Passing The Baton…


So here is a story.

In February of 2009 I was a fairly new blogger.  I had about 6 months in.  I was in Florida with my husband for the equipment auctions when a blogger named J Kaye, messaged me.  J Kaye ran the blog j-kaye-book-log.  She was the creator of the Meme “It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?” and I loved it – the book conversation, the linking up, the going back to read the comments because she always responded to the comments.  J Kaye was contacting me to say she was dropping out of blogging to work on her career as an author and would I be interested in taking over the meme.


The meme had over 200 followers.  For a newbie like myself, this was a goldmine of bloggers and book lovers that would follow the meme to me and perhaps like the way I chatted up books.  SO of course I said yes, promising to love the meme and nurture it and…

I did.

It’s Monday never missed a Monday from the time I took over the meme.  I even posted when I was in Honduras and this past year when I was in Australia I passed it on to another blogger to watch while I was away.  The meme went on…

until April.

When my life hit the rocks, the meme as well as pretty much everything else came to a halt.  While, after a while I started posting again, for whatever reason I could not wrap my mind around keeping up with It’s Monday.  I planned to bring it back in September and in the past 4 weeks, I forgot about it twice.  It seems to be something I can no longer commit too… yet I love that meme and in many ways, it brought me many readers who have stuck with me through it all.


I did what J Kaye did.  I looked for a follower of the meme who was a consistent blogger.  Someone who would take it over and love it as I had, and hopefully I too can participate in the meme without the pressure (self inflicted I am sure) of owning it.





(Of course she can choose her own meme button… I was just playing around)

I am pleased to announce that Kathryn from The book Date will be taking over It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?  I am so excited to see the meme continue in her capable hands.  I will help with the transition of directing traffic her way and I will probably participate myself 🙂

Thank you to everyone who has patiently hung in there with me while I figured this out.  I am happy with this decision.  I don’t know how many years J Kaye had It’s Monday, but I had it for 6 years and it will go on.


On another note…. canning today and finishing up between today and tomorrow.  I have been enjoying some down time at home, book club and the Gone With The Wind review was on Tuesday and yes – there are some fun pictures to go with that.  I am listening on audio to Admissions and enjoying it.

30 thoughts on “Passing The Baton…

  1. I’m sorry to see you won’t be hosting anymore, but am very glad to see this meme (it’s my favorite one!) continue at another home. I continued to participate while you were away without the link-up (as did many others) and will continue with Kathryn.
    I commend you for doing what works best for you and hope that you’re doing as well as you can be given all that’s happened.

  2. I totally understand your need to pass the meme hosting duties on. ❤ So glad it will continue at The Book Date, and I look forward to participating and seeing you participate over there with it as well. 🙂


  3. This has always been one of my favorite memes. I have enjoyed participating and following all the other bloggers that posted there. So glad you were able to find someone to grab the baton and keep on running. Life sometimes takes turns were never expected and then we must make decisions that are best for our own well being. Hope to see you at Book Date on Mondays and of course I will continue to follow Book Journey. Best wishes as you go forward on this unexpected “journey”.

  4. Really sorry to see you letting it go, but feel very honoured to be given this opportunity to keep it going. Just got an email from Elizabeth at Silver’s Review asking about the button. I had played around but when I put it beside one you’ve done, at this point in time I am going with the one you’ve done!! Looks better! 🙂

  5. You have made the decision that is the right one for you and that is what matters.All of your readers care deeply for you and totally support you on this very difficult journey.

  6. I agree with Dorothy N. Its hard to let things go. Your journey takes you unexpected places. Have signed up for Book Date, and you know full well I’m following the trail of breadcrumbs you keep dropping….although this season it looks like they are tomato seeds 😉

  7. Oh, how awesome! I already follow Kathryn @ book date and love that I will be able to continue following both of you and my beloved “it’s Monday”.

  8. Sheila, first I’ll say Congrats on 6 years of reigning as queen of “It’s Monday…” 🙂 Huge accomplishment, I’d say 😀 And things in life change. You’re seeing when change has to come—and you’re allowing it. Good for you! And a Congrats to Kathryn 🙂

  9. Totally understand! I will miss your Monday Morning updates, but it is understandable as to why you are passing the torch. Your Monday Morning book linky is what made me blog! I will always be thankful for it, and I look forward to linking up at Book Date.

  10. I’m re-submitting… net’s a bit unstable these days…


    Oh I didn’t know that! I never thought one could pass a meme but that’s brilliant! I’m happy that you are back blogging.

    In June, I was diagnosed having Lymphoma / cancer of the lymph nodes and have been struggling with keeping up with my life. I was depressed for months and thought couldn’t go on reading and blogging. I was worried about everything and my blog. I thought about passing my blog to a very special friend but she only reads, don’t know how to blog.

    Anyway, few weeks ago, I started reading again although im still undergoing chemo therapy. I wish I could still continue for more years…. my blog is one of those things sooo special that really will make me sad to close down.

    Good to see you again, Sheila! Off to Kathryn’s blog!

  11. One thing I’ve learned is life doesn’t always go as planned, and sometimes we have to make adjustments. You’ve done amazingly well, since your world fell apart. I know you have horrible, terrible, ugly days still, but to be able to keep up as you have is a testament to your strength. Do what you can, and when you need to, pass it on to someone else without guilt. Thinking of you everyday. Hugs, my friend.

  12. I started IMWAYR? when it was at J. Kayes and you have done a fabulous job with it these past six years! I am sad to see you pass it on, but totally understand that life happens. This meme will be missed here, but you made a great choice to pass the baton on to. This is not goodbye as I plan to be a frequent visitor.

  13. It’s Monday has been a big part of my blogging life for years now. I’m sad to see you passing it along though I understand completely.

  14. I am in tears because I totally understand. I just passed the 7th month mark of my son’s death and there are days I can barely remember my name. You took this meme and ran with it and it is staple on my blog even though I have dropped the ball on visiting the past several months. I am sending you hugs everyday and you are always in my prayers.


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