It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello and welcome to another fun addition of It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading?

This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  **You do not have to have a blog to participate! You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Two weeks ago winner:

Martha E from Martha’s Bookshelf!

and the previous weeks winner while I was in Honduras:


WOO HOO!!!!  Please choose an item out of the Reading Cafe Grab Shelves  and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

I just returned from Honduras after 7 days in the wee hours of Saturday morning.  It was a good trip but a full one and most of my reading happened on the plane.  That said, I did finish two books and an audio and felt accomplished with that.  While I was away a group of fabulous book bloggy friends covered the blog here keeping my virtual plants watered and greeting visitors with fun posts.  Here is what did get posted since last Monday:

Danielle from There’s A Book gives us some of the best Children and Middle Grade books she has experienced this year

Here you can catch some pics of me eating and drinking some authentic Honduran food (the pics are fun because the food didn’t go down so well 😉  )

Sharon from Sharon’s Garden Of Books gives her thoughts on the book Mrs. Tom Thumb (I must read this one!)

My good buddy Alison from Alison’s Book Marks shares my thoughts exactly when she says “Don’t Miss This Book!”

Vicki From I’d Rather Be at The Beach shares her thoughts on The Help Movie

The Sinking of The Eastland by Jay Bonansinga (Incredible true story of the sinking of a great ship in Chicago in 1915)


The Team that I went to Honduras with: Back Left: Boris, Jay Haugh, Dima, Eric Crabtree, (Front: Left) Mark Bjorlo, Me, Al Steiff, and Julie Steiff

Thank you to everyone who shared a post here while I was away and thank you to those who visited and gave them some comment love… 😀  I still have reviews to write for books I finished in Honduras.

Now for this week…

At twenty-two, just out of college, Molly Birnbaum spent her nights reading cookbooks and her days working at a Boston bistro, preparing to start training at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America. She knew exactly where she wanted the life ahead to lead: She wanted to be a chef. But shortly before she was due to matriculate, she was hit by a car while out for a run in Boston. The accident fractured her skull, broke her pelvis, tore her knee to shreds—and destroyed her sense of smell. The flesh and bones would heal…but her sense of smell?And not being able to smell meant not being able to cook. She dropped her cooking school plans, quit her restaurant job, and sank into a depression.

Season to Taste is the story of what came next: how she picked herself up and set off on a grand, entertaining quest in the hopes of learning to smell again.

This one has been on the dock before but was set aside for life stuff…. and now is back again.  I started it yesterday.

At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible nostalgia, READY PLAYER ONE is a spectacularly genre-busting, ambitious, and charming debut—part quest novel, part love story, and part virtual space opera set in a universe where spell-slinging mages battle giant Japanese robots, entire planets are inspired by Blade Runner, and flying DeLoreans achieve light speed.

It’s the year 2044, and the real world is an ugly place.

Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes his grim surroundings by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia that lets you be anything you want to be, a place where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets

First of all… SSSQQUUUEEEEE to the 80’s flashbacks!!!!  SO AWESOME!  I can not wait to start this!

Sam Travers is an ordinary guy desperately trying to preserve his sense of purpose in the months following an accident at work that has left him disabled. Still his life is good with a loving wife and young daughter who adores him like only a little girl can. But one morning, an unexplained gun shot that leaves no physical evidence sets into motion a series of events that puts Sam on a collision course with a darkness that has been brooding in the quiet rural hills for at least 150 years.

This one I am reading as an INSPY Award judge. 

A Captain’s Journal is a personal account of events from Balad Air Force Base Hospital in Iraq during a six month period from 2006 – 2007. The stories are told from the personal perspective of Eric Charles, an Anesthesiologist. Eric recounts his patient encounters that range from pleasant to gut-wrenching and from laughable to tear-jerking. The descriptions of the events are occasionally graphic, but strike a realistic chord. Eric also weaves into the narrative many personal and philospohical interactions from the every day events of living in the midst of the Iraq War.

The cool thing about this one is Eric “Charles” is Eric Crabtree, who is pictured above and was on the Honduras Mission Trip I just returned from.  He gave me this copy of his book this morning.  😀

So that is what is on the plate 😉  It feels like it has been forever since I have been able to get around and chat with all of you and see what you are reading.  Please add your What Are You Reading link below where it says “click here” and I am planning to get around to all of you and I am excited to do so!  😀

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88 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. All of the books you plan to read sound really good to me. I’d heard of Season to Taste before and Ready Player One. I hope you enjoy them and I can’t wait to read your thoughts. Glad you had a good trip to Honduras!

  2. Ready Player One has been getting a lot of press but it just seems…weird! Can’t wait to see what you think of it. The other two look more like my kind of books 🙂

  3. So glad you made it home safe. I am new to blogging and am just learning the ropes. I really enjoy all of your posts. Have you read any Christopher paolini? I went to his book sighing last week, and he was so fun. Needless to say I am working one book four inheritance this week!

  4. Welcome home Sheila, I’m really looking forward to your thoughts on Season To Taste and A Captain’s Journal sounds like one I’d enjoy.
    Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

  5. Yay! You’re back safe and sound! I’m so happy I could help out last week. I had a blast with the post and I’m thrilled you had a great time last week. 🙂

    Can’t wait to hear what you think of Ready Player One! My hubby just finished my review copy and he loved it.

    Have a fabulous reading week! 🙂

  6. Oh – Thanks for the win! I’ll take a look and email you. Glad you had a good trip. I have to check your review for The Sinking of The Eastland.
    This week’s books look really interesting in different genres.
    Have a great week.

  7. Glad you had a wonderful time away! Ready Player One is on my list of TBR because I am a complete 80’s tragic 🙂

    Visited 30+ blogs this afternoon

    Shelleyrae @ book’d Out

  8. It seems that everyone is interested in Season to Taste – I’ve never heard of it before, but it sounds like a very intriguing read.

    Glad you had a good time in Honduras…loved reading your updates.

    BTW – did you get my email with my book choice from being the Monday contest winner? I send it about 3 weeks ago but never heard back from you.

    1. Hi Kristin, I did, I just have not had time to send out the books and am doing so this week. The last few weeks had been pretty tragic around here prior to the Honduras trip. Putting our dog down the end of October broke my heart and things came to a stop around here for a bit. I will double check for your email but I am sure I have it. 🙂

      Thanks Kristin.

  9. What a way to start my first week ! I am happy to have won the contest as a first time participant so thank you ! I love visiting everyone’s blog posts. I still haven’t figured it all out yet but I am confident that by reading how everyone else does it, I will learn .

    I hope you got my email . I chose The Miracles of Santo Fico: A Novel by D.L. Smith

  10. Thanks for a great feature Sheila, I have taken part a few times now, it’s nice to look back and look forward at the books I’ve read and to think about what I hope to read next. I’ve visted about 15 blogs so far from the linky list. Lindsay

  11. Welcome back, Sheila! Season to Taste does sound intriguing. I haven’t heard of the others you listed here, so I look forward to your reviews.

    Enjoy your books this week!


  12. I am so glad you are back and enjoyed your posts as well as your guests posts!!!!

    Today has been crazy for me. Visiting here, 20 so far, 20 at my other Monday meme, but the most exciting thing is that the recall of our Wisconsin Governor starts at midnight tonight and the local group here has asked me to get their Facebook and Twitter pages/account up and running. I want to contribute but can’t go door to door so I was thrilled when they asked me to do this but coordinating with several people on each aspect makes it much tougher than the page I did for my blog and darn if most of them don’t have full time day jobs so I am learning to be patient in getting my replies. All eyes are going to be on Wisconsin, should be an interesting few months.!!

    Have a great week!!

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