It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello and welcome to another fun addition of It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?

This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Anne – My Head Is Full Of Books

WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Yes, things look a bit different over here this week… I have been itching for some blog look changes and last night stayed up way later than I should working out a color scheme that I really like and learning how to put a texture background in.  😀

And yes… I did do a few other things this past week too such as:

Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath (an awesome book for finding your natural strengths and how to utilize them at home, at work, and in life)


I need a Christmas/holiday read for a magazine review I am doing in October.  Suggestions needed!  😀

The Knife Of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (OH WOW!  Best book I have read in a while!!!)

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood (Audio Review)


I am planning a fun week for Banned Book Week which comes up the last week of September.  I am looking for Book Bloggers to join me with Banned Book Posts and a fun giveaway.  See here for details.


***A BIG note – as many of you know, this meme was short listed for Best Book Blog Meme (which is so exciting!), but what you may not know is that there was a glitch in the voting form and all votes were lost as of 9/9/11 and a new form has been submitted and all voted must be recast.  I would love it if you would take moment and cast a vote for which Book Blog Meme you enjoy the most, there are some wonderful choices on the form.  Click here to vote.



I would have liked to have read more this week but seems like my days got away from me… Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat I wound up with evening plans that left me tired and unfocused when I got home. 

That said…here is what is on the “plan” this week:


Click on picture for synopsis

An unconventional girl in India… whats not interesting about this beginning to a trilogy?  Next up for me on audio!

Click on picture for book synopsis

Yes yes yes… I am back with Patterson in apparently another murder story in New York.  I know, I know.. but I can not help it.  The man does great audio!

Reading for our Faith ‘N Fiction group and already behind on this one!

Honestly… I am still working on The Ask and The Answer by Patrick Ness, and if I get done with that I want to move on and finish up the series with Monsters Of Men

In other upcoming news…. this week kicks off BBAW (Book Blogger Appreciation Week) and I plan to participate full heartedly!  Let me just say now to all of you that I love our book community – if you are bloggers or not, I enjoy reading your comments, chatting books, and just sharing in this together.  Thank you each and every one of you for reading my rambles and spending time with me.  YOU are what makes Book Blogging special to me.

Leave your link to your own Monday What Are You Reading and I will be by with coffee and scones to see what you are reading this week.  😀

See you on the blogesphere!  😀

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76 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Mmm, I love scones! I hope they have chocolate chips 🙂

    I need to read The Knife of Letting Go! I will probably check it out from the library sometime. I also want to read the Gone novels by Michael Grant. I think they are similar.

    I liked A Great and Terrible Beauty. It isn’t for everyone but I hope you will like it too. I am going to be reading the final book in the Prophecy of Sisters series which is a similar series. Have you read it?

    Have a great week! I hope you win for best meme. 🙂 I forgot to register for BBAW this year. Oh, well. I like the sound of your Banned Books Week plan. I may have to volunteer!

    1. I hope I like A Great and Terrible Beauty too… I recently returned two audio books to the library as I could not get into them…. I am not afraid to move on 😀

      I hope you do join in on the Banned Book Festivities too!

  2. I read myself silly on Saturday as I could not put Monsters of Men down! I am still thinking about it, it was so good. Enjoy Don’t Blink! I am giving away audiobooks for BBAW, stop by to enter!

  3. My you are a busy woman. That Ness book is mentioned as very good by several people. I had a good reading week-all the new releases are suddenly arriving at the library. I hope you win the BBAW vote. You work very hard and deserve the recognition. My post is up.

  4. I just finished reading a reviewing Forbidden by: Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee. I am a huge fan of Dekker and this novel is the start of a new trilogy so I am absolutely committed now to read the next two novels. Anyone that loves Dekker will love this novel.

    BTW – I cast my vote for you! Hope you have a GREAT week of reading!

  5. Everyone raves about the Ness series, I can’t wait to start on them, wish it could be this week. Just heading off to check out your banned book post. Have a great week and happy reading!
    I re-voted for It’s Monday Sheila, hope you take it out 🙂

  6. Love the new layout…its very soothing 🙂 I’m curious to see what you think of A Great and Terribly Beauty. I read it a few years back and didn’t enjoy it as much as a thought I would, but I was coming down from a Twilight high and wonder sometimes if it was me and not the book with the issues…lol!!

  7. Oh! I love the new color scheme! I was really shocked when I arrived, but it’s so relaxing…I could stay here all night. lol Really though, it looks fantastic!

    You’ve got a great week ahead, plus BBAW! Yay! Love the fact that you loved Patrick Ness and are moving on. Such a great series! Have a fabulous reading week! 🙂

  8. Love the new layout – the color is great!!!

    I am a huge James Patterson fan and recently read Kill Me If You Can – great book with an unbelievable twist halfway through it.

    Have a great week!

  9. I just wanted to stop in and wish you a Happy BBAW! Sheila, you always inspire me to be a better blogger, writer, and person. I’m so glad that we have had the chance to meet and hang out in person, and I look forward to seeing you again.

    Have a great week!

  10. Love the new look, thought I was in the wrong place at first, lol I hope you enjoy Don’t Blink, I did!!!! I agree Kill Me If You Can is excellent too!!! I hope you blog wins at BBAW it truly deserves to!!!

  11. I like the new look, Sheila! Very busy around here lately, too – not nearly enough time for reading…or blogging! Hopefully, things will settle down a bit soon (ha ha, as if!)

    Enjoy your books this week –


  12. This is my first “Its Monday! What are you Reading?” I hope everyone who visits enjoys 🙂

    A Great and Terrible Beauty is a phenomenal book, I love the series! 🙂 One of my first Y.A. series to read. Great choices!

  13. I saw a heads up about the BBAW glitch yesterday and went in to re-vote! I visited your reviews (thanks so much for putting MORE on my to-buy list!) 🙂 and I think I will be moving A Great and Terrible Beauty up on my reading list, as seeing it on others’ reading lists lately must be a sign! I have one more Dekker book on my shelf to try to get through, but I am one who hasn’t enjoyed either of the two I’ve already read – I just kept reading because “everyone else” enjoyed them, and I thought I must be missing something! I loaned my own “Don’t Blink” audio out before I got a chance to listen to it, so I hope it comes back soon!

    Enjoy the rest of your reading week!

  14. Ted Dekker is my hubby’s favorite writer. I might have to pick up an early Christmas gift. Thanks for the linkup – I visited and commented on 13 blogs today.

  15. A Great and Terrible Beauty–my niece was gaga over this a couple years ago.

    My husband loves Patterson and urges me to give him a try but I procrastinate…which of his would you recommend to a newbie?

    My current reading fascination is with fable, folklore, fantasy, magical realism and fairy tales. It was set off by a writing prompt from Laurie Halse Anderson during the Write Fifteen Minutes a Day challenge in August in which she encouraged us to ‘fracture a fairy tale’ by changing it up in some unexpected way a la those Fractured Fairy Tale cartoons on the Bullwinkle show when we were kids. This got me thinking about what story is and what makes a story live in our hearts and our cultures for centuries. It also reminded me that fairy tale, fable, myth, legend and folklore were my first love as a reader. I devoured them from age five until…well about age 11 which was about the time I discovered Science Fiction. Wonder if there’s a connection.

    1. Joy, with Patterson I always recommend the Michael Bennett series. Patterson has a reputation for sometimes being gory and graphic, but the Michael Bennett series is a great one and not so gross and graphic as the main character is a detective with 10 adopted children. The first book is Step On A Crack, but if you do audio – I highly recommend these in audio 😀

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