Morning Meanderings…

Good morning.  It is good to be back in Minnesota with Coffee Cup in hand and still trying to stretch out all the kinks from my whirlwind trip to New York last week for BEA.

Yesterday I accomplished….. not much.  I had arrived home around 7:30 pm on Sunday evening and by 7:45 was heading to dinner with my hubby to a small restaurant about 2 miles down the road from us so we could catch up.  Yesterday morning I spent cleaning up emails on both my accounts….. I had way more that any sane person should have and it took me past noon to get them manageable.

Then I spent quite a bit of time catching up on blogs and attempting to clean out my suitcase and do laundry.  After grilling last night for dinner, I sat down with my son Justin and he and I watched Kite Runner together.  This movie has been owned by me for over a year but I have refused to watch it until I had finished the book.  Now that I have done both I feel as though I have been left with something incredible – I hope me review will do it justice.

My plan today is to give you a recap of BEA, and then after that if I can squeeze it in I need to also start getting reviews up for books I have read but have yet to do the reviews.  I have a lot of catching up to do and just havent had a lot of time to do so.

Warning – my BEA posts will probably take at least the next three days as today I will post the overall recap, tomorrow I need to share the authors tea event with Adrianna Trigianni and on Thursday I want to share the meeting of Sarah Pekkenen author of Opposite of me (book review will also be that day).

So there is somewhat of a plan.  This morning I am helping train someone in our business office and then off to my own office to catch up from everything that went down last week – whatever that may be.  🙂  This afternoon I hope to either bike or rollerblade as I have missed both terribly.

Have a super day!  I leave you with a little video from Time Square.

19 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…

  1. I am proud to say I did nothing yesterday-we had plans to go out-but my husband needed to nap-which turned into an all day affair-it probably did my good to lounge-we went out before dinner and he was good for about 1/2 hour of activity before we needed to go home. I am up at the crack of dawn as P. had another asthma episode. Have a good day.

  2. Okay…now I’m awake!!

    So much energy everywhere…it’s probably like that most of the time, too.

    Good morning, Sheila, and looking forward to your BEA chronicles.

  3. As fun as a trip is, it is always great to be home! I can’t wait to read your recap of BEA!

    And the Kite Runner…some kind of wonderful, isn’t it? I have A Thousand Splendid Suns high on my TBR and everyone says it is even better!

    1. Helen I have heard that about a Thousand Splendid Suns and now I am curious if I can find that in audio as well and if it is read by the author too. He had such a great pleasing voice – I wouldnt mind hearing more.

  4. I am looking forward to hearing more about your trip! I am enjoying reading everyone’s BEA recaps! Times Square looks like a happy place! How fun! Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us.

    1. Beth – the other BEA recaps have inspired me…. I was going to wait a couple days to spill it all but seeing how organized some of my blog mates are has encouraged me to get a move on it! 😀

  5. Love the Times Square video. I saw a band like this in 1981 when I was a Rutgers student. They were from Peru – and the experience may have stayed with me so much because someone in the room was smoking pot. Dave and I were giggling all evening. 😀

    Glad you’re home safe and had such a good time.

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