Morning Meanderings… Two Very Different, but Very Appealing Books

Good morning!  Thursday already!  Did anyone elses week fly by?  I feel like I have run from one thing to the next but it has all been so good!  I am drinking my coffee and hustling through my morning traditions in anticipation of riding my bike to work.  I think… 😀  I do have errands to run after work so that puts a little damper on things but I am seriously considering biking to work 😀

Reading Shelf Awareness this week (if you do not receive this AWESOME daily email you should and you can link up on my right sidebar) and I have seen a couple of book trailers that caught my eye.  Yes… I said book trailers, and yes – I am not a fan of book trailers because I want to develop the story in my head… but… I am warming to a few of them.

First, on Monday – this trailer for the book Cascade really caught my eye… and then my heart.

and then last night I was reading email and seen this trailer hiding at the bottom of yesterdays Shelf Awareness and wow… I am turning into such a James Dashner fan want to be and have not read a thing he has written yet… obviously Maze Runner is in my near future so I can then read this one:

Tonight is my Hope Springs House Party.  I am getting kind of excited…  😀  Hope your Thursday is fab-tastic! 

Are you a book trailer fan… if so, any books call to you by seeing their trailer? 

13 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings… Two Very Different, but Very Appealing Books

  1. After reading the Maze Runner series it will be interesting to see how the prequel is. I never really think about looking for book trailers, I tend to just see them on other bloggers sites. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I’ve never watched a book trailer. I think it’s because I’m like an 85 year old woman who doesn’t like change, who doesn’t like anything new and fancy-fangled 😉 I’m afraid they would mess with the picture I have in my head while I’m reading a book.

    Have a fun party tonight!

  3. OO! I’m currently reading The Kill Order and it’s great. I listened to The Maze Runner last summer and you would LOVE that audiobook (if you need another rec). 🙂

  4. I don’t look for book trailers either but sometimes they call out to me… and I can’t say no to them. I have seen the trailer for Cascade somewhere before, I can’t remember where. I put the book on my to-read list because I watched it. They don’t mess with the images in my head because they usually aren’t long enough. It’s not like if I watch the movie before reading the book… .which does mess with my head. Hopefully that made sense because I am starting to ramble…

  5. The only book trailers I’ve watched are the ones they showed at the Fierce Reads tour. I don’t like them. To me trailers are for the more visual media (tv and movies). Seriously, one I saw at the Fierce Reads tour, I thought while watching it “This would be a really good tv series”. I don’t want them for books, won’t watch by choice, and won’t post them. I would sooner read Twilight, and I really, really hate the idea of reading Twilight.

Hmmmm... what do you think?