Morning Meanderings.. New Look To A LONG Overdue Room


Good morning!  Happy Tuesday to you!  Yesterday was an odd day in Minnesota.  It has been around 50 degrees over the weekend and all our snow was gone.  Then yesterday afternoon it rained HARD for a few hours and by evening it turned to snow.  Now we probably have about three inches on the ground again.  *sigh*  Minnesota.


Over the weekend I painted our living room.  It was a LONG TIME coming.  When it was painted 10 years ago (I know, I know…) I never really liked it.  It was a pinky, rosy…. well you will see…. anyhoo…. I have no idea what took me so long to change it…. but here it is… before and after:


(Above)  This is before.  The one wall… bottom right, is the wall that leads downstairs, the large space I painted about a year ago.  I did not like that wall either.



After!  Oh my gosh I LOVE IT!!!  It is a rich chocolate color.  It is officially called Study Brown (boring name!) but to me it is chocolate.  It is a much warmer color and I love just sitting in the room and looking at it.  Yes… I just look at it.

Funny note… I never tell Al (hubby) when I am taking on a project.  I just do it.  When he came home Sunday evening he looked in the living room and he says, “Oh, where did that table come from?”  (Referring to the table that I moved from one side of the recliner to the other….)

I responded, “Is that all you notice?”

Al looked carefully around the room and could not pick out any other change.

*sigh*…. 4 1/2 hours of painting and arranging and nada….


Today I am working off a check list of things to do.  Why does it keep getting longer???  It is our oldest sons birthday and he is coming over for dinner tonight.  I have errands to do in town, and clothes to drop off to charity.  I am on a de-clutter mission.  It will be an audio day.  😀  (Although last night I did start Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.)  Give it up for the Harry Potter Re-Read along!!!!

34 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings.. New Look To A LONG Overdue Room

  1. Love the new look! Paint makes such a difference. It was the first thing we changed when we bought our house this year — just needed to freshen up the older spaces. Great job! And love that you tackled it yourself without your husband knowing, haha . . . and that he only noticed the furniture moving! 🙂

  2. Husbands. Geesh 😉 I love a true brown color. It’s hard to find just the right shade. I worry about it making a room too dark but I find it cozy.

  3. In the last year that I lived in my house in the foothills (after almost thirteen years), we did some repainting…I love the warmer colors, too. My favorite was a jade green bedroom that, while it doesn’t sound like a warm color, actually warmed things up.

    I had no chocolate, but I do love it, and my daughter did some chocolate walls in her “new” home that she is renting from my youngest son.

    It could be a good thing that Al doesn’t notice much…you could do a complete renovation! LOL

  4. Wow, what a drastic change!! I love the colors too, definitely make everything else pop. Plus, we already get bored with homes that are always the same. I don’t know how it took you so long to change in the first place lol! If we could paint our walls now, I would have totally done it already

  5. Love the chocolate color!! I’m surprised Al even mentioned the table. Most men don’t notice anything unless their living room chair has been moved LOL!

    Happy Birthday to your son!

  6. I’m laughing about your not telling your husband. Mine is the same way! The only reason he noticed that I painted the master bedroom is because it took me two days – I had to get my brother to help me with the ceiling.

  7. OK, first of all—I can’t imagine WHAT would keep you from painting a room you didn’t like. After all, you’re really NOT that busy of a person 😉 The brown looks very warm and cozy. Glad to hear the window offsets the darkness during the day.

    And, OK, men can DEfinitely be oblivious, but I have to point something out, sticking up for hubby here 🙂 He probably came into the room when it was evening, so the color of the walls didn’t “hit” him the same since the rosy color would’ve appeared darker at night, too. Seeing as to where the door, steps and recliner are, the table was probably the first thing he saw when he entered the room so couldn’t help but notice. When you asked him if he noticed anything else, he was still focused on furniture or the stuff IN the room, so he didn’t even LOOK at the walls 🙂 What’s pleasing me is that he didn’t SMELL the paint! I’m hoping that means you used a low-VOC paint. Either that or he has a poor sense of smell!

    Anyway, it looks great and yes, a big YAY for the HP Readalong!!! 😀 😀 😀

  8. The room looks fantastic!!

    Love the color…it really did make a difference.

    I need to look at my wall colors now. Mine are all Kestrel White. It is a bit of a beige, but that dark chocolate looks terrific. Goes well with your carpet and furniture.

    You are amazing.

Hmmmm... what do you think?