It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Susan (Black Eyed Susan’s)


Dollycas (Dollycas’s Thoughts)

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

I had a really fun week here this past week.  Here is what happened in case you didn’t get a chance to pop in:

I Am Nujood Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood Ali (a quick yet powerful read!)

We Interrupt This Blog For Fall Programming

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee (uhhh… hello!  Why didn’t anyone tell me how great this book was!  Or more to the point, why didn’t I listen?)

Author Chat with Sarah Ockler (author of Twenty Boy Summer)

Masquerade by Nancy Moser (SO GOOD!)

The Pinky Swear with another blogger….

Word Shaker On Line Book Club pick for September – ooh you are going to want to check this one out!  Giveaways and more!

That’s the week.  Told you it was a good one 🙂

So what is next for  me….

Well, I have a couple of books I want to catch up on so I am going to keep it light and see what happens.  I am still working my way through The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and I hope to start this one this week:

Releasing this week, ROOM has already been making an impact on the reviews.  I look forward to sinking into this book.

I am really anxious to see what you are reading this week.  Fall seems to bring some new titles and new reads to the table and I for one am looking forward to what the rest of this year will bring.  Please enter your link to your Monday What Are You Reading post where it says “click here”.  See you soon!  😀

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Note:  I am still out-of-town until Monday afternoon but will respond to all comments and visit all meme participants upon my return.  😀

103 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Room is on my list as well – I saw it in the list for best September reads and can’t wait to get my hands on it!

    I also read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time this year – I can’t believe I didn’t read it before. Such a fantastic book.

    1. Lydia – on To Kill A Mockingbird – I know! I have read so many classics that have just been frustrating reads – hard to read hard to follow not so with Mockingbird. I will be reviewing the movie this week.

      1. OOPS – Carol I see why it didnt work, I dont see where you have a blog post to link it to. That is fine – then you just share int he comments what you are reading 🙂

    1. Laurel I watched the movie this weekend at the cabin with our friends and their two daughters. I told the girls they were so lucky because they were watching this movie at the ages of 9 and 12 and I was seeing it for the first time in my 40’s….

  2. I was just reading about Room in Book News and thought it sounded like an intense read. Looking forward to Masquerade as I love Nancy Moser too! Loving the pictures of you reading.

    1. Hi Nise, I hope you get a hold of ROOM soon. Thanks for the comments about the pics, I am always trying to personalize my reviews and like to remember where the books were read. 😀

    1. Booklover book reviews, I am actually enjoying The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It took awhile to get into (just as everyone had told me!) and I sat it down a couple times this weekend with every intention of picking something else up instead but nothing was reading well for me so I went back to Dragon tattoo and it started to flow… and well yes, I am enjoying it. 😀

  3. I am sorry to say that I have yet to read To Kill A Mockingbird which is pretty horrid considering my son has read it. 😦 Maybe I’ll borrow his copy.

    I am currently reading The Unit by Ninni Holmquist

    1. Thanks for letting me know – I was afraid of that when I am out of town with no internet service…. I will get my tools and see if I can not fix it….

      now where is that sledge hammer….


  4. You put me to shame as usual Sheila:) I hope you have a fabulous week! To Kill a Mockingbird was one of my favorite books in high school. I wrote a very, very long report on it. When I got it back underneath my huge A+ was this note:
    “Ms. Albert ( my maiden name) next time please make sure your report is shorter than the book” LOL!!

    1. Bobbie, I think you have little kids around (well, maybe not little, but children at home) that takes up time – in a good way! 😀

      I don’t have the kiddies at home so I have a bit of extra reading time

      😆 LOVE the story about your book report – if you still have that around you should post it. 🙂

  5. I am so glad you read To Kill a Mockingbird; it is such a wonderful story and one of my all time favorite classics. I have always wished the high school didn’t teach it so I could. It is also one of the few books that the movie actually does justice too, so if you have never seen the movie, you should rent it and watch and compare. Have a great week.

    1. Jan I watched the movie this weekend. I rented it before I left for the cabin and then my guests and my hubby and I all all watched it together. GREAT memory. I am reviewing the movie this week.

  6. I know someone from India, and she was telling me a little bit about the customs – such as if a young girl is widowed, her husbands family can “keep” her, and have her stay in mourning for the REST of her LIFE. Once in a while a family will give the bride back to her original family, so she can get married again, but this used to be a rare thing. And being married off at the age of 9 or 10 was pretty normal for years. How sad – My friend says, the girls couldn’t even wear jewelry if the family didn’t want her to. Imagine playing outside (because you’re too young not to play) and suddenly having someone come out and take all your jewelry off of you, that’s how you find out your husband (who you don’t really know) has died. And even though you’re still a KID – now you are in mourning and cannot wear any jewelry…unless the family lets you. This happened to a few of her friends. And it’s expected.

    1. Mardel that just amazes me….what in our country is considered child abuse, rape, neglect…. can be considered customary in other countries. In the book Nujood, I believe they said that they try to maintain a law that children can not be married until they are 15.

  7. I reviewed …unfinished business… and The Sunday Philosophy Club last week. This week, I’m catching up on reading for chellenges that end this month. But I’ll still make time to visit blogs from this meme. Many of you mentioned some really good books. Sheila, I read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time too. It is now one of my all-time favorites!

  8. As you know, I finished Room last week and am working on Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (non-fiction but intriguing this far) and will start The Wife’s Tale. Once these are completed all of my “required reading” will be finished for book clubs for September and I will be able to pull one of the many thick TBR off of the shelf. I am super excited for some of the fall reads that are coming out!

  9. Sounds like you had a good reading week, Sheila. So, you hadn’t read To Kill a Mockingbird before? That makes me feel better – I just read it a couple of years ago for my book group – there’s a reason it’s such a classic! Hope you’re enjoying Dragon Tattoo – my husband is on book 3 now.

    I just finished Mockingjay and am dying to talk about it with someone!!!


    1. Sue I laughed when you said you were dying tot alk to someone about Mockingjay. Did you see my review? I have a spoiler link off th review where you go to a separate page and can chat openly about the book. Great discussion there – and an awesome discussion at Maw Books as well on her thoughts on the book.

  10. You did have a good week!!! I am feeling a little yucky today, usually the change in weather gives me back pain where is was broken but last night and today it’s my neck. Maybe the pins there don’t like this weather any better than I, but have never had pain like this in the 10 years since my accident, so may just take it easy today. After I do a little visiting of course 🙂


    1. Dollycas so sorry to hear about the pains! I joke about my falling off my bike – I think I have had three falls this year so far, I never get hurt, but I know someday that will not be true.

      Feel better – relax- put on an audio and close your eyes 🙂

  11. SOunds like an interesting variety of books you have there – yet again. I finally made it around to visiting 10 blogs and commenting! I meant to last week, but it was the first full week of school and I just never got to it.


    1. Kristen I know, some days are easier to visit blogs then others…. and of course even the blogs distract me because I see links to other blogs off their pages… and wow…. I can get deeply lost in the blog world. 😀

  12. Sheila, I’ve commented on 14 blogs today. Are comments to additional posts on the same blog counted? If so, it would be 15. Either way, as I understand it, my entry count is 1. But I have to go because it’s storming here. And thanks for hosting the meme. It’s actually a very helpful one. You’re doing a great job!

    1. Hi Donna – nice job on the comments! I endorse the Monday meme however would be happy to count any other comments you make on a Monday meme blog. After all it was the book discussion that brought you there and I highly encourage the interaction! 😀

      Looks like we are going to get rain soon but I don’t think it will storm here in Minnesota.

      Thank you for your kind words!

  13. I really liked your review of Masquerade. I wasn’t sure if I still wanted to read the book after hearing about how unlikeable the main character is but I think I will try it after all. I really want to read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo as well. I hope you are enjoying it.

    1. Thanks Christina T – the main character does have flaws…. but as the book progresses she becomes more and more aware of them. I would recommend it and Tattoo Girl is awesome.

  14. I am currently reading Eating Animals, and I have of course read a lot of children’s book this week.

    On my to read list is Practical Glamour (which I will be giving away 2 copies of), and The Possibility of Everything by Hope Edelman.

    I would like to invite you to Book Lover’s Blog Hop@Story Time Under the Stars. At the Book Lovers’ Blog Hop you can link up a book review and connect with other book reviewers.

  15. I am so turned around and completely missed What ARe You Reading? This week!!

    Next week, I will catch up, but I too have Room on my “up next” list, and I’m really interested to see how you like it. I keep picking it up, and putting it down. The blurb scares me…I don’t do well with this kind of content, but it caught my eye at BEA and I have a feeling about it, you know?

  16. I am ready to sink teeth into some good books. I am in the mood for historicals. I am waiting for THE COUNTESS AND THE KING: A NOVEL OF THE COUNTESS OF DORCHESTER AND KING JAMES II by Susan Holloway Scott to come in the mail this week. There is an event involving this book going on at a group of blogs. It sounds good. I need to sit down and finish ISADORE’S SECRET. More time to concentrate on the facts presented. I may throw in a few Harlequin historicals while I am at it. Quick reads and some good authors.

      1. It is not a hard or heavy read. It is actually interesting and well written. Since it is nonfiction, I guess my subconscious says it is OK to take my time and read mysteries at the same time. I am about half way through and do want to finish it. There really hasn’t been much reading time lately. Wish I had had it with me while I was waiting for my husband at he eye doctor’s yesterday. I find it easier to read fiction in bits and pieces than I do nonfiction.

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