First Book Of The Year 2015


Every year I get excited about what will be that first book I will be chatting about going into the new year.  I make a big deal out of picking the book.  It is usually a book I have wanted to read for a while and for whatever reason, I just have not been able to make the time to read it.

This is the second year that I would love for you to join me in this tradition of picking the book that you will be reading into the new year.  It can be a coveted book that you have been waiting to read, a guilty pleasure book, a re-read of a favorite that you want to explore once again… whatever you want.

Our posts of what we are reading will go live on January 1st.  You do not need to be done with the book on January 1st, just reading it on January 1st and yes, you can start on the 31st and be reading into the New Year.  I would like to link up all your posts here on the 1st as well so others can visit you and cheer you on!  If you are interested, please fill out the short form below.

Here are the fun collages I did with last year’s participants:





Update on December 31st:  You can still send pics in today (I am Central time) and you do not need to fill out the form.  🙂 Email pics to

75 thoughts on “First Book Of The Year 2015

  1. I was hoping you were going to be doing this again this year. I’ve already started thinking about what my 1st book is going to be, but haven’t narrowed it down yet!

  2. I was actually wondering about whether we’d do this again. Not sure what I’ll be reading, but I’m game.

  3. This was a wonderful meme last year, so pleased you are doing it again. Made me think about that 1st book of the year!

  4. LOL. I’m the one who didn’t take a picture with her book. Doh! I will be sure to correct that next year. Can’t wait! I will have to think carefully about which book I will read first for 2015.

  5. Completely love this new tradition of yours!! I absolutely love the pics your readers have sent in, too. It gives me an idea of what I should read at the beginning of the year!

  6. I’m glad I was able to decide pretty quickly. I went for the shortest book in my queue so I’d be sure to finish it quickly since I’m spending a lot of reading time on Harry Potter. If I picked a longer book, it’d take too long for me to read to enjoy it! 🙂

  7. I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea – to get people to document what they were reading as the world moved into 2015. and now I find you got there before me. Oh well, back to the drawing board……

  8. I’ve got my book picked out and I’m looking forward to reading along with everyone on Jan. 1! It’s supposed to be cold and rainy/snowy here that day, so it will be a perfect time to relax and read! (Wow, my hair was long in that picture from last year! I’ve got it whacked off this year! Cool to see the difference!)

  9. Just signed up! Unfortunately I was too late to email in my photo but happy reading my book none the less. Thank you for hosting Sheila and hope you stop by my blog in the New Year!

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