It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Hey there!  Welcome to It’s Monday, What Are You Reading!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme. Fair warning… this meme tends to add to your reading list!

It has been a super productive week… I kind of feel “super hero” like. 😀  Last Monday we had our first wine and words meeting.  It was a great turn out and lots of fun fresh ideas for this years event… all I can say is…


Then on Thursday we had a members meeting at the Library which was also a big success, many more ideas on how we can increase our Friends count this year.  A busy weekend, Al and I went to the movie Noah last night and then today was a great Easter with one son here with us, the other still in college but I spent a couple of hours on the phone with him today and we will see him in a few weeks for graduation so I am happy. 🙂

In book news… here is what was posted this week:

The Taker by Alma Katsu (a long long overdue read for me and I am so sorry I waited!)

Location… Location… Location… Does it really matter? An interesting conversation about authors being clear where there stories are located.

Love Life by Rob Lowe (Another great read by Rob!  Two thumbs up and an 80’s girl “that’s totally awesome!”))

A Million Ways To Die In The West by Seth MacFarlane (a little better then “meh” but you need to be a brave soul to enter into this foul read – but if you hang in there and can sort through the over abundance of “yuck” there is a funny story line in there.


Good week and I moving full steam ahead.  I have several May reads that I have completed but am waiting until May to post.  Here is what I am currently digging in to this week:


For my Ears



Miami real estate broker and terminal anglophile, Alice Harte, falls for the wrong White Rabbit. Nigel Channing is an international conman with a gift for crafting Byronesque emails. He sweeps Alice off her feet and down a rabbit hole laden with mugs, thugs, and be-headers. Will Alice be able to keep her head when all about her are losing theirs? Are the cards stacked against her or will she find true love? Is there a Joker in the deck?





A crisis has swept America. Hundreds of thousands have lost the ability to sleep. Enter the Slumber Corps, an organization that urges healthy dreamers to donate sleep to an insomniac. Under the wealthy and enigmatic Storch brothers the Corps’ reach has grown, with outposts in every major US city. Trish Edgewater, whose sister Dori was one of the first victims of the lethal insomnia, has spent the past seven years recruiting for the Corps. But Trish’s faith in the organization and in her own motives begins to falter.





Six days ago, astronaut Mark Watney became one of the first people to walk on Mars. Now, he’s sure he’ll be the first person to die there. After a dust storm nearly kills him and forces his crew to evacuate while thinking him dead, Mark finds himself stranded and completely alone with no way to even signal Earth that he’s alive—and even if he could get word out, his supplies would be gone long before a rescue could arrive. Chances are, though, he won’t have time to starve to death. The damaged machinery, unforgiving environment, or plainold “”human error”” are much more likely to kill him first. But Mark isn’t ready to give up yet. Drawing on his ingenuity, his engineering skills—and a relentless, dogged refusal to quit—he steadfastly confronts one seemingly insurmountable obstacle after the next. Will his resourcefulness be enough to overcome the impossible odds against him?”




For My Eyes

I am still catching up from this past week so I dont think I will add any additional books this week:)  Well… other than:


Life has been rough for starlet Amber since leaving rehab. She’s been two years sober, but no one seems to believe her — not the gossip media, not casting agents, and most certainly not her spotlight-loving parents. With her friendships ruined by betrayal and her career at a standstill, Amber’s just trying to get her life back on track. It doesn’t help that her former love, movie star Connor Parks, keeps trying to draw Amber back in, not just to their relationship but to his hard-partying ways. One fateful night, Amber breaks down and agrees to join him on board his private jet as it readies for take-off — a decision that will change her life forever and expose her to a whole new level of scrutiny and heartbreak.


That’s it.  My week is pretty mellow but the weekend coming up is a big one with a run, possibly a zombie crawl (more on that later) and a benefit dinner on Sunday.  Now I am curious what are you reading and listening to?  Please add your Its Monday What Are You Reading post link below where it says click here.



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For those of you that read mainly middle grade and children’s books, be sure to also link to the younger version of It’s Monday by using the link below!2aaa

46 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Just finished “My Mr. Rochester” by L.K.Rigel. read Episode l As a “read your freebies” and scurried to download the whole “boxed set” of the series, which I read completely today. Warning: it’s dystopian, and I admit that’s not my favorite genre AND I love Jane Eyre, reread it about every other year.

    Recently published as a set, this five episode set is a great retelling. I’m off to find more of her work.

    And I’m fifty pages into The Krallls of Uluni by David Ebsworth about the Zulu/ Africaans Wars…..and a book of the history of wallpaper.

  2. Looks like you are getting a lot of interesting audios plus other books. 🙂 Hope your wonderful day really warmed up to 72. Ours never went over 60 today.
    Have another good week!

  3. Glad you had a great Easter- looks like it was a great week! I’ll bet the Rob Lowe book is interesting… and you’ve got some fun looking audios on tap. Happy reading this week!

  4. Nice to see ‘The Martian’ on your list. it’s been in my TBR list as well. I still have to get the book though.

  5. Hi Sheila, I’m back to join ‘It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?’. 🙂

    It’s good to know that you’ve had a productive week. As for your current books, wow, I really like the storyline (and title) of The Secret Diary of Alice in Wonderland. It sounds like it might be a humorous read!

    Books Love Me

  6. First of all, your goblet of wine beside the books looks delicious and like a still life painting. I love all three of the books you’re reading especially The Secret Diary….and Sleep Donation. Have been looking at the sleep one for a while.

  7. the martian has been hands down my favorite of the year so far… can’t stop rooting for the guy!

  8. I’d like some sleep donated … lol, sounds like my type of Dystopian read, hope it’s good! I had time with my eldest on Saturday, so I was a happy mumma too. Have a ‘relaxing’ week and happy reading 🙂

  9. I’ve heard great things about The Martian! All the people in my feed on BookLikes have been reading it :). I hope you love your reads this week!

  10. OK, Sheila, I want to know if you wear a red cape all the time 😉 I can’t come up with any other way to explain how much reading you get done, you Super Reader you! 🙂 But what I’m even MORE impressed with is that your son was on the phone with you for a couple of hours! Even when I had serious conversations about important stuff, I don’t think I’ve had a single conversation that lasted that long! lol 😉

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