Morning Meanderings… Does Every Town Have An On Line Police Blotter?

Good morning.  😛

Sun is shining!

Coffee is GOOD.

Here are a few things to know about me. 

I was born and raised in Brainerd Minnesota.

It’s a nice place to live.

I can’t stand the movie Fargo.

If you are unfamiliar with the movie Fargo…. know that they refer to Brainerd Minnesota A LOT.  And they give us that accent in the movie clip above and make us look pretty simple-minded. 

I have never to my knowledge said, “oh Yeaaahhhh”.

I have never said “You betcha.”

Ok… Ok…

I may have said “You Betcha”, but only in jest….

However…. when I seen yesterdays Police Blotter (which they post daily and can make for some fine entertainment….) I had to wonder a little about my home town:  (Yes the following are actual calls to the Brainerd Police Department).

1.  8:40 pm on Saturday:  A call was received regarding a large fire in the area of Whipple Beach on the 1000 block of Oakwood Drive.  An officer advised the called that it was the sunset.

2.  Police received a report that someone struck a residence on Pleasant Avenue with a toilet plunger and damaged the door bell.

Yup.  You betcha.  (Again – I am saying it in jest).

Perhaps I should move….

I am curious, does every town post the police calls for all to see?  I mean, yeah they can be entertaining….. but curious about that. 

Have an awesome day! 

33 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Does Every Town Have An On Line Police Blotter?

  1. Hmmm…I will admit I never looked, but I suspect my town or city is way too big. I do remember my grandmother’s town listed the arrests in the newspaper and what the arrest was for. 🙂

    Now, as to the accent and “you betcha’s” and “yeah’s” and Fargo. Well, I will admit to being a big fan of Fargo. However, I did look on it as a satire and knew the accents and all were exaggerated. Or I thought they were. This from someone who still gets hot under the collar when people portray Texans as (a) simpleminded (b) all cowboys (c) all boot-wearing all the time (d) all with big hair and big jewelry, a la Dallas the TV show (e) all desert terrain and (f) all having the stupidest accent known to man.

    Dallas, the north part especially, does have people who wear big hair, big jewlery and shop ’til they drop, but not everyone. Yes, we have an accent, I guess. But I’ve never even owned a pair of cowboy boots. I hate riding horses. And I do not live in the desert. There, I’ve said it. LOL

    From one end of I-35 to the other at your end, Sheila, I salute you!

    1. I seen that movie years ago Kay and was instantly upset at how ridiculous they made us look…. 😀

      You are right though – every area seems to be stereo typed somehow….

      *waving from I35* 😛

  2. I only say, “You betcha,” when I’m doing my poor imitation of Sarah Palin. 😀 We get our local police calls in reports from the various agencies in our weekly newspaper. They used to be hilarious but now not so much. Seems our bad guys are getting serious lately. I read a column of news items from 100 years ago for entertainment – it was more like gossip then.

    1. Old newspaper articles are funny aren’t they Barbara? I was on the front page of the paper as a little girl in my Easter outfit and the heading gave my full name and address…. no way they would do that now…LOL

  3. I think our town is too big, too, but that would be annoying.

    And Fresno, CA is a place people make fun of, too; maybe just Californians, but I don’t think so. A long time ago, on the Mary Tyler Moore show, the character “Ted” was from Fresno…which got big laughs from the audience (laugh track).

    Before moving here (from SF, Sacramento areas), friends laughed and hooted that we were moving to “that big hick town” (the city has 500,000+).

    Ah, to be from a city nobody laughs at! LOL (And I’m always quick to point out that I’m not “from” here!).

  4. Did you know that the Brainerd Police Blotter has been featured on the Dave Letterman show.
    Here’s the link:

    Go figure!

  5. Oh Sheila, if you look at my blog post from yesterday, you will see my friend Mitzi, who is from Minnesota (and is moving back in 3 years to be by family) and she LOVES Fargo and she will say that altho it’s exaggerated, it is like that there (the speak, not the murders) and she LOVES it and misses it.
    But , how ever it really is….I love it too. I love regional uniqueness.
    I bet it does seem like people are making fun of places. I’m sorry about that, because I just love the indiviuality. Maybe because I feel that Nevada doesn’t have anything outstanding to be recognized by. I love it, but we are kinda blah. Blah. Blah.
    I think Minnesota is a wonderful place. And I’m going to visit someday….you betcha!

  6. I don’t know if my current town has an online blotter, but I used to get much enjoyment from reading the police blotter we printed in the newspaper! 😀

  7. Some police forces here in England have started posting their call-outs from time to time – generally to promote not wasting their time . Some people are unbelievable, if it wasn’t that it was on an official police site I would not believe some of the reasons people dialled 999.

  8. I love Fargo, but I’m a fan of the sense of humor.

    I think Wichita is too big for hte police blotter thing, but I’m not sure I would read it anway.

  9. Ha!

    Sadly, I do not have a relative that does not say “you betcha” and “uff da”…I wonder why do I not go back to MN? LOL

    For 6 years I lived in nowhere Wyoming and the newspaper was all stuff like you reported…granted they needed filler the newspaper was on a busy day 5 pages long and only came out a few days a week.

    1. The two girls from the scene above were from MN and unfortunately, that is how my SIL still speaks. Have you been to southwestern MN? A lot of my relatives live in the rural areas and the accent is thick. My favourite was the guy shoveling the snow telling what he saw and then saying “end of story”…that could have been a handful of my Uncles.

  10. At least you’re not from New Jersey (like I am), where everybody thinks that we hang out at the shore all summer long and act like those crazy Real Housewives ladies!! 🙂

  11. I have never seen the movie Fargo but I have seen New in Town which is set in New Ulm. I wonder how people in New Ulm feel about how they are portrayed in that one.

    Your police blotter posts made me smile. I bet the person who called in the fire felt pretty sheepish after that. Attacking the doorbell with a toilet plunger is something else though!

  12. In the other towns I have lived in they did this, but our current town is too small. In fact, all of the towns in our county are so small that we have a weekly newspaper for the whole county.

    I haven’t seen Fargo, but I did have to listen to and transcribe an audio clip from the movie as homework in my English phonetics class in college. (It was all about the different subtleties of various English accents and how to document them.)

  13. Not only does you bet/you betch pop out completely unknowingly, so does Uff da! For real. I didn’t even know I had it in me!

  14. Not only does you bet/you betcha pop out completely unknowingly, so does Uff da! For real. I didn’t even know I had it in me!

Hmmmm... what do you think?