Word verification Balderdash (The Thursday Thing)

This is the weekly meme where I encourage anyone who wishes to play along to take those crazy word balderdashverifications they have had over the past week and apply a fake definition to them (much like how you play the board game Balderdash).  This is all in fun and makes commenting on blogs a bit more interesting when the verification may just give you the best definition of the week!  See original post here

Even with the crazy busy week that I had… I think I came across some fun word verifications.  Here are mine:

vellmen: men who enjoy all things velcro.

nomed: when you have worked in your garden for so many long hours you feel as though you may be a permanent fixture there, much like a garden gnome.

magrabb: The incredible inner knowledge a mom has when her child is about to do something dangerous.  They do not even have to be looking at the child when the mothers arm juts out and grabs them before they step off the curb into the street, before they fall off the swing, fall down the steps, etc… it is such a quick movement you rarely see the actual grab until the child is back to safety.

prophy: Trophies that are only given out to professionals.  Very snooty.  Very coveted.

bugons: A bug (usually found when you are camping, or in some sort of woodsy environment) that latches on to your clothing and will not let go.  Sometimes they are mistaken for an actual part of your clothing.

I would love to see what you come up with!  To do your own, simply grab the picture meme and add it to your own post.  Link back to this post and leave a comment here letting my know you have and I will add your blog post to this one so people may see other participants.  Let the fun begin!  🙂

Here are the other players and their great words:

This Girls Ever Expanding Library


Alexia’s Books and Such

He Followed Me Home

Reading At The Beach

The Betty and Boo Chronicles

My Own Little Corner Of The World

My World

Thats a Novel Idea

24 thoughts on “Word verification Balderdash (The Thursday Thing)

    1. I have not contacted Webster…LOL… however you did give me an idea that maybe I capture all of these that all of us book bloggers enter for a year ant alphabetize them and send copies to the participants so we can all laugh for years to come. 🙂

  1. These are too funny! I think everyone who plays this game is very clever…LOL! All the ones I’ve seen today have been LOL funny! Great words!

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting me over at Pen And Paper. Vellmen? Does that mean there must be Vellwomen out there as well? If so, I could well be one – I love the sound of wripping velcro almost as much, but not quite, as the sound of popping bubblewrap. Weird? Perhaps!

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