Morning Meanderings…. I BLEW UP The Blog

Wait for it…

Good morning.  In care you are wondering what happened around here…

I happened.

Give a girl a Bloggiesta weekend and well..anything can really happen.

I wont bore those of you who have already been here since Saturday afternoon but for those who have not here is the short version of what happened:

1. Went to change from 2 sidebars to one

2.  Seemed easier to change who theme to a single sidebar

3.  Became a CRAZY BIG project

4.  Changed theme.

5. Changed theme again.

(* note:  I may change it again, there is one more layout I want to look at so just bear with me while I go but more dynamite.)


Now – like the header, still trying to get used to the pink (not really me but it is not changeable except to powder blue), not sure I like the comment boxes either but I think it is growing on me.

There is the story. 😀

A few of you have asked where Coffee Cup is (used to sit on the upper right sidebar).  I was actually going to switch out that blog widget BUT- now I am so impressed that a few of you asked about it and realized it was missing that I think tomorrow morning I am going to introduce you to the real Coffee Cup.  To the average reader that may just seem a little C R A Z Y, but hey, first of all don’t judge 😛 and second of all Coffee Cup actually comes with a great story… one so good, I think I will add it to my About Me page after that post goes up tomorrow.

Ok…. moving on… I need to announce winners from the Bloggiesta weekend.  Give it up for the winners of my mini challenge, using they are:

$20 Amazon Gift Card:  alexia561

$10 Amazon Gift Card:  Tanya Patrice

next up… winner of the Descendent movie:


and last but not least the winner of the YA choose what I read contest and win it for yourself:

Mary Preston


All winners have been notified by email and gift card winners have been sent out this morning.  😀

How super fun!  Congrats all!  I have work, and hopefully play, and then I want to READ.  😀

34 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…. I BLEW UP The Blog

  1. I did try this theme on one of my blogs once, Sheila, and the pink or blue choices weren’t for me, either. But you have mixed it in with the gray so nicely….

    But I’ll be curiously watching for what, if anything, you do next.

    Can’t wait to see the REAL COFFEE CUP!

    1. I will probably look at the other layout tonight, when I have time to go back to this if I dont like it 😀 Its quite similar, I just like the comment layout better on the other one… we shall see 😀

  2. I had an omg where the hell is my blog moment last week, I am ‘scared’ to try more now, holy smokes, I lost my whole sidebar for a day. Now it wants me update the blogger dashboard, uggggh.

  3. Oh my gosh – that’s why I’ve stopped trying to do things myself. I’d love a new design, but I don’t know enough html. Plus, every time I try to make a small change, like you, things get CRAZY. Looks good, though, and I totally understand the need to check out several themes before deciding. 🙂

  4. Oh, I know the anxiety. Not so long ago, something happened to my blog and it was all gone! I couldn’t figure out how to get it back, hours with tech support and nothing…. I cried, and my husband had no idea what to do with me. I ended up calling into work sick, stayed home and fixed it.

    1. Oh wow! You know I would probably do the same thing. Think of all the hours we have put into reviews and comments and blog work…. so glad you were able t fix it! (My husband would not know what to do wit me either if that happened…)

  5. I like the general layout – and the comment boxes too – very readable. And THANK YOU – I was so excited to open up my inbox this morning and see that I had won one of the prizes for the Bloggiesta giveaway. I’m already trying to decide which book to buy with my gift card.

  6. Does the wordpress hosting not allow you to fully change the style sheet? I don’t blame you for not liking the pink, its not really my color choice either. Well, at least the large comment boxes make it easier to see the different replies

    1. Normally it does allow the color changes and I messed with it for hours on Sunday trying to figure out how before I realized this particular layout only allows this color or a powder blue change. I dont know why they did that.

      I am glad to hear your thought on the comment box. I thought it was harder to follow the discussion but maybe I am just not used to it.

  7. Thank you so much Sheila! Was very excited when I got the gift card email, and even did a little happy dance! 🙂

    Looking forward to meeting the “read” coffee cup and hearing his story. I know it will be a good one, because you have the BEST stories!

  8. Blog redesign is a tricky business. I’m always messing around. The good news is that you learn a lot while doing it. The bad news is that you do it in public!

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