Reading “The Arrivals” by Meg Mitchell Moore about parents who thought they were able to relax in retirement only to have their children return to the nest, for how long is the question.
    It’s a coincidence that I just returned from my son’s home in Mass. after he told us our granddaughter had begun to walk last week.

  20. Wow, how did you manage to post at all with a week that busy?? You are truly a wonder, Sheila!

    I just heard a wonderful review of The Night Strangers on my favorite book podcast last night, and it sounds great! Definitely a good spooky read.

    Hope you enjoy it and your other books –


  21. I made it around to 21 blogs and commented on 16. This is the first time ever I’ve remembered to come back and tell you that! lol

  22. Sheila! Sheila! Sheila! Guess who is finally back! Ugh, i have been sooo sick and I think we are almost to a diagnosis, Chrohns Diseases 😦 But it could be worse and they have me on some medicine so I finally feel like reading a book. I was looking around your blog this morning because I know you are the go to girl for the latest reads! I know I will be adding more to my TBR pile 🙂 I just wanted to stop in and say hi!! Hope you and yours are well 🙂

  23. Thanks for helping me get to know so many new blogs this week! I think I visited 23 blogs, and left about 12 comments. Really can’t wait to hear about Night Circus. There’s so much buzz going on about it!!

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