Late Meanderings… Lets Talk About That Bench


Whoa… wait… what?

I lost the morning.  I had every intention of putting up an earlier post and then life just gets in the way.

I had a meeting at the library this morning and I parked where I usually do near the benches. THE BENCHES.  I was there yesterday as well and spent a little time at the bench and took a couple of pictures.


You may notice a little something on the bench in the right hand corner…


This little rock has the word ‘TRUST” written on it.  I have no idea where it came from, but I LOVE it.  Thank you to whoever for putting such a powerful message out there.  I have no idea what it means to the giver, but I imagine knowing my son there is a ton of meaning behind it.

So today, as I walk into the library a group of teens are approaching the benches (there are three benches) and the four of them choose to sit on Justin’s bench and the tears start to flow.  I can imagine that he would love this.  I also noticed the rock was still there which also warmed my heart through the tears.

When I left the library, a different person, a lone girl was sitting on the bench and again … oh my heart.

I did not get to visit the bench today due to the activity around it.  I did not want to approach and let anyone know my personal connection to that particular bench.  That’s awkward and unfair to those using the bench… although I secretly hoped that perhaps at least one of them knew Justin, or his story and were spending a little time with him –

just like the trust rock.


I am behind on the BEA posts, I had another post planned for yesterday but it did not happen.  Hopefully today will be the day I invite you to the Audie Awards.  Put on something nice 😉


3BEA Book NOTE! 

Ashes by Laurie Halse Anderson

Setting:  Revolutionary War, Valley Forge

Compact Synopsis:  The conclusion to the trilogy that started with Chains and continued with Forge. Isabel and Curzon are now reported as runaways.  They are determined to find Isabel’s little sister Ruth who is enslaved in a Southern state and danger of being captured is all around.

The Draw:  Hello! Have you ever read Laurie Halse Anderson?  If not, you are truly missing out.  SPEAK was the first book I read by her (a banned book) and I was hooked.  Known for writing about hard issues, this book excites me!  And the cover?  WOW.  That caught my eye even before I seen who wrote the book.


9 thoughts on “Late Meanderings… Lets Talk About That Bench

  1. Hi Sheila, I went right over to our local ebook site and reserved Speak. Don’t forget Saturday is # Readathon Day

  2. This lovely, wonderful bench placed in memory of Justin, is magical in the way it affects those that seek it.

Hmmmm... what do you think?