It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Andrea (A Chick Who Reads)

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

With BEA (Book Expo America) last week I did not really accomplish a lot in reading or reviews.  I finished two books:

I have not written the reviews yet, but plan to do these and a few other reviews I need to catch up on this week.

What’s Coming Up This Week?

Honestly, I arrived home from New York about 2 hours ago and haven’t really had time to give a thought to what I will be reading this week.  There will be reviews and I will be doing a few BEA posts including both of my author experiences (WHICH ROCKED!!!).

I didn’t get around to all of you last week but will this week and have a lot of visits to catch up on.  Please sign the Linky below as I am excited to see what you are reading!

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Times Square
Times Square

111 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. So looking forward to your posts on the BEA! I didn’t do any reading either, and that is with sitting here at home, lol!

  2. Welcome back Sheila! I think we have to add an extra hour or two at book club so you can tell us all about your New York adventure!

  3. i went to nyc last year and a couple of the billboards are still there! glad you had an awesome time at BEA sheila! and wow you actually finished two books–the opposite of me looks interesting. happy reading this week 🙂

  4. Oh my, I think (living in a small city, myself) that I would be totally overwhelmed in New York.

    Glad you’re back and hope you had a wonderful time

  5. Sounds like you’ve been busy! I’m looking forward to reading your posts 🙂

    My post is up, so I’m on my way to read what others have been up to!

  6. Glad you had a good time at BEA! I look forward to hearing what you thought of The Opposite of Me. I have that on my TBR list and it sounds like a really good story.

    Have a great week!

  7. I’m so envious that you got to go to BEA! I am planning on doing it next year for sure!

    Hope you have a great week reading, Sheila! I’ve left comments on 40 blogs today.

  8. I love NYC! Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for coming by my blog 🙂 I’m having fun poking around your site here. So many books! So many links! I’ll be back again for sure.

    This week I’m reading Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett.

  9. I almost forgot that I’m supposed to comment on how many blogs I’ve visited and commented on … I know it’s probably around 12 so far, but my plan is to come back each day during the week and visit a few more, so it will likely end up being at least 30!

  10. Sounds like you had a great time, can’t wait to hear more about it. I was busy last week reading and reviewing books that come out tomorrow. I plan a relaxing reading week this week with only 2 review books.
    I also have a daughter graduating on the 12th of June from high school so the next 2 weeks are going to be really hectic here and I will probably miss out on some reading time.:)

    Hope you have a great week!!

  11. I think my first post went into cyberspace.

    Sounds like you a had a great time last week, can’t wait to hear more.

    I read and reviewed books last week that come out tomorrow. This week I am planning a nice relaxed reading week. I have a daughter graduating from High School on June 12th so the next two weeks will be pretty hectic here.

    Happy Reading!!

  12. I love that you were able to give daily updates from your trip to NYC – I am sitting down now trying to do it all and I’m pooped!

    There is a pic of us from the Harper Collins reception on my Monday meme!! It was a pleasure and an honor meeting you! Next time you’re in the NYC area, give me a shout.

    1. Allison it was a lot of fun meeting you too. 🙂 I will definitely take you up on the New York invite if I ever get in the area. I hope you plan on doing BEA again next year – I know I do. 🙂

  13. Hi Sheila !
    Welcome back…..great pictures….I’m totally chilling it out these days and I’m currently reading (as in, for tonight) Robert Ludlum’s ‘THE GEMINI CONTENDERS’. Waiting to know what you are reading. Exams went great by the way…….will surely let you know how I do.

    1. Its good to be home Fiza…I am having a lazy day. Catching up on emails and may take a nap. Still trying to catch up my lack of sleep in New York 🙂

  14. Just finished “The Help,” a wonderful book, and “Viola in Reel Life,” inspired by your Tea. I really liked it; I thought she captured the essence of teenage girls beautifully, and my daughter has started reading it. I am headed to the library to find more of her books!

  15. It was so great to meet you and share a room with you this weekend. I don’t think I could have asked for a better set of roomies 🙂 I’m still catching up on reading blogs and visit new ones and trying to read some of my fabulous new books — I need some extra vacation to recover from my vacation 🙂

    1. Kim – I agree! I have spent my morning catching up on emails. Now I am trying to read the Monday posts and haven’t even started on my business card pile yet to stop in and see those bloggers. Maybe I will do that tonight.

      Thanks so much for being a great roomie too – I had a blast 😀

  16. Welcome home, Sheila! Glad you had such a great time at BEA – it sounds amazing!

    I’m interested to hear what you thought of Annie Freeman’s… My book group didn’t love it – we all enjoyed the beginning and liked the concept but felt it got a bit repetitive as it wore on.

    Glad to have you back!


    1. Sue, I thought the book had great potential – but love is a strong word right? 🙂 My book club will review it on the 8th of June and I think it will probably fair as yours did.

      There were parts of the book I enjoyed and others that didnt seem to fit. I will probably post this one later this week or may wait for the book club review to add to it.

      Thanks for the welcome back 😀

    1. Wow EJ – nice job! It is is taking me a long time today to get around to the blogs. I am setting up my deck, doing laundry, running a couple errands – and oh yes, I had to have a nap too 🙂

  17. Hi Sheila,

    I’m reading Look Me in the Eye: My Life wWith Asperger’s by John Elder Robison, who turns out to be the older brother of Augusten Burroughs. Fascinating – I’d heard of Asperger’s, but never knew anything about it.

    Take care,

  18. I’m glad you enjoyed BEA. Did you ship your books home? I’m sure you’ll catch up on your reading once you have a chance to unpack and decompress. Have a great week!

  19. Sheila I think at one point I might have passed you but didn’t call out your name because I wasn’t sure if it was you or not. I keep kicking myself for not doing it. Oh well there can always be next year right?

    1. I would love to do just that Natalie but life is still busy right where I left it – gah!! 🙂 I have a new person to train tomorrow at work and an inventory to do for a Thursday meeting.

      Back to business as usual.

  20. BEA sounds like it was a great success; I would love to go one year but I may have to wait until I am retired. I am looking forward to reading your comments about it. I visited over 10 blogs today and am off to visit some more. Enjoy your week and hope you get some relaxation time!

    1. Thanks Stephanie – I am still laying out a plan to get all my BEA info out there as well as my reviews of books that are waiting patiently for me.

      I think I am just going to have to up my posts this week and hopefully not upset any subscribers with the additions in their email. 🙂

  21. Glad you had fun at BEA! Feels like it’s been forever since I’ve participated in this meme – I missed it! Hope you can stop on by. I’ve changed the blog name and finally finished Water for Elephants!

  22. OMG! I have almost the same exact picture ( the first one) in my New York pics. Wasn’t Times Square just awesome:) I was in awe over everything, lol. I am so glad you had so much fun on your trip. I can’t wait to hear everything. I so wish I could have gone, especially to the blogger section. I probably would have learned so many things to help my blog:)

  23. So, it looks like if I want to finish a book during a busy convention week, I have to read on the plane? I am so glad that we both had a fun filled week.

  24. I am working on PREDATORY GAME by Christine Feehan. I am selecting books to take on our trip. I don’t want anything too serious. I’ve got several anthologies. They are good for trips, I have several audio books: LOVELY BONES and IMPERIAL CRUISE, which my husband already listened to. He would come in every night from the drive home irate at what was done by Teddy Roosevelt. We’ll listen to it together this time and discuss it.

    Glad you made it home in one piece. Get rested and then you can fill us in on all the great things you did and saw. I’m going to have trouble keeping up with my email and the blogs I follow.

    Congratulations, Andrea.

    1. Pat let me know what you think of the Lovely Bones Audio. I struggled with it – but liked the book when I read it years ago.

      Have a good trip 🙂

  25. Love you pics of Times Square. Did y’all get to see any theater? We keep teasing that we are going to fly to New York just to see a show and then turn around and fly home. One day.

  26. It took most of the week but I finally commented on ten What Are You Reading posts. whew. Don’t know how those who do 30+ manage. Probably they don’t spend 20+ minutes per reading multiple posts and pausing to visit the library catalog to order books. Well I’ve tapped out my request account and must claim some before I can add to it. The good news is I have eleven items (books and DVD) waiting for me and 3 more shipped. But will there be room on my card to claim them before I forfeit? Mmm. Iffy. Might have to watch some of those DVD on 1.20 speed. 🙂

  27. I’m reading THE SINGER’S GUN by Emily Mandel. It’s about a man born into a family of art smugglers and dealers in stolen goods, and the life he tries to make separate from them. I’m enjoying it so far!

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