Touring Greenwich Village and lunch with Adriana Trigiani

Me and Adriana
Me and Adriana

Throughout the week I have been sharing with you moments of last weeks BEA.  I probably could have bunched them up into fewer posts, but each topic I have posted on has required more of me than a few descriptive words.  I think even with this being my second year attending BEA, I have trouble believing such an event exists, as this is truly what I would have envisioned Heaven to be like….. books, books everywhere :D…

That said – forgive me as I gush out even more BEA posts….

On Thursday May 26, I had a wonderful opportunity to go on the tour of Greenwich Village as invited by one of my favorite authors, Adriana Trigiani.  Our event started with a taxi ride to Greenich Village (apparently called “The Village” by New Yorkers) where we met Nikki, who was our tour guide.  What was super cool is this is Adrianna’s own tour – Called Adriana Trigiani Tours.  The tour(s) is centered around places she mentions in her books and for a book lover and a big fan of Adriana Trigiani it is beyond AWESOME! 

There were 10 of us on the tour and it was so much fun.  Nikki was amazing and I soon learned she knew her stuff.  As we walked we learned not only the connections of the places to the books, but also the history they held in New York, as well as the history of Greenwich Village.  Our tour took us to the Church that is mentioned as a place you may have found two of Adriana’s favorite characters, Lucia Sartori and Valentine Roncalli (Lucia Lucia).

Gorgeous isn't it?
Gorgeous isn't it?

The oldest house in the village built in 1799, updated and expanded in 1836, and a third floor added in 1928 still remains at 77  Bedford Street.  The skinniest home in New York (I believe it was all of New York) is also in the Village, notably 9 1/2 feet on the outside, 8 1/2 feet wide on the inside and 32 feet deep. 

*groan* Where would I put my books?

We walked on and seen gorgeous homes and gardens, at one point our guide pointed out an apartment and said that we may recognize this as the outside of Monica’s apartment from the show Friends.  (I LOVED Friends!!!)

Monica's Apartment from the sitcom Friends

As we walked and took in the sights and learned the facts, we stopped at McNulty’s Rare Teas which was a delight for the senses!  Walking inside there were rows and rows on assorted teas with incredible names like Apple Pie, Cinnamon Stick, etc… I just INHALED. 

MMMM..... smelled delicious inside and out!

Of course there is so much more to this walking tour and I know I am not doing it justice but trust me – this is an experience you will not want to miss.  Check out Adriana’s Tour site and learn more AND for those of you going to Italy (I am jealous…. but that’s beside the point :D) be sure to see Adriana’s Italy tour as well which I here is just as divine!

As if that was not enough of a treat, we were then escorted into the Standard Grill which has a gorgeous floor tiled in pennies…. I kid you not.  PENNIES.  Check it out here.  We all sat at a long table in a room all set up for us and while we chatted with our group… in walked the lady we had all come to see…. Adriana Trigiani. 

“Hello Ladies!” she exclaimed and we instantly greeted her.

Adriana is always so down to earth and real.  She treats us like old friends, and once I stop pinching myself, I believe I am.  As the bread is passed around the table and the water glasses filled, Adriana starts sharing stories – which I LOVE to hear, from her early writing days, to how she came to live in the Village…  I could listen to her for days….

When it came time to order, we had little menus placed in front of us as and we chose a soup or salad starter, a main dish, and dessert.  I went with the orange squash soup, as I was intrigued that it said it had Yogurt in it.  It came served chilled and it was delicious!

Then came my main dish – I chose the grilled egg plant and I was so pleased I forgot to take a picture of it.  It was fantastic and I would definitely have that again and highly recommend it.

In the end came a lovely dessert, I went with the raspberry topped cheese cake that was… oh my gosh…. words can not describe but I can tell you my mouth is watering right now as I think about it….

The food and the company – SUPERB!  We talked and laughed and had pictures taken.  I adore my time with Adriana and this group of fantastic bloggers.  I can not wait for her next book to come out!!!

Left back: Julie (Booking Mama), Candace (Beth Fish Reads),Dawn (She's Too Fond Of Books), Reagan (Miss Remmers Reviews), Me, Adrianna Trigiani, Alison (Alison's Book Marks), Nikki our wonderful tour guide, Front left: Diane (BookChickDi), Lenore (Presenting Lenore), Kathy (Bermuda Onion), and Tanya (Dog Eared Copy).

As we gathered to leave, Adriana handed each of us two of her books, signed to each one of us. 

Hopefully I did not overdose on the pictures here but this was such a visual experience I had to share it.  😀

30 thoughts on “Touring Greenwich Village and lunch with Adriana Trigiani

  1. This is so great! Thanks for sharing such a terrific experience with us. Happy weekend, Sheila!

  2. This sounds like it was a fantastic experience! Funny, I never thought of the outside of Monica’s apartment shot on Friends as actually existing, but when I saw your picture I recognized it right away. LOL! Just the picture of that raspberry cheesecake gets my mouth watering….mmmm…wish I had a piece.

  3. Wow what a cool experience! I just finished Adriana’s book Lucia Lucia last week on a beach vacay. Loved it! How exciting getting to see places she mentions in her writing 🙂

  4. Oh, what a wonderful experience! I would absolutely love to go to The Village, and to see exteriors of buildings that often show up in movies and on TV shows. Not to mention books, like Trigiani’s.

    Thanks for sharing…and for now making me drool over that cheesecake!

  5. I’ve just had lunch but the picture of the cheesecake has my stomach growling. Yummm! I’m so glad you had such a good time in NYC. Next time if you can stay over another day, take in the boat tour around Manhattan. They show many interesting sites; it leaves from Battery Park I believe.

  6. Thoroughly enjoyed reading and seeing all about your tour. I had the opportunity to meet Adriana a few years ago and she is an amazing person – I know you all had a blast sharing time with her. Thanks for the post!

  7. This tour looks like it was wonderful. I definitely want to go on it next time I’m in New York!

    Also, I wish other authors would follow Adriana Trigiani’s lead and give book related tours. Such a great idea!

          1. Yes, really! Our couch wouldn’t fit cross-ways in the place, and our bed would have taken up the full width. We would have needed a bunch of custom furniture. But oh, so fun to dream about! 😀

  8. Sheila! (first of all, I love all the pics) Second…. I was having dinner with friend here in Winnemucca, NEVADA on Friday night…. I started to tell her daughter (who is 17 and just broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years—I was trying to distract her) about BEA and how we should all go sometime. We are all book lovers. ANYWAY, my friend Theresa say, ‘oh BEA, guess what? my friend Alison had dinner with Adriana Trigiani. And I said HOLY MOLY… are you kidding me? Then I said my friends did too!! (Even tho we’ve never met…) But she has….her friend Alison was there. PROOF..she’s in your picture.
    This just strikes me as the funniest thing because it really is a small world. Winnemucca, Nevada… ha haha…. (I know somebody, who knows somebody…… lol lol )
    Lucia Lucia is on my wishlist.

    1. Debbie, what a small world! I had such an amazing time with Adriana Trigiani, but I am truly jealous that you had dinner with Theresa and Macie! (I hope you gave M. a big hug, I’m sure you helped take her mind off G.)

      Ah, the book lovers’ community is small and friendly!!

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