Morning Meanderings… It’s so funny how things work out…

Good Morning!
*waving crazily with a scary big smile on my face*

Yesterday morning when I wrote my meandering I was whelmed. Ok…. let’s be honest… I was OVER whelmed. I looked at everything I had going on for the day and found myself wondering how I was going to do everything I planned to do that – and do it well.  Then as the day rolled on, a snow storm rolled in – that canceled my work out at the gym, and my 6 PM meeting, allowing me to bump up my dinner with my son adding more time for us to spend together and taking a little off of me for the evening.

This morning as I sit here with COFFEE CUP after a wonderful good night of plenty of sleep and I look back on this past week I cant help but feel blessed to be a part of it all.


  • Both boys (BOTH BOYS) were home for Christmas!

  • On Christmas day Chance, Justin, and I stayed up until 2 a.m. playing Sequence…. addicting game!
  • My 14-year-old puppy who has doggy dementia (yup – it’s an actual disease for dogs) since this summer, is still with us and doing well.
  • Chance and I have been spending our evenings watching episodes of LOST like they are popcorn and loving our time hanging out together.
  • I had a wonderful lunch with Dawn yesterday – which was not on the original crazy agenda – but I am so glad we were able to do that – good food and good company!
  • A couple of days ago I went and seen friends of ours adopt a little guy at the court-house.  It was AMAZING and I am so glad I went.

  • Last night having dinner with Brad before he headed for the airport at 3 am this morning was PRICELESS.  We had fajitas, talked, and laughed.  He may not be back from the navy now until August of 2011.
  • I love my job.  I really do….I love the people I work with and what I do.
  • Al and I will probably go out to a nice dinner tonight to close out 2010 and welcome 2011 with all the mystique and wonder that it will bring with it.

And that is just a week… I can’t even contemplate the entire year of good things that have come our way.


This afternoon I will be posting what I believe were the best books I read in 2010.  I look forward to expanding that list in 2011 and really stretching myself in my reading.  I have not had time to plan out resolutions yet but I will.

If you are off and making plans for this historical moment of the ending of 2010 and the ringing in of 2011, I hope you have a wonderful time, stay safe and if I do not see you in the blogosphere yet today, I hope to see you often in 2011.

33 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… It’s so funny how things work out…

  1. A very happy new year wish to you and your family. May 2011 be filled with good books, good friends, good health and much happiness.

  2. Happy New Year’s Eve, Sheila, and I’m glad that your list “adjusted itself” so that you could enjoy the moments more.

    May we all enjoy each day and try to “smell the flowers” along the way.

  3. Happy New Year, Sheila. The past months I have enjoyed writing MondayReading and post it on your blog, and I hope both of us continues this in 2011. Have a nice afternoon!

  4. Happy New Year! As my own kids get older, I appreciate how much you enjoy having both of your boys home at the same time. Good luck with the weather again today! What a wild end to this year.

  5. Happy New Year Sheila!!!! Great pictures and sounds like great times!!!

    The snow here is melting quickly and it is so foggy I can barely see the house across the street.

  6. Happy New Year’s Eve Sheila! I know having older sons ow much more important family time is to me and how much I cherish when all 5 of us are together. I had a lovely 2010 and I am looking forward to a fabulous 2011.

  7. Sheila, I love your list! So many nice experiences and precious memories. I hope you have a very Happy New Year! Wishing you much joy in 2011 and a lot of great reading! Take care!

  8. Happy New Year to you!

    Yes, we know all about doggy and kitty dementia. We’ve been through it with a few pets, and are dealing with it right now with our Buddy who is between 15 & 16 years old. He’s hanging in there, but has moments when you can see his eyes sort of glaze over & he has no idea where he is or what’s he should be doing. It’s very sad. He also has arthritis and difficulty walking. So we just pick him up and carry him. If he reaches the point where he no longer is enjoying life, we’ll have to take action, but right now he’s just happy to be with us so we’ll love him for as long as possible. It’s a hard thing to say good-bye to our beloved pets . . . I always tell people that I have 4 children: 2 human and 2 canine. 🙂

    Here’s to many great books and fabulous times readings them in 2011!


    1. Happy New Year JHS!!! That’s where our pup is too… he has times where he is really coherent and other times he wanders aimlessly not responding to anything… I help him into bed, on the couch, etc…

      Have a super 2011!

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