It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


Welcome to It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading!  This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Under the new and hopefully improved 2013 guidelines, the winner each week will receive a $5 Amazon gift card.  This past weeks winner is:

Laurel Rain Snow!!!!


Oh my gosh… first of all I had no intention of going “dark” over the weekend.  I was at the cabin which has no internet but I drove to the cafe in town about 10 miles away so I could write a Saturday post, put up some pics and write a review.  Well, my battery is very bad on this laptop and only goes for about an hour without being plugged in (super annoying… really).  So….. I almost finish the first post when it runs out and shuts off.  So…. I was not about to go back to the cabin, charge up and drive in again so I call it a fail for the weekend – but what a treat for this week because….

I read 5 books this weekend!!!  Yes 5!!!!  WOW that feels good…. and some good ones too so watch for come pretty exciting reviews coming up this week!  Gushers…. really… and thinkers too. 🙂 

So before ,y weekend away my week was going pretty awesome too… here is what I did get posted:

Between The lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer (SOOOOOO good!)


Mad River by John Sanford (my first Sanford…and in audio!)


GONE by Randy Wayne White (audio review)


I finally finally finally posted my super fun fitness challenge for 2013.  Oh yes readers…. we can be super cool readers… and be fit!  It;s true! 😀  Please check it out 😀



It feels soooo good to be reading again!  From this weekend you can also add Level 2, The Midwife’s Tale, Born This Way, Will To Murder and Where God Finds You.  All to be reviewed soon.

As for whats next…. well….



It could happen tomorrow . . .
An electromagnetic pulse flashes across the sky, destroying every electronic device, wiping out every computerized system, and killing billions.
Alex hiked into the woods to say good-bye to her dead parents and her personal demons. Now desperate to find out what happened after the pulse crushes her to the ground, Alex meets up with Tom—a young soldier—and Ellie, a girl whose grandfather was killed by the EMP.

For this improvised family and the others who are spared, it’s now a question of who can be trusted and who is no longer human.

EEP right?  I started this one this morning and it is so far…. delicious!






Eddie Huang is the thirty-year-old proprietor of Baohaus—the hot East Village hangout where foodies, stoners, and students come to stuff their faces with delicious Taiwanese street food late into the night—and one of the food world’s brightest and most controversial young stars. But before he created the perfect home for himself in a small patch of downtown New York, Eddie wandered the American wilderness looking for a place to call his own.  

Eddie grew up in theme-park America, on a could-be-anywhere cul-de-sac in suburban Orlando, raised by a wild family of FOB (“fresh off the boat”) hustlers and hysterics from Taiwan. While his father improbably launched a series of successful seafood and steak restaurants, Eddie burned his way through American culture, defying every “model minority” stereotype along the way. He obsessed over football, fought the all-American boys who called him a chink, partied like a gremlin, sold drugs with his crew, and idolized Tupac. His anchor through it all was food—from making Southern ribs with the Haitian cooks in his dad’s restaurant to preparing traditional meals in his mother’s kitchen to haunting the midnight markets of Taipei when he was shipped off to the homeland. After misadventures as an unlikely lawyer, street fashion renegade, and stand-up comic, Eddie finally threw everything he loved—past and present, family and food—into his own restaurant, bringing together a legacy stretching back to China and the shards of global culture he’d melded into his own identity.

When I read Anthony Bodain’s book I loved it… I just love food memoirs… so here I go again… 🙂






The compelling tale of a girl who must save a group of bonobos–and herself–from a violent coup.

The Congo is a dangerous place, even for people who are trying to do good.

When one girl has to follow her mother to her sanctuary for bonobos, she’s not thrilled to be there. It’s her mother’s passion, and she’d rather have nothing to do with it. But when revolution breaks out and their sanctuary is attacked, she must rescue the bonobos and hide in the jungle. Together, they will fight to keep safe, to eat, and to survive.

I hear Eliot read a part of his book in New York this past June and I was sold.  I knew then I had to read this book.



That’s my week!  I am wondering what you are reading these days 🙂  Please add your link below where it says click here so myself and others can some and see what you are reading.  I am curious if you too are getting in good reading this time of year or if this is a slower time for you to read.  😀  You never know where that next great read may come from….


(On Twitter our hashtag is #IMWAYR)


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For those of you who review mainly Middle Grade (MG) and/or Young Adult (YA) reads, please also add your link to this meme as well:


65 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

    1. Thanks Care, and that was all books – no audio was included over the weekend, although I did listen to audio during the drive time and cooking time, I didnt finish any. I guess it was kind of a mini read a thon 😀

  1. Endangered is a book my boss recommends. I’m currently reading Ten Little Indians by Sherman Alexie. I love how many reader/runner/bloggers I’ve come across already this year! Good luck and happy reading!

  2. Sounds like you had a good reading time at the cabin! Not having internet results in more reading doesn’t it? Have a great week. Hope you get through the snow ok.

  3. Whoo hooo, 5 books! That’s great Sheila 🙂 I have Fresh Off the Boat sitting on my tbr pile too!

  4. Five books this weekend?!?!? I’m envious! Now I’m off to check out your fitness challenge… Enjoy your week!

  5. You must have spent most of your weekend reading! My goodness, 5 books! Your own little readathon. Sounds like you had a great time.

    Happy reading this week.

  6. You are amazing, Sheila…5 books in one weekend?! Did you take a moment to eat or Breathe?! I have definitely upped my reading over the last year but I can’t compete with that. Thank you for putting the statement about the meme at the beginning of your post and asking people to read and comment on the other linkers. Some memes don’t do that and I always try to mention it in a post when I’m linking. I love to know that people are reading. Your group of linkers and those linking at Alyce’s At Home With Books for Snapshot Saturday are great. Everyone comments back and forth which make this so much more fun. Have a great week, Sheila. I need a cabin to go away to!! 🙂

    1. I listened to audio while I cooked and ate while I read… it was awesome!!! I need to do more of that 😀
      I like the comments back and forth too… the conversation is just as fun as the postings. I love talking to everyone and I really get to know people that way 😀

  7. 5 books in 2 days, wow! I’ve had that write something-power goes out thing before, motivation takes quite a hit and where you had to go back to recharge the laptop, I’m not surprised you decided not too.

  8. I just visited and commented on 10 blogs! That was fun! There are so many wonderful blogs. Impressed that you read so many books in a weekend. I always wish there was more time to read!

  9. Congrats on the fabulous weekend!!!! Was it as cold there as here? I tried to stay warm reading but got all caught up in a Law & Order Marathon, lol.

    1. Congrats on the fabulous weekend!!!! Was it as cold there as here? I tried to stay warm reading but got all caught up in a Law & Order Marathon, lol.

      Visited 20 so far.

  10. I keep hearing great things about Endangered – it sounds sooo good!

    Ashes sound familiar – same plot as the TV show Revolution and another book you read recently, right? Post-apocalyptic seems to still be a hot genre!

    Enjoy your books this week –


  11. I don’t think I could sit still long enough to read 5 books in a weekend! Ashes sounds like a book I’d pick up… I’ll be watching for that review.

  12. thats so great..i have so many books i am reading but not completed:)
    hope to say i have finished them next week..
    and yes, this week, i would love to be entered in the drawing again.. commented on as many links that i could ..:)and added a great many books to my TBR.. *That is why I stopped after about 15 links – the TBR mountain is reaching for the moon”

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