It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Lori from Dollyas’s Thoughts

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX (selections updated!) and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

** Please note I did get behind on sending the last few weeks of books out but will get them out this week.


This was a pretty good week I think.  Here is what went on at Book Journey:

Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers (A wonderful YA read)

What’s You Reading Story? (How did you become a reader?  Who or what were the influences in your life)

The Night Mobile by Audrey Niffenegger (A Graphic Novel with a message)

The Art Of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein (Oh man!  You do not want to miss out on this one!)

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull ( a MG fantasy that is a wonderful 5 book series!)


I would also like to mention that Author Brooks J Young asked me last week is she could start a spin-off of What Are You Reading and create a Monday discussion post called What Are You WRITING?  I love the idea and would really like if you could share that information with any authors/ or attempting authors you know who would like to join in her conversation.  I made a sidebar button for this too as I will be participating.


A s for this week, I am excited to get started on:


The last normal moment that Mia, a talented cellist, can remember is being in the car with her family. Then she is standing outside her body beside their mangled Buick and her parents’ corpses, watching herself and her little brother being tended by paramedics. As she ponders her state (Am I dead? I actually have to ask myself this), Mia is whisked away to a hospital, where, her body in a coma, she reflects on the past and tries to decide whether to fight to live. Via Mia’s thoughts and flashbacks, Forman (Sisters in Sanity) expertly explores the teenager’s life, her passion for classical music and her strong relationships with her family, friends and boyfriend, Adam.

This is our Bookies Book Club read for February.



In Certain Women , terminally ill David Wheaton, a prominent and much-married American actor, obsessively recalls an unfinished play about King David, a role he coveted. L’Engle explores Christian faith, love, and the nature of God by framing the delayed-maturation story of Emma, Wheaton’s daughter, within three subplots: the Wheaton family saga, the story of King David, and the history of the play’s development. The characterizations of both Davids are compelling, but the primary interest here is the community of women that surrounds each man. L’Engle describes complex truths very simply, pointing out, for instance, that “Life hurts” and that if there’s “no agony, there’s no joy.”

This is for the Faith N Fiction Roundtable we will be discussing in February.


It was supposed to be a quick trip to the grocery store, but it turned into an Unspeakable Journey.

On the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Isabella is abducted in the parking lot of her local grocery store. Hasam, a sinister human trafficker, arranges for her to marry his longtime friend and Saudi Arabian prince, Latif.

Latif has everything–political prowess, success, and wealth–until he meets Isabella. She is beautiful, alluring, and all that he has dreamed of in a wife, and Isabella’s defiant refusal makes her even more desirable.

Far from home, in a land where women are oppressed, Isabella struggles with the loss of her husband and two daughters, imprisonment, and isolation. Will God rescue her from this nightmare? Will she give in to hopeless despair?


I have a couple of books from last week to finish up and review so that is enough for this week.  I will be skiing after work on Monday so I am not sure how quickly I will get around to visiting all your posts but I will get there!  I will start tonight and again early in the morning.

Be sure to link up below where it says click here.  I am excited to see what you are reading.


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114 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I actually have a copy of If I stay waiting for me too 😀 I doubt I’ll start it soon. I have a couple of galleys on my nook that I can’t let expire, so they have priority 🙂 Happy Reading Sheila!

  2. YAY, I am looking forward to read If I stay. I always enjoy book with a good family relation. I hope Net Galley has it

    Will come back here soon 🙂

  3. Okay, okay, okay…I need to read Fablehaven. LOL My mother-in-law has been trying for over a year to get me to read the series because she loves it so much. It’s good to have another opinion. 🙂

    So glad you had a great week! I’m dying to read If I Stay! Enjoy!

  4. “If I Stay” looks intriguing! I am another one who has never heard of this new L’Engle book. Will be looking for your reviews….

  5. I love this meme – it’s fun seeing what everyone is reading.

    I did a little better this week than the previous weeks. I had fun with reading. Alas, weekends are no longer my prime reading days…now it’s whatever time I can snatch after work. 🙂

  6. I have read If I Stay and I can tell you it was heartbreaking, powerful and really good. I hope you will enjoy the book too. Happy Reading!

  7. Some Girls Are is on my list to read too. I recently checked out Fall for Anything from the library. I hope to read it soon. If I Stay is a fantastic read! I think you will enjoy it. I’m looking forward to the follow up novel Where She Went later this year. Have a great week!

  8. Sheila, I’m so embarrassed. One of my links is wrong. It links to Oprah’s page. I can’t believe it. This is so stupid. I’m sorry. I wrote the correct link on the second post.

    I love all the books you have behind you and before you. I’ve read The Art of Racing in the Rain. Incredible story. Will never forget it.

  9. If I Stay sounds very interesting, as do all of your books for this week. I hope you enjoy them! I really need to get a copy of The Art of Racing in the Rain. I’ve heard only good things about it.

  10. Hey Sheila,

    I’m having Monday blogging troubles. I tried to go to two blogs this morning. The comment boxes won’t accept my WP address. What am I doing wrong? Can you help me? To top it off up in your little box on my left is my blog address and blog name. I don’t know how it got there. If you have time to help me, my email addy is teakettle58(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  11. Looks like everyone is reading some fantastic books out there! This week I am reading, still, The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks (review to be posted possibly tomorrow), Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella and The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Up and coming is Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (a bookclub read), The Chinese Conspiracy by John Mariotti and Deed So by Katharine A. Russell.

    I am new to your blog, just came over from Gerbera Daisy Diaries. I will be sure to follow you!

  12. I’ve been aspiring to read more Madeline L’Engle; I loved “A Wrinkle in Time” when I was a kid. But I haven’t been able to pull the trigger on the other books in the series or on her works for adults. I’ll just add this one to the list.

    1. LOL…. at first I had no idea what you meant here Lori… I looked at my post and thought, thats her blog name isnt it? I even clicked back to your blog to make sure…. now I see I forgot the “C”


  13. I really think If I stay sounds like a great pick. Did you cry at the end of The Art of Racing in the Rain? I was bawling in the car on the way to
    Have a great week!

  14. I hope you enjoy If I Stay. I read & reviewed it last year for the Transworld Summer Reading Challenge. A follow-up book has been published, so I’m hoping to read that too when I get a chance.

    Once again, I’m in between books (I don’t know why that always happens on a Monday), so I’ll be picking a new book to read tonight. I’ve just finished reading Meat Loaf’s autobiography and have just posted my review.

    I hope you’re well. Take care 🙂

  15. Oh I just finished If I Stay this weekend – it’s so good. One part had me getting teary. I hope you enjoy it. And, I’ve got The Night Bookmobile from the library. Looks like we are in sync 🙂

  16. Unspeakable Journey sounds very good! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
    BTW, I don’t know if you ever saw my response to your question about Japanese lit a couple weeks ago. Let me know if you’d like any other suggestions.
    Holiday Reading

  17. Unspeakable Journey looks like a very intriguing read – I’m going to have to check it out!

    I love your What’s Your Reading Story – I read it quickly and am going to comment later today and maybe even post my story on my blog (will be sure to link to yours in my post!).

    I actually had time to post on at least 10 blogs this time – am going to try to do some more today!

  18. I loved, loved, loved If I Stay, can’t wait to read her next one … Where She Went. I’m very keen to see what you think of Unspeakable. Have a wonderful week and happy reading 🙂

  19. On Monday I read what you said about the novel IF I STAY, got it from the library on Tuesday, and read it straight through that evening. It’s great! I rated it 10 of 10.

  20. Hi Sheila,

    This morning I read about you having lost something that should remain on your blog. I won a book from you. Inside I have kept as a marker, a tiny BOOK JOURNEY, card. It’s like a business card size, very pretty. If this is what you lost, misplaced in this book, I don’t mind returning it. Of course, I don’t have your snail address. Please let me know.

Hmmmm... what do you think?